Defend your religion thread.

My spiritual practice is $hit.
If you let $hit age properly, it becomes great fertilizer.
My $hit will allow me to blossom.

Thus it serves it's purpose.

Yes, and it tells you if you are sick or well.
It encourages meditation, because you are already sitting there.
It reminds us of the cycle of life, and that we aren't separate from nature.
This is my religion too!
Why is your religion not complete crap? There is absolutley nothing to prove God except the human spirit, and the idea of God transending all civilizaition. God does not equal religion, in fact it is quite the opposite. God would preach equality down to the point of getting rid of man made label. God despises violence, even violence in retaliation to violence is violence. Muslims support suicide bombings, Catholics molest little boys, and think the crusades where what God wants, and Judens DO NOT protect themselves they expect God to do everything. The most pure religion ever was the Egyptia deity system, period.

Is there a need to defend or promote any of the above? All religions are articles of faith, or spiritual perspective. Accept their limitations, or the limitations of whatever faith you have (and why? because the idea of gods make sense in the first place?) or their practice (more relevant, surely) and move on. What's to defend or not defend?
Religion is not a dealing of faith, that blonde in the movie Elf singing in front of the New York crowd on Christmas Eve in hopes they would join in was a dealing of faith. Religion is fanaticisim biggotry, that is all it is.
Not in all cases, or individuals. Not even in a majority or plurality, I think. What about charity and the fellow-feeling of festival?
It is all about the inidividual. Christianity will not be allowed in Heaven, period. No temple will be found in the New City.
Religion is not a dealing of faith, that blonde in the movie Elf singing in front of the New York crowd on Christmas Eve in hopes they would join in was a dealing of faith. Religion is fanaticisim biggotry, that is all it is.

If you believe this, why are you posting the name Yashua (Yeshua) and making references to names in the New Testament story?
It is all about the inidividual. Christianity will not be allowed in Heaven, period. No temple will be found in the New City.

According to them (Revelations) heaven is exclusively the reward for the followers and martyrs of Christ, who is manifest as a lamb.

What is your point anyway?