Defending a Belief

Sooner or later this pops up

Not knowing what MIGHT have been had he not come to power how can you guage?

Things just ARE


what a strange response. on topics of antisemitism, would you make the same reply? hmm..i don't think you would.
I thought I had outlined why I liked not qualify things good or bad but you take it to a level I dont understand.

Do you think I cant make something good out of ww2?

Well I could but I doubt if you would enjoy my game.

My idea using the "things just are" is a mechanism not to be judging this and that as it passes by each deals with trivia.

I thought that would be obvious but as you miss that let me point out...I like to treat things as "just are" because it allows me to avoid commenting on film stars, foot ball or the trending tweets...I see no need to waste time on forming an opinion on so much stuff...and I see others who get worked up over nonsemse wear their pants wrong...just is...I dont need to judge...its no big deal.
it's a mechanism for avoiding judgement on mostly trivial mattets.

Everyone must have an opinion ..why...I dont have opinions on many things and I feel better for not wasting my time.

Why you have to bring up nazi stuff I really dont know I think it was highly inappropriate but I will treat your action as "just is" and not think anymore about it.

This thread is about defending belief well I have no intention to defend my belief that most people judge situations when there is no need...I dont need to judge movie stars or football etc...just are...I really dont see a problem.. .


that is a bizarre response to a swastika symbol. yes, he was testing you. you failed too. that particular swastika symbol today is mostly representative of the holocaust because it was so horrendous. yet, you strangely go on about trivializing it likening judging movie or football stars or kids who wear pants low. there is a difference in wasting energy or time on judging the trivial, inconsequential or preferential which have no serious impact on others and what the nazis did.

you even made a statement that implied you are avoiding judgement of trivial matters. what?? if you had posted this response on an actual topic of the nazis or the holocaust, it would be considered anti-semitic, rude or inhumane.
Losing your arm in a terrible accident would be a "neutral" experience for you?
Science does not result in losing your arm.
Poorly-implemented applications of science result in you losing your arm.

(Oops. Didn't see how late I am to the party)
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Science does not result in losing your arm.
Poorly-implemented applications of science result in you losing your arm.

(Oops. Didn't see how late I am to the party)
Hello Dave,

Well, maybe placing the power of science in the hands of men is the problem. Sort of like giving a semi-automatic weapon to a psychotic. It is within our power to do good or bad.
It brought Science

Good / bad are human constructs

Science is totally neutral and brings nothing to the table except knowledge

Not true. The field of science is concerned with ethics. Some experiments are unethical, some technology is forbidden.
Hello Dave,

Well, maybe placing the power of science in the hands of men is the problem. Sort of like giving a semi-automatic weapon to a psychotic. It is within our power to do good or bad.
Placing science in the hands of people who want to kill other people (or don't care if other people are killed) is the problem.

If we didn't place science in the hands of people, we'd still be running from smilodons and dying in childbirth.
Placing science in the hands of people who want to kill other people (or don't care if other people are killed) is the problem.
Which leads us to the task of gauging the "morality" of others. Not an easy task since most are not so obvious.

If we didn't place science in the hands of people, we'd still be running from smilodons and dying in childbirth.
Agreed. We have been very fortunate thus far.
Why you have to bring up nazi stuff I really dont know I think it was highly inappropriate but I will treat your action as "just is" and not think anymore about it.
I apologize. Perhaps something more relevant to our time in history. You tell me: good or bad?

if you didn't exercise judgement of good versus bad, right or wrong then you could not survive or take actions to benefit yourself or others. or especially, stop yourself from actions that would harm versus benign or beneficial. you have to discern and discriminate.
Yes I agree.
You make a reasonable point.
i am pointing out yet you pretend that you have no opinions on right or wrong.
Yes I get that...but as I said the mechanism is to deal with trivial matters I am surprised you see it as anything more.
your poor analogy of equating the rightness/wrongness of random killing versus people wearing their pants low is a purposeful false one. this is to ignore the issue and your claim.
Well if you thought that your responce is understandable but I did not think that I did that at all.
In fact I know I did not do that but to make it clear.
An example of using just is would be the kids wearing their pants low...many folk get upset about this but I simply say it just is and avoid judgement.
I dont not apply the statagy to all things and you have observed said so yourself and that you had made such an it seems you are aware of the approximate limits of my use of that mechanism.
it's very clear that you are upset by my disagreement.
Birch what upset me, and you did upset me, was that you said I had zero ethics which I regard as a lie and also that you said I was happy killing people...both lies...and irritating.
My excuse for getting upset was that I was very tired and having rested all I now say is " just is"..trivial and I should not have taken the bait.
why are you so 'judgemental' about my opinion?
I was wrong to judge you and wrong to say so.
you would like to pretend you don't make judgements but you do because you have feelings, opinions, values and senses just like anyone
I see where you are coming from.
Still I like using just is for trivial the things I offerred as stars, football trending tweets and of course kids wearing their pants low...if you remember that I cant see how it could be a problem...and although you already know I have strong opinions on a variety of matters where I make judgements that are somewhat of greater significance...still thank you for taking the time to explain why you responded the way you was nothing I said in this thread but that you percieved I say one thing here yet do another in other threads...I now see where you are coming from.
you don't need to be upset at a truth that is not actually personal about you.
Well you did say I had zero ethics and coming from you that upset me because I thought by that one statement you linked me with all the people in your life who were bad ... I hope you can understand how upsetting that was for me.
I believe I am a good person and I really try to be good, I understand how it is for women and take their side usually as a minority of onow how it is in the real world...I am kind, I respect all creatures. you upset me...and I wrongly fired up for which I appologise and believe me I am very sorry that I did...its not like me and I regret saying you are judgemental. Please forgive me.
it's just a general truth which you are refusing to recognize.
Thank you for taking the time to explain things, I understand why you took your position.
However I still like my approach of not wasting mind space on trivial things ...for me I need a mechanism right or wrong to deal with so much crap one gets each day...the low pants some film star is changing hair colour, and football, I like football but you get folk who cant talk about anything else...I use the "things just are" to get past contantly stopping to say " are you kidding get a life" ... I hope you can see the inoccence of such an approach....its simply a way of not letting trivial stuff upset me.
Thanks again.
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Honestly, I'm not picking on you, but I just find it hard to believe you haven't opinions.
I was confused by the responces what was for me last night...I was talking about how I save mind space dealing with low pants and movie star trivia and was met with all sorts of heavy stuff.

Birch was pointing out where she saw hypocracy and I guess you were also.

Thats reasonable.

Maybe I should change my "it just is" to "peace man".

Well I do have opinions that is clear and I make judgements that is clear.

And you really confused me with the nazi thing...I was thinking...what have I said to bring this on...I could not make sense of it at all...I was in a head space of how to deal with low pants etc and then nazi stuff...all I could think was "things just are" was some nazi idea or somehow really confused me.

yet, you strangely go on about trivializing it
I dont know how I gave that impression because its is the opposite of my view.

When Dave posted the nazi thing I was confused because as I told him above...I am chatting as to how I deal with low pants stuff then wammo nazi crap...what the???

But I see where you both were coming from...

I'm sorry. Perhaps my desire to illustrate my thoughts are a bit overboard. I like to think we are on a journey together, thanks for sharing the ride.
Seeing the nazi thing was like waving a red flag at a bull for me.

Its something you want to forget but you have to stay reminded.

But now all is good.

I think we are all of very similar views...even though an athiest I think I follow most of the biblical approach to trying to being good.
what a strange response. on topics of antisemitism, would you make the same reply? hmm..i don't think you would.

I would make the same response to anything if things are just what they are
