Defeating Varieties of Atheistic Arguments

Sarku said it and Enterprise-D said it but why let them have all the I’ll say it again, just in case our resident religious mind can’t comprehend some basic principles.
A wasted effort but fun and funny if one doesn’t take these people seriously.

BTW - I am not a christian but I will argue from the point of general religious principles
The mind-set is the same, the motives the same, the strategies the same.
Only slight differences between Christian minds and Muslim minds and Hindu minds and whatever minds.

I encounter the same plurality in discussions against atheists "Prove there is no god" draws the same response
And this is where we witness the true quality of your mind.

Excuse me for starting out like this but this is a forum where we should speak honestly and clearly. Succumbing to the need for civility is the beginning of hypocrisy.

I find you, and those like you, borderline retarded or, at least psychologically stunted.

We see here the full affect of what I was talking about in my ‘Christian Debate Tactics’ (Replace 'Christian' with Hindu if you want) when I mentioned the ‘turning the tables’ strategy.

The religious mind mistakenly believes - or desperately want to - that the burden of proof rests with the one not-believing and that if he, the non-beleiver, cannot prove that something does not exist then it therefore must exist.
This is called ‘proving a negative’.

Let us examine its effects.

If I say there is a green monster living in my basement or that I can fly, if the unbeliever cannot prove that there is no green monster or that I cannot fly, then both statements must be true or at least possible.

Our resident religious specimen uses words like “plurality” or “ontology” or “epistemology” in an attempt to appear thinking or intelligent when it is incapable of simple logic.
He wants to sit in the grownup section, even while still remaining as child, just by using adult words.

He supposes that the Atheist must disprove his God in order for his God to not be. If a negative cannot be proven then its opposite must be true....right? :rolleyes:

This is called reverse reasoning, a strategy religious minds often use as a way around their inability to provide any evidence besides Scripture.
Scripture being a man’s work describing a man’s opinion about something he has no direct knowledge of.
Well lets examine where the burden of evidence lies - if countless billions of people attest to the existence of something and you turn around with nothing more to say than "Its all in your imagination", I think you have to come up with something better
Here we see the quantity over quality argument.
If an idea is popular it is automatically possible or more possible.
Popularity dictates 'truth'.

People have believed in stupidities since the beginning of time.
The earth was flat for the majority of Europeans once upon a time.

But majorities are also regional. One majority will believe one thing, in this region, and a completely different thing, in another, making absolutes regionally relevant.
Funny how "universal truths" are so geographically cotained.

We also witness here a simplification of the opposition in the “It’s all in your imagination” hypothetical argument.
If you cannot prove god doesn't exist (using the same empirical methods that you insist that god be proven) doesn't it indicate a dynamic that functions on the same general principle?
Given the logic our specimen is exhibiting here everything does exist if it cannot be shown to not exist.
I cannot prove that Santa Claus does not exist, therefore he does.
I cannot prove that Olympus is not populated by gods so therefore it must be.

If we established this form of reasoning in everyday life we would not need to have money only ask that the other prove that we do not. If he is unable to then we can both assume that I do have money.
Then we could all purchase anything on hypothesis.
We can call it ‘Reverse Reasoning Credit’.

Here reality isn’t constructed based on ongoing investigation but it pre-exists completed and indisputable and all that remains is for it to be proven or disproven.
It IS until someone shows that it IS or IS not.

If it cannot be proven then the burden is diverted upon the opposition who must disprove it or else risk constituting it as real if they cannot.

Do we see now why such minds cannot be rehabilitated or reasoned with and why, in numbers and given enough political clout, they become dangerous?
Who can reason with a Muslim fanatic who is willing to die and kill for a belief he cannot prove but believes because he was taught to and which he reasons is true because it cannot be disproved?

Can I disprove Leprechauns?
No. I can reason them away as implausible but I cannot completely exclude them as possible, if I am truly open-minded.
Therefore Leprechauns, according to this bright beacon of thought, are fact.

Watch him use the very strategies I described:
quit dancing and just prove that there is no god will ya!!
The ‘reversing the tables’ strategy comes complete with accusations he himself is guilty of.
I ask: who’s dancing here?

The only type of mind that would be swayed by his tactics is the desperate soul seeking a way out of his suffering and wanting to feel special in a universe that could care less.

Should such souls be nurtured and protected?
And before we answer, guided by our compassions, let us consider the consequences of allowing such minds to believe they are on the right track or making a good point or that they are the equals of more rational minds.

Sheep to the slaughter.
And now you have somehow proven that there are no absolutes? In other words the only absolute is that there is no absolute
One of the difficulties with absolute negatives is that they tend to eliminate all possibilities while at the same time making it very difficult to dtermine what processes were applied to give the said statement its privledged status
Watch the reversal tactic continuing.

He entered the fray with a preemptive strike across atheism’s bow and now he uses the very strategies I’ve described, even after he read them.
He has no other arsenal. His worldview, his very peace of mind is built upon this shaky edifice.

Where have I excluded absolutes as being possible?
I’ve only described them as improbable, especially for the human mind to fathom, and improbable since an absolute would be inert by definition.
A universe containing an absolute would cease having dimensions.
A singularity.

Why would an absolute move or create?
Movement and creation and action is a sign of lack or imperfection.

The perfect would need nothing and would have no reason to do anything.

I deem absolutes improbable.

But our specimen attempts to divert the burden and the conversation away from him self and his absolutist hypothesis.

I say: if there is an absolute then prove it.
I say: I’m open to arguments, describe this absolute and then describe how you came to this conclusion or this knowledge or this certainty.

If I say I found the fountain of youth, the other, even if he may find the idea improbable, illogical and absurd, will nevertheless ask to be taken there.
If I answer back:
“Disprove that I’ve found the fountain of youth.” Because I cannot take him there then who is the hypocrite?

I’m open.
Lead me to your absolute.
Show me.
Don’t show me a map that supposedly was written by someone who had seen it.
Don’t tell me the villagers all believe in it and therefore it must be there.
Don’t use the word ‘epistemology’ to hide your ignorance and dullness of mind.
Don’t talk to me about hearsay, SHOW ME!!!!!
Reason yourself to it.
Show me the train of thought which lead you to this ultimate, absolute conclusion.

If you cannot.
Go off and play with the villagers and talk and laugh about how you will all remain young, when you drink from the fountain, whereas I, the unbeliever, will die an old man.

Thinking is food for adults.
Children should eat on their own little tables.

Actually theologists often discuss the nature of variety in god - in other words there can be variety within the absolute - try researching the word "godhead" - that said I am sure you can even find atheists that advocate an absolute cause to existence - they argue however that it i snot god
It all depends on how you define the word ‘God’.

You are using a religious definition.
God is ‘good’, he is conscious (although why something perfect would require consciousness is unknown), he cares for you and your little family and friends, he has created a special place for you, he is human-like in both form and temperament.
You certainly know a lot about a theoretical something - and all this from a Book, no less.
A Book mommy and daddy introduced you to from an early age or was it a friend?
If its so obvious to prove that god doesn't exist - just do it - instead you can only come up with phenomena that owes the cause of its existence to something mysterious you can not determine
Exactly, my infantile friend.
I cannot definitely determine it that is why I refuse to project my insecurities, fears and hopes upon it and paint it with the most positive, for me, colors and call this miasma a ‘truth’.

You have yet to even define the term ‘God’.
Surprising given that it is you claiming to know what it is.

I say openly, like Socrates did:
I do not know.
But from what I do know and see and think, my opinion of what existence is, is more reliable and well-thought out than yours.
I am still willing to abandon it all if new evidence changes my mind.
I recognize the inherit conflict of interest in any thinking, which makes me skeptical even of my own thoughts.
This is why I come here to compare them with those of others.
I seek out rivals to test my thoughts.
You are not even worth being considered a rival.

An entertaining distraction, you are, bringing me back to my early adolescence when such matters were still unclear to me.
I'm a cat palying with a tiny mouse. Even such play becomes boring in time.

You are still stuck in adolescence. It is a product of this ‘Dumbing-Down’ or what I’ve referred to in other threads as ‘Domestication, Institutionalization and Feminization’ of man.

You are the perfect specimen for studying the degradation of mankind.
So if I say china exists and you have never been to china and reject the existence of china on that basis, what is your position?
My belief rises or wanes in accordance to the logic and the evidence provided.

I have met Chinese, I have seen pictures of China, I find the idea of China entirely plausible, I witness Chinese effects on the world and so I consider China to be highly probable.

I’ve never seen gravity, but I see its effects and then I read books that give plausible explanations for it. Not absolute explanations, PLAUSIBLE ones.

But you require concreteness and certainty, don’t you little brain?
Like a little child you feel anxiety and fear at the thought that your existence is tenuous and uncertain.
You need something, someone to be there to catch you, to make you definite, to offer you hope.
You want a way out of being self-reliant and self-responsible.
You want a great big old daddy…..
You are now performing the dancing technique that you abhor in theists
Here, again, our specimen is trying to equate the two lines of reasoning by completely ignoring the arguments.
Then there are also the other three catergories, namely the seeker of wealth, the inquisitive and the seeker of the absolute truth
Yes, tiny mind, all human actions are motivated by fear and insecurity.

Some, like you, give into it and create clever little fantasy worlds to escape reality through them.
Others face it, no matter what.
Some, like you, attempt to gain power through belonging within something bigger and stronger than them, because they feel so small and weak on their own.
Others attempt to empower self.
Some, like you, succumb and surrender to the dark and unknown, choosing to cast there benevolent, kind, loving entities, to pacify their many fears.
Others try to cast light in the darkness and conquer the unknown.

Both are guided by the Will to Power but each uses different methods.

Do americans feel offended when their views are described as eurocentric?
Been to an islamic country have you? Or does time magazine establish your limits of international perception?
Yes, my dim-witted believer in fairy-tales, haven’t you heard?
I have a tiny penis, nobody loves me and I’ve never left my mommy’s basement.

Now show us what you’ve learned in your many travels, sage.

Show us the absolute.
I guess its times like that when people realise the futility of materialistic solutions
And they grab onto anything, ANYTHING, to save themselves.

But your worldview is so Black & White.

Who said I’m a materialist, little brain?
You’ve created this caricature in your mind.

The opposite of religion isn’t anarchy, materialism, violence and amorality.
Is that what has frightened you into your little brain’s corner?

Spirituality need not define an anthropomorphic God, little brain, nor is man devoid of morality and compassion if he does not believe in your absolute.
Morality and compassion are ingrained into our DNA, as part of our social behavior.
They are both survival mechanisms, just like your belief in the absurd, and we cannot help but be as we are.
well why is their strife? Isn't that an important question in life? I don't want suffering but why does suffering enter my life? I don't want death - Why does desth enter my life?
Yes, you want to give meaning and purpose to your suffering, I see it.
You do not want to suffer in vain, do you little mind?

Life and Suffering are tautologies, little one.
I’ve described my reasoning on this subject elsewhere.

Here’s a brief synopsis of what I believe but still remain skeptical about even if my 'style' does not reveal it:

The universe is characterized by increasing entropy creating time/space which we can call change or possibility.
The universe is in Flux, to put it briefly.

Matter is a manifestation of an attempt to stabilize and end this flux; find that absolute you already think exists, the singularity, the can use either word even the word God.
The more stable the union the more hard the matter, the more long-lived.

Life is matter animated.
Life is a self-limiting, self-ordering unity, attempting to separate itself from the universal flux and create a pocket of order and control and stability and power within the chaotic, for it, flux.
As matter is an instance of ephemeral ordering, life is a more efficient attempt at it.
Where inanimate matter is this stabilizing attempt blind and guided by nothing but chance, life is animated matter - a sophistication of this same process.
It becomes more efficient in the attempt to find perfection.
As the universe is constantly rearranging itself it creates pushes and pulls and strains and forces on matter and life as each unity tries to appropriate the necessary energies and achieve stability. Life, then, needs to constantly upkeep itself, heal itself, grow and repair itself.
This produced NEED.
Life experiences universal flux as NEED.
Life is in constant NEED.

Consciousness is a further sophistication of this same phenomenon.
The conscious mind becomes self-aware, in time through evolution, and guides its efforts towards self-fulfillment.
God is a manifestation, a projection of this Need to find an end, a stable, perfect, singular fulfillment.
Consciousness interprets this ceaseless NEED as suffering.

When a need is temporarily assuaged suffering decreases and is experienced as pleasure.
When it is not, it grows in intensity and is experiences as pain or despair.

Suffering being the universal flux interpreted by a conscious mind as sensation.

If you embrace life you must embrace suffering.
Sorry to break it to you in this way. But even little mind's must try to grow up sooner or later.
On the contrary one can perceive benefit even in this life
Yes, but for those incapable of finding it here how convenient to create the circumstances by which their worldly sufferings will lead to other-worldly eternal pleasures.
The revenge of the meek upon nature.
So if I posted a photo of yopu having sex with your mother on the net (assuming you performed such an act) how would you feel? Is shame, or even the hindsighted re-organisation of one's values due to error an illusory notion or a sign of intelligence?
No, shame is the mind feeling exposed to the Other(s).
It is the fear of being negatively judged by the community.
It is a form of mass control based on the establishment of moral systems.
Morality is the rule of the community over the individual. Shame is one of the punishments.

One feels ashamed of one’s self, often when he breaks a moral code he has been indoctrinated within.
I may feel ashamed of my nakedness because my community has brought me up to believe being clothed is moral or that exposing my sexual organs is dangerous or unethical.
So in other words you ar e free to have sex with your mother and even post in on the net yourself? Intriguing
I love your usage of extreme imagery to create an effect. Telling...

In nature incest is deplorable because it produces unwanted mutations.
Sex is meant to combine dissimilar traits into new unities.
We are therefore not inclined to perform such acts, unless we suffer from some mental disease.
Morality, in this instance, in in accordance to genetic law. Sometimes it is not.
Or alternatively it could be good advice that we are neglecting - its still not clear in exactly what ways we are missing out on the joyous bounds of liberation by discarding religious rules - Like suppose I take delight in smashing shop windows - I just love the tinkling sound you know - what right do you have to infringe on my freedom if I chose to explore this?
Why indeed.
This is why communal living necessitates a loss of self. It creates neurosis by establishing rules which repress and suppress natural inclinations and places limits to individual actions.
Morals are social contracts.
Still haven't established where you are residing
Oh…oh…the sarcasm is entertaining. ;)
I reside as far way from you as possible.

The hypocrisy in your selflessness and morality is intriguing but nauseating, as well.
Like maggots on a corpse.
You don't happen to be refering to the notion that bodily enjoyment is the be all and end all of life?
No, discipline is essential for control and empowerment.

I’m talking about freedom.
You forget that morality isn’t the monopoly of religion.
Religion is a product of social behavior. Morality is a projection of this.

I, as a social being, must have a moral code even when not believing in an absolute moral dogma.
I am what I strive to become.

Animals believe in no absolute god nor do they have a religion but they exhibit moral behavior, little brain.
Actually I can understand what you are saying - I understand how the institutionalisation of religion can lead to issues - but I don't think its proper to perceive the value of a subject (ie religion) by using the worst and lowest example of its existence (I can only assume you have tons of experience with nutcase xtians in the states - not to say all are like that - in fact if you examine all religions you will see that some get it right and some get it wrong - much like any other branch of knowledgable enquiry - fopr instance because some scientists were proven to be cheats and crooks does that mean we should get rid of all scientists? Or does it mean that we should endeavour to rectify science in its proper form?)
I’m talking about the hypocrisy of the religious mind who cannot even recognize the self-interested, absolutist motives behind his own unquestioning belief.

Such minds are capable of the worse atrocities, all in the name of the “better good”.
So you ar e denying that there are dogmatic atheists?
There are dogmatic everythings.
Presently we are dealing with your brand.

You cannot prove a positive by disproving a negative, little brain.
So in other words, despite earlier attesting of the evils of religion clamping down on freedom of speech or enabling converse ideas to flourish in their presence, you insist on applying similar contrivances in the name of atheism?
Name one historical instance when this was so.

Communism wasn’t about Atheism, it was about a dogmatic ideal that used atheism as a part of its meme.
Theism was its equal adversary.

In fact Communism and Christianity have much in common.
Communal interests above individual ones.
A strict moral code.
You are kind of like a mystery thriller that has the middle pages removed - you state your opinions but completely negelect the premises to establish them. Why can't god be omnipotent? Why can't god be good? Because you said so? On what strength should we accept your ideas? Your charisma? And if we accept it on that basis wouldn't we be guilty of blind belief?
See Christian Burdens in my original text.
How can free will exist without the opportunity for evil?
Another tautology under your world-view.

Man has free-will, just as long as he applies it towards God’s Will.
If man’s will is truly free then it is evil. If it is in accordance to God's, or what another human will has described God’s will as being, then it is good.
What a wonderful way to control minds, don’t you think, little mind?

This makes free-will the personification of Evil, the taint, the serpent within the goodness of God’s garden.
It’s another way of causing shame.

As is often the case Scripture speaks through metaphor. It is only imbeciles that take it literally.
Scripture alludes to the evils of doing what you will when this goes against God – here God becomes a representation of community.
Ergo morality becomes a form of mass control.
Communal Will over Individual Will.
I am not aware of instances of god being defeated by evil - maybe that is some nutso christian conclusion you've heard
As for the tolerating it, do you mean why doesn't god come and fix up our problems? Well that's the reason we are in the material world to begin with.
So, it’s all part of a game. He already knows what will happen but He’s allowing us, in his loving, compassionate way, to suffer through it anyways.
He creates and then punishes the creation for being as He created it to be.
Good is that which is conducive to knowledge of god and evil is the opposite. Although I would prefer to use the words illusion and truth.
Given your definitions then religion is evil.
It closes the mind up within a hypothetical and denies it possibility with a perchance, a threat and a possible reward.
Whats the alternative? To be forced? Do you think that the eternal realm is full of people who are miserable because they are just itching to do something they're not allowed? Surrender becomes easy when you are socialised around the activities of liberation
Use 'epistemology' or 'ontology' again, it makes you seem like you know what you are talking about.
There are many words for sin in sanskrit - one is vikarma - which translates as something which offers results seperate from notions of happiness - like it could be described as vikarmic (and also quite stupid too) to hit oneslef in the head with a hammer - but you can do it if you want
Oh, I see now which particular brand of religion you’ve bought.

Why would I “hit myself over the head with a hammer”?
Are you using an absurdity to prove an equal absurdity?
Try again.
Lol - how would you propose a choice be given to something that is not conscious?
Exactly, little brain.

Where is the free-will God gave you then?
You are free to follow Him or suffer, according to your meme, but you are not free to not follow Him or choose to not make the choice at all.
Your choice: Suffer or Surrender.
No surprise that your kind always chooses surrender, then, is it?

How benevolent He is, especially given that His “omniscience” makes Him aware of your choice even before He’s forced you to make it.

All this towards what end?
Is he amusing Himself?
If He is then He is not perfect because He lacks something which requires fulfillment.
Imperfect gods for imperfect beings.
Why is the sunshine contingent on the sun?
And if god had a cause, how could he be god? (that is totally resilient to illusion)
And if the universe had a cause how could it be the universe?

God exists because if He had a cause He would not be God? Is that what you said?
What a wonderful piece of circular reasoning.

Your kind is known for its intelligence.
There are 3 main types of knowledge
1 - direct perception - handy for crosing the road
2 empiricism - good for solving relative problems
3 - hearing from authority - required for understanding those things that are beyond our capacity of empiricism and direct perception
How does one determine the reliability of your authorities?
Second-hand knowledge is judged by the source providing it.

In science the source is judged by its success in predicting phenomena.
I can judge another by his previous conduct.

In your case the source and the writer is beyond your ability to judge and he offers no standard to judge him by, so you take him at his word.
Knowing god in full is not possible but knowing enough about him to be qualified for liberation is - in other words one can know his general desire etc
That was deep.
You know God’s “general desire”?
So, god desires?

Does not desire denote NEED?
Desire is the focusing of Need upon an object or an objective.
God is incomprehensible to a person who doesn't apply the correct epistemology to perceive him
What is this “correct epistemology” in a world full of “correct epistemologies”?
Not sure what you are getting at here - I think even christianity acknowledges two types of creations - namely the material and the spiritual universes
So, there are now 2 universes?
I see.
No human error here creating “duality”.
How pathetic.
he knows what actions gives what results - basically there are only two actions in the material world - acts in the service of god and acts in the service of illusion
You didn’t answer the question, little brain.
lol - he doesn't need to learn anything - we do
Then why us, at all?
Well your goldfish also have free will, but its unlikely that they will be able to exhibit their free will to such a degree that they could turn your house upside down and demand ransom money from your parents
Avoiding the question again.
I understand.
If you go to the artificial insemination clinic and ask the staff to make you your own father they will probably say "sorry the position has already been taken" -
Avoiding the question again.
If a human father can forgive his child for whatever misdeed and if a human father wants his child to surpass him, then why does your God display such vain vulgarity?
You hate your parents as well I take it
Avoiding the question again.

I love my parents.
The one still alive, that is.

But what does my personal life have to do with the question?
Answer it, little brain.
Evasive tactics 101.
If the parent is conquered by the child's love they may offer great liberal concessions but if the child is ungrateful - actually you have a lack of knowledge - if you conceed that we have taken birth in the medium of illusion, how is it possible for us to also be god (in other word show is it possible for god to be overcome by illusion)? Basically there is a constitutional difference between th eliving entity and god that is eternal - just like there is a constitutional difference between a drop of sea water and the ocean

Anyway I could go on but I guess you get the picture
Oh, I got the picture alright, little mind.

Again you do not answer the question but go off on a tangent which you have a ready speech for.

Please, little mind, never change.
My interests are benefited by you remaining in this state of stunted mental growth.

The only danger I perceive in you is when you acquire political force through numbers, because as individuals you lack any quality at all.
It is when imbeciles are harnessed and their delusions directed that they can become dangerous.
Cattle in groups are dangerous.

People, like this specimen, require shoddy logic, reverse reasoning and emotional motives to believe in what they so desperately want to believe.
If manipulated it can be used and it is regularly used.
Watch the news - study marketing - study politics.

Using our specimen’s reasoning I ask a final question:

If no one can prove that there is a Minotaur in my basement I can only conclude, in accordance with little mind’s reasoning, that there is one.
Someone told me and I read it in a book that such creatures are real.

Ta, ta….
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Did anyone but me think that a 1 page post was kinda long? :) jk Satyr last response to you was before this...u got a lot of rebuttals to fabricate :)
Enterprise-D said:
Did anyone but me think that a 1 page post was kinda long? :) jk Satyr last response to you was before this...u got a lot of rebuttals to fabricate :)
Don’t take my little mouse away from me, friend.
He’s fun.

A living example of institutionalization, an interactive specimen of human frailty.

But he’s also kind of lame.
I’ve known better mice….rats if you will.
Brilliant Satyr. I especially loved that you nailed him with the Quantity vs. Quality argument, while deluging him with a post so large that it can not possibly be refuted, much less read.

Excellent strategy.


lightgigantic: “As far as coming to the point of understanding God, that will never happen by logic alone – but – if logical misconceptions are cleared about God it may enable a person to hear about the subject clearly, and that can awaken curiosity, or scientific enquiry. We have no responsibility to prove something to a person who refuses to participate in scientific enquiry (although we may give them a prasadam sweet ball). Logic is useful when dealing with a person who has a scientific mind and is willing to investigate and participate. To use logic with a person who is fundamentally irrational is useless….”.

Re: Understanding will never happen by logic alone’! This is your first fallacy. What kind of understanding that can happen without the aid of logic? Understanding is a rational process; and no rational process can occur in the absence of logic. And so your argument is irrational and defective from the start. Call it ‘scientific enquiry’! Or call it whatever buzzword appealing to your fancy! But it’s irrational at heart.

lightgigantic: “…There is so much testimony from great philosophers and scientists about a category (God) that explains all other categories, and if a person is not interested it seems to indicate that a person is non-philosophical – in other words if the category gets too big that it makes me small – well- that’s enough philosophy, that’s enough science, that’s enough investigation – they lose their nerve – their philosophical enquiry gets blunted by envy…….”.

Re: This is your second fallacy. ‘So much testimony’! Do you really believe philosophical argumentation can be based upon testimonies? And what is this ‘big gun’ of psychology? ‘Blunted by envy’! That is it? Just envy! What is about this one of mine? Theists attach themselves to the false notion of God, because they are looking for a ‘FATHER’; and because they don’t want to grow up; and because they want to remain children forever. But, of course, this is a matter of psychology; and cannot be used to refute or debunk a theological or philosophical argument. The same applies to your ‘blunted by envy’. In this context, your ‘blunted by envy’ is the ad hominem fallacy and nothing more.

lightgigantic: “…It’s just like buying a car – if you refuse to go for a test drive yet insist that the salesman logically prove to you that the car runs nicely he will say “Sorry we don’t do business that way”. In other words, can a person expect to stand outside the process of knowing God and perceive God? No”.

Re: False analogy! Buying God is not like buying a car. It’s, in fact, like buying the optical mirages of the Sahara Desert. There is no test drive, no guarantee, and no proof. And that is exactly what you are trying to sell to your visitors! Good luck to you! And good luck to them!

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swivel said:
Brilliant Satyr. I especially loved that you nailed him with the Quantity vs. Quality argument, while deluging him with a post so large that it can not possibly be refuted, much less read.

Excellent strategy.
Have I offended you in some way?

I could not resist the opportunity to play with a religious mind.
They come by rarely with such tenacity and I missed their tripe.
Mocking them is fun.

Should I have not answered his every inanity, point by point?
Should I have allowed him the illusion that he’s making sense?

Maybe, but where would the fun in that be?

I promise, no more intervention.
I will allow all you more laconic, do-gooders deal with this man-child.
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Satyr said:
Have I offended you in some way?

I could not resist the opportunity to play with a religious mind.
They come by rarely with such tenacity and I missed their tripe.
Mocking them is fun.

Should I have not answered his every inanity, point by point?
Should I have allowed him the illusion that he’s making sense?

Maybe, but where would the fun in that be?

I promise, no more intervention.
I will allow all you more laconic, do-gooders deal with this man-child.

No dude, sorry. I should have added an emoticon. I was being silly and ironic, and failing at one while succeeding at the other. I thought it was a great post. My apologies. My brain is scrambled of late. Carry on.

Two fallacies:
Burden of proof fallacy: you (general) are the one making the claim of existence - so burden of proof is on you.

Appeal to Consensus: the number of people holding the same belief / understanding is irrelevant click here

actually this is the defeat of atheistic arguments - if an atheist is not saying anything about how god doesn't exist, then this thread isn't relevant - as for proving the existence of god - thats on the other thread - the correct epistemology one - so if you want to take this diatribe there, I may respond to it (but for god's sake try and keep it concise - I can not always guarentee I will have so much idle time on my hand to thrash out long posts like Satyr's

“ If you cannot prove god doesn't exist (using the same empirical methods that you insist that god be proven) doesn't it indicate a dynamic that functions on the same general principle? ”

You CANNOT prove the non-existence of ANYTHING - unless you happen to be in a position to examine ALL areas of space-time.
BURDEN OF PROOF is thus on the one making the assertion of existence.
This is simple debate logic.

Makes me more curious where you get the conviction for your arguments that god doesn't exist - assuming that you actually have such arguments

“ If its so obvious to prove that god doesn't exist - just do it - instead you can only come up with phenomena that owes the cause of its existence to something mysterious you can not determine ”

All one can do is prove that specific definitions of God can not exist - through logic. One can NOT prove the non-existence of all definitions of God.
Hence where the burden of proof lies.

Actually you cannot even do that - or at least if you can you haven't given any premises for the conclusion

“ So if I say china exists and you have never been to china and reject the existence of china on that basis, what is your position? ”
To believe that China exists on your testimony alone is irrational - otherwise you would believe anything anyone says.
To believe that China does not exist is also irrational.
The only rational course would be to have no belief with respect to China's existence until such time as there is evidence of its existance or sufficient evidence to conclude that China can not logically exist.

So sarkus Have you been to china? If not, do you believe china exists (or to a lesser extent, do you give a greater ontological status to the country you are currently residing in over china)? If you actually do believe in china, please explain the logical premises behind your conviction.

After we clear up the china thing perhaps we can work on other notions like god.

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I don't say that credibility is infallible - I say that it is usually required for a person to be convinced, on the strength of the credibility of testimony, before they perceive the value in anything - that convincing can be either true or false, which the next stage, application of epistemology, verifies - the same holds true for science - we hear the tesimonies of science as a child and become convinced to study it as a career in adulthod - doesn't mean whatever testimony we heard as a child is true or even that the training you receive under the guise of science is bonafide

You said and I quote:

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
...testimony establishes epistemology (credibility) - epistemology establishes proof

Let us reword your sentence
P1 Testimony establishes epistemology
P2 Epistemology = credibility (or somehow is linked to it, whatever you wanted to express via the brackets)
C Epistemology establishes proof.

Do you see how ridiculous it is for you to bash the transitive property via math or physics sequence of statements, then hide YOURS in a cheeky grammatical maze? By your earlier statement, you are lending way too much leverage to testimony, then you become defensive when I call you up on it.

I can see that I made a mistake by not being clear enough

testimony establishes credibility (neither of these three are infallible - the testimony, the establishment or the credibility)
credibility inspires us to apply an epistemology (neither of these three are infallible)
epistemology grants an ontological perspective - if one has applied the successful epistemology, one is granted the ontlogical perspective
Or to put it quite simply, we may hear so many things, true and false, that may inspire us to studdy some aspect of knowledge, but only a person who has actually studied it can verify the authenticity of its claims - would you lay as a condition for verifying the authenticity of archeological claims it is suficient to call on a carpenter? Or even to call on a astronomer?

Let us also address your statement that scientific training is questionable. The point that the non-theists are trying to get across to you is that scientific training never claims to be absolute. Any science you learn can be proven or disproven empirically; Even in childhood, I can recreate almost any experiment even to a smaller scale to prove many different postulations of any branch of science. The scientific process does not solely depend on testimony. Try again.

Actually my point was not this - my point was that one can receive training in any field of knowledge and still receive something false - its not as simple as putting your backside on the seat of any room that has a sign out the front "science" or "religion" or "medicine" or anything - for instance if you came out of doctor's school but couldn't measure someone's pulse it raises shadows of doubt over the epistemology you have been applying for the past 7 years - in other words ontological achievement can be qualified

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
But the point of the car salesman is that is the customer insisting that the salesman prove that the car runs perfectly well by use of logic, while refusing to go for a test drive - yes - the customer could just buy the car - in the same way a person could just simply take to the process of religion, but if they lay a condition that the absolute nature of the end result be established by logic, it will not work - in other words logic only brings you to the point of practical application, and it is practical application that grants the understanding of the object in question (ie religion) I said, this is a bad example; you insist that the test drive is the only way to logically prove that a car runs perfectly, it is not. Give up on this comparison. You also further embroil yourself in this example by contradicting your perceived power of epistemology and state that practical application grants understanding of religion. HOW is a philosophy a practical application?

and like I said, if you try this in the real world you will either get two responses - 1 - a more charismatic speech from the salesman (which won't work because you insist on being shown by logic alone)
or -2- th e reply "sorry we don't do business that way"
In otherwords if a peson is not prepared to do something as simple as take a car for a test run it indicates that the person is not at all serious about buying the car - in otherwords the refusal to apply the epistemology of religious proceses to actually understand god by atheists who insist on inundating religious threads with their perspectives of god indicates thathey are not serious about actually understanding god in the first place - if they were serious they would approach the matter in a mood of scientific inquiry - instead they choose to wallow in what is defined as unsatisfactory levels of performance for perceiving the related ontology.

As for how philosophy is practical applicaion, think of it in terms of theory and prac - if I want to talk about physics, yet have not studied it, what am I?

EXCUSE me? Any "ology" word is usually assumed by John Q. Public to be rooted in GREEK.

yes for persons who speak english

Using the word "equivalents" is the same as using the word "translations". Do not think that I'll be awed and mistakenly conclude that "equivalents" mean "origins". Are you a linguist or historian of accomplishment? i.e. can you reference your sanskrit statement? Feel free to correct me, but when I look these words up i see:

Epistemology: from the Greek episteme meaning knowledge and logos meaning explanation
Ontology: from the Greek ontoc meaning to be and logos meaning explanation. Actually I've seen a reference with Greek lettering which I've left out for simplicity of my typing.

My question/point here: please give a link that may upset the Greek origins of these words.

I am not sure what your point is - that these concepts are unique to greek civilisation and I must establish a cultural link to establish how they were formed in India? (Actually there is a consensus, or perhas the closest thing one can expect to a consensus amongst the empirical comunity, that greek language is derived from sanskrit). But even if you disagree - if the greeks had a word for water and the vedas also have a word for water, isn't it clear what we are talking about?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
So unanswered questions, ie curiousity, is not a driving force behind science? - and what are scientific theories if not answers that don't have an empirical basis?

Scientific theories don't necessarily equate "unsubstantiated guess". The word "theory" in science is used to describe an logical self-consistent observed model which can be tested empirically.

So when it is declared that there is a uniformity in time and space, and thus the field is open for contemporary astronomy, it has actually been proven that light passing through a hydrogen gas 1000 000 000 000 miles away reacts the same as light passing through a gas here? And why are they bothering to look out into space in the first place if they're not curious?

I understand your question though...any scientific postulation that is put forth is an observation that requires explanation. Further to this empirical proofs can be established or ascertained.

However, unanswered questions does not equate to curiosity. For example, I can ask you "are you high?" but I could care less.

So you are advocating that when scientists pose the questions about the universe they don't really care?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
If blind belief is one ridiculous extreme, then th eopposite, blind disbelief, also must occupy some aspect of response

Why? How does any statement have any similarities to its polar opposite? Would it not be more logical to state if blind disbelief is ridiculous then blind disbelief is rigid sanity? (Opposite extremes, opposite properties).

Fallacious P1 P2 and C again lightee-baby. I'm starting to think that this thread should have been named: "Various Self-defeating Theistic Arguments"
eg - of blind disbelief - a person is convinced that al the water in the world is poisoned so they get all worried and try to explain to everyone what has happened and eventually they drop dead from dehydration - inother words a person can disbelieve something for no good reason, just like they can believe in something.

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Seems like you seem to be agreeing that the only logical conclusion is to apply the relevant epistemology to determine the validity of a claim - if that is in fact your basis, why do you insist it is not relevant and a person is enable to say XYZ about religion despite not applying it? ”

1. Babble-ations: you have said that i agree that application of epistemology determines the validity of a claim. Why are you assuming I don't know enough about religion to completely deflect your XYZs?
Conversely, I very much doubt you are a theological linguistical historian mechanic statistician sales-representing scientist to apply any epistemology of all of those subjects as you have been trying to do.

But I don't challenge any of the premises that they raise, I cite them as parrallel evidences actually - for instance I haven't said "history is false" - you however are saying "god is false" so if you are not qualified, why do you say such things?

2. can PROVE anything about a car. It is a techological product of science. Example: YOU can sit in a car in neutral and rev it (this is NOT a test drive)

lol - well, what if you were not prepared to do that - after all you are insisting on the pure use of logic

and with enough knowledge and experience, and with the physical evidence of SOUND (of the engine), SMELL (lack thereof of oil/brake fluid/burning rubber), and SIGHT (alarm lights, absence of smoke from overheating), you can presume the car is in at least working condition.
But now you are relying on direct perception, which is a different process of knowledge than logic - actually the epistemology of religion leads to perceiving god with the senses - just like there is the direct perception of an electron (or the closest thing to perceiving it) after applying an epistemology of prac and theory in physics

You CANNOT prove anything that religion claims since there's no physical evidence to test. If I can see you can sit in god's lap and rev him though...I may entertain your arguments.

There's no physical test for perceiving an electron for a person who refuses to acknowledge the related theory and prac - should we also dismiss such fictional entities as atoms and molecules?
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Sartyr -

thanks for providing evidence of

"To begin with you first have to uncover an argument. This can sometimes be quite a laborious process because people tend to use language cheaply (eg – “God is illogical” …er .. why?). To get the premises (hence referred to as P1, P2) for a conclusion (C) you may have to wade through pages of opinions and even insults ."

I will just respond to the parts, and even then only in brief, that actually have something to do with debate and not a battle of wills, which is kind of a useless endeavour

Excuse me for starting out like this but this is a forum where we should speak honestly and clearly. Succumbing to the need for civility is the beginning of hypocrisy.

well actually its the basis of debate - and if you think otherwise you will be left to your own devices to ponder why people don't respond to your posts (apart from the fact they are 10 pages long)

as for the rest ...

Are you still in highschool?

Try and focus on the issues - there are stacks of atheists on this forum and if you read their responses you can learn how to post in such a way that persons may feel inspired to reply

Alternatively this is the quick and easy way to make it someone's ignore list
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“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
PART ONE – The limits of applying logic to theology

As far as coming to the point of understanding God, that will never happen by logic alone – but – if logical misconceptions are cleared about God ”

then it is up to the theist to do this, an impossiblity at best.

actually if you go down to the eg about the car salesman you can see that the "customer" also has a dynamic role to play

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
it may enable a person to hear about the subject clearly, ”

only if it is sound reasoning.


“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
and that can awaken curiosity, ”

more likely, puzzlement, there can be no curiosity in something beyond reason.

I get to that - logic can only bring you to the point of applying the process to know something - actually there is a whole thread about "how a person can understand god" in the thread about correct epistemologies - this thread is more about the deconstruction of atheistic arguments - in other words the argument that there is no god

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
or scientific enquiry. ”

religion/god and science are mutually exclusive, what possible science inquiry, could there be.
try the other thread

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Logic is useful when dealing with a person who has a scientific mind and is willing to investigate and participate. To use logic with a person who is fundamentally irrational is useless. ”

exactly hence why it's so hard to discuss anything with theist's.

Its also difficult to discuss electrons with high school drop outs - what does that indicate?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
There is so much testimony from great philosophers and scientists about a category (God) ”

science is objective, it's the pursuit of Knowledge, especially that gained through experience. sciences are activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. it cannot be subjective, philosophy is pure subjective supposition,

Philosophers may disagree -

BTW are you saying it is impossible to have an objective perception?

however as a tool used in science you can make educated guesses, which later can be proved or disproved with the evidence available, how can this be done with god/religion, when all it's based on, is purely subjective.

what epistemology did you apply to determine that god is a subjective phenomena?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
can a person expect to stand outside the process of knowing God and perceive God?
No. ”

the person would need to be hallucinating, completely fantasising, dreaming, or imagining to even concieve of a god, for there is no other way to know one, the concept is purely subjective.

How do you know that it can only be known by subjectivity? Do you hold that physics operates on the same basis?
Or are you saying that the only objective perception is that all perceptions are subjective (which would be a negative absolute and thus destroy its own premise)

One can defeat this argument by examining the premise of P2 and establishing that violence is in fact caused by many things, the most likely being human nature. ”

but you would first have to compare that human nature between humans who have never ever had any kind of religion, and those who have, would'nt you.

There's a whole thread on this if you want to take it there

(P1) Scientists examine matter
(P2) Study of matter has not revealed god
(C) Scientists have no interest in religion

One can defeat this by showing evidence of scientists that have been interested in god

are you being at all serious, again rather stupid (C), and again subjective, the (C) doesnt follow the (P)s. there is no logic in any of them, if this is what you believe logical arguement is, then no wonder your theist.

I think you may have misread it - it was an example (admittedly simplified one - yet one I have encountered numerous times nonetheless) of an illogical ATHEISTIC argument - that is the whole point - in a truthful argument that isn't logical the C doesn't relate to the P's
lightgigantic said:
Farenheit actually if you go down to the eg about the car salesman you can see that the "customer" also has a dynamic role to play
what has that to do with making the misconceptions clear, unless you mean the customer must first use his imagination, to take a test drive with god, as there is no other way is there, god is purely subjective. it would be more fun to take a test drive with the IPU or the FSM or even santa.
lightgigantic said:
there is this small matter of it being objective too.
lightgigantic said:
I get to that - logic can only bring you to the point of applying the process to know something - actually there is a whole thread about "how a person can understand god" in the thread about correct epistemologies
no there is'nt, you could just as easerly say the same about understanding harry potter or oliver twist the FSM and IPU etc..
lightgigantic said:
this thread is more about the deconstruction of atheistic arguments
which is impossible.
lightgigantic said:
try the other thread
it really would not help. my mind can produce, much more exciting fantasies, then god ones.
lightgigantic said:
Its also difficult to discuss electrons with high school drop outs - what does that indicate?
it indicates, to try to use logic, with a religious person who has is head in skydaddyland is useless.
lightgigantic said:
Philosophers may disagree
then let a philosopher prove philosophy it is not, pure subjective supposition.
lightgigantic said:
are you saying it is impossible to have an objective perception?
please dont be stupid.
lightgigantic said:
what epistemology did you apply to determine that god is a subjective phenomena?
none, no need it's self evident, a god can not be seen or heard anywhere else but the subjective mind, unless off course, you can enlighten us all to a gods objectiveness.
lightgigantic said:
How do you know that it can only be known by subjectivity?
as already said unless you can enlighten us, it is the only possible way.
lightgigantic said:
Do you hold that physics operates on the same basis?
your being stupid again.
lightgigantic said:
Or are you saying that the only objective perception is that all perceptions are subjective
and even more stupidity, are trying for a degree.
lightgigantic said:
it was an example (admittedly simplified one - yet one I have encountered numerous times nonetheless) of an illogical atheistic argument that is the whole point
you've never encountered it from an atheist. it has no logical conclusion.
lightgigantic said:
in a truthful argument that isn't logical the C doesn't relate to the P's
I'm assuming that the P's are premise's and the C's a conclusions, if the C's dont relate to the P's they would not be there in the first place, the premise's always would conclued to a logical related conclusion, certainly not an unrelated one.
“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Farenheit actually if you go down to the eg about the car salesman you can see that the "customer" also has a dynamic role to play ”

what has that to do with making the misconceptions clear, unless you mean the customer must first use his imagination, to take a test drive with god, as there is no other way is there, god is purely subjective. it would be more fun to take a test drive with the IPU or the FSM or even santa.

The point is that the customer is demanding that the car be proven to run faultlessly by the use of logic and refusing to go for a test drive - if he was actually sincere about knowing such things, he would take it for a test drive - in the absence of doing this it is understandable why one would call god subjective or the FSM or anyother of a myriad of concoctions

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
agreed ”

there is this small matter of it being objective too.

how doyou determine whether something has an objective existence unless you apply the correct process to know it?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I get to that - logic can only bring you to the point of applying the process to know something - actually there is a whole thread about "how a person can understand god" in the thread about correct epistemologies ”

no there is'nt, you could just as easerly say the same about understanding harry potter or oliver twist the FSM and IPU etc..

On the contrary such supposed truths can not fulfill the first point of the given epistemology

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
this thread is more about the deconstruction of atheistic arguments ”

which is impossible.

Well the moment you get the courage to offer one let me know

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
try the other thread ”

it really would not help. my mind can produce, much more exciting fantasies, then god ones.

Do you actually have an argument with premises or are you more interested in making statements to the world?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Its also difficult to discuss electrons with high school drop outs - what does that indicate? ”

it indicates, to try to use logic, with a religious person who has is head in skydaddyland is useless.


“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Philosophers may disagree ”

then let a philosopher prove philosophy it is not, pure subjective supposition.

It raises the question how do you know that nobody can know - in other words is the fact that nobody can have an objective perception the only objective perception? And if it is how did you arrive at that objective perception?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
what epistemology did you apply to determine that god is a subjective phenomena? ”

none, no need it's self evident, a god can not be seen or heard anywhere else but the subjective mind, unless off course, you can enlighten us all to a gods objectiveness.

Can you exhibit the objective nature of an electron to a highschool drop out?

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
How do you know that it can only be known by subjectivity? ”

as already said unless you can enlighten us, it is the only possible way.

So in other words you are using your experience (which is quite miniscule because you boldly declare you haven't even applied the relevant epistemology) as a yard stick to determine the length and breadth of what is known and what is unknowable? Interesting

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Do you hold that physics operates on the same basis? ”

your being stupid again.

Actually I am just trying to apply the general principles you seem to be advocating in regards to the knowledge of god to the knowledge of other things, like physics

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
it was an example (admittedly simplified one - yet one I have encountered numerous times nonetheless) of an illogical atheistic argument that is the whole point ”

you've never encountered it from an atheist. it has no logical conclusion.

That was what I said to the atheist who offerred it too

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
in a truthful argument that isn't logical the C doesn't relate to the P's ”

I'm assuming that the P's are premise's and the C's a conclusions, if the C's dont relate to the P's they would not be there in the first place, the premise's always would conclued to a logical related conclusion, certainly not an unrelated one.

So now that you seem to have a basic understanding of how to offer coherant arguments for debate, why don't you try and add a few premises for your opinions
lightgigantic said:
Sartyr -

thanks for providing evidence of

"To begin with you first have to uncover an argument. This can sometimes be quite a laborious process because people tend to use language cheaply (eg – “God is illogical” …er .. why?). To get the premises (hence referred to as P1, P2) for a conclusion (C) you may have to wade through pages of opinions and even insults ."
I think a fart in the wind constitutes, for you, good enough proof for an absolute hypothetical you so desperately need to make life tolerable.

Debating your type, as many others will soon find out, is like casting pebbles in the Grand Canyon to fill it up. Just too much empty space there.

I will just respond to the parts, and even then only in brief, that actually have something to do with debate and not a battle of wills, which is kind of a useless endeavour

well actually its the basis of debate - and if you think otherwise you will be left to your own devices to ponder why people don't respond to your posts (apart from the fact they are 10 pages long)
Why would you think I care?

as for the rest ...

Are you still in highschool?
What a novel evasive tactic.

Now disprove Santa Clause and I’ll stop believing he’ll bring me that new computer, I so desperately want, this Christmas.

Try and focus on the issues - there are stacks of atheists on this forum and if you read their responses you can learn how to post in such a way that persons may feel inspired to reply
Do you mean the atheists who humor you into responses so that with your every word they get that feeling so superiority in comparison?

Alternatively this is the quick and easy way to make it someone's ignore list
Why would it matter if I’m on someone’s ‘ignore list’ in some sub-standard “intellectual” community Forum?
Sorry for not taking myself as seriously as you do.
Then again I’m not insecure and egotistical enough to have succumbed to the idea of eternity and God.
My ego begins and ends in relation to you, in the real world…you know the one that scares you with its uncertainty.

And one more thing.

Never change, little mind. Never…change.
Not that you could but still……

I leave you now to continue using ‘epistemology’ and ‘ontology’ as a way of pretending you are being open-minded and philosophical.

Philosophy is the love of wisdom or knowledge.
You are a lover of God or self. You only accept knowledge which justifies this obsession.
The very premise of the thread itself is "self-defeating."

While there are certainly atheists that make liberal use of logical fallacies, the core assertions of religion simply don't stand up to logical scrutiny. This isn't because religion uses a different "epistemology" than science. And atheism isn't a doctrine, so it doesn't have any single epistemology.

The alleged epistemology of religion, however, is a pseudo-epistemology. Consistently, religious people speak of "knowing" God and knowing God has "touched their lives" because of some hardship overcome. But these aren't ways of knowing, they're ways of believing. Overcoming an illness cannot be used as evidence nor can the testimony of those that say they have "experienced" God. These events could just as easily be evidence for the progress of medical science and cognitive abilities of the individual.

The testimony of a lecturer in physics to a class that accepts, "on faith", that the lecturer's information is accurate can hardly be compared to the testimony of a religious leader to a congregation that accepts, on faith, that the believer's information is accurate. This is for the very simple reason that of both audiences, only one is capable of producing one or more believers that can actual take the information and test it.

The religious believer audience is accepting on faith (blind trust without evidence). And they're using a pseudo-epistemology to trick themselves into believing they "know" something about the universe.
SkinWalker said:
The very premise of the thread itself is "self-defeating."

Actually what is self defeating is when a person insists on debating on a sub-human level, whether atheist or theist .....

While there are certainly atheists that make liberal use of logical fallacies, the core assertions of religion simply don't stand up to logical scrutiny. This isn't because religion uses a different "epistemology" than science. And atheism isn't a doctrine, so it doesn't have any single epistemology.

Atheism does have a doctrine - it declares that god doesn't exist and that religion is a socially developed phenomena of human civilisation -both of which have no evidnce BTW (that is these things cannot be proven by the same epistemology that an atheist demands god be proven by)

The alleged epistemology of religion, however, is a pseudo-epistemology. Consistently, religious people speak of "knowing" God and knowing God has "touched their lives" because of some hardship overcome.

Overcoming hardship is not accepted as integral to accepting the correct epistemology for perceiving god, although it is usually commonly associated with it - in other words there are stacks of people who overcome hardship on some level but it doesn't say anything about how they are in relation to god - even by the common and well known example of jesus's life you can see that on the contrary being a fully flourishing theist can invite a lot of trouble in ones life.

But these aren't ways of knowing, they're ways of believing.
But I never said that overcoming hardship indicates knowledge of god - if you read the epistemology thread opener you would see that

Overcoming an illness cannot be used as evidence nor can the testimony of those that say they have "experienced" God.
Now you are trying to lump in cure of illness with experiencing god - is that all god is? A doctor?

These events could just as easily be evidence for the progress of medical science and cognitive abilities of the individual.
Yes that is true, thats why I never declared them to be evidence of experiencing god in the first place

The testimony of a lecturer in physics to a class that accepts, "on faith", that the lecturer's information is accurate can hardly be compared to the testimony of a religious leader to a congregation that accepts, on faith, that the believer's information is accurate. This is for the very simple reason that of both audiences, only one is capable of producing one or more believers that can actual take the information and test it.
Unless of course your initial premise, namely that god is a subjective phenomea, is false - in which case both scenarios would be identical - only those who undergop the process of physics perceive the reality of physics and only those who undergo the process of knowing god can know god

The religious believer audience is accepting on faith (blind trust without evidence).
What evidence does the physics crowd have? What distinguishes this evidence from the evidence the religious crowd has? (assuming that both the teachers in both scenarios are bonafide)

And they're using a pseudo-epistemology to trick themselves into believing they "know" something about the universe. [/QUOTE

Doesn't physics also operate onthe same premise? After all why is the science of physics completely rewritten every thirty years?

Anyway, all of this would be more relevant on the epistemology thread - in all this you didn't give one argument from an atheistic point of view why god doesn't exist.
"Sub-human:" a term used by people who think somehow humanity is the the ultimate in creation or evolution; or that organisms other-than-human are somehow "lesser" beings. Perhaps. But I question anyone that professes to know what a "sub-human" debate consists of since this implies that they have experience debating with organisms other-than-human. Do you win these arguments? Let us hope.

Regardless, you spent an entire post saying nothing about this alleged "epistemology" that religious adherents are supposed to have. Say what you will about physics or any of the other sciences, but the ways of knowing involved in the sciences include being able to test observations and reproduce results. The student of science takes his professor's lecture on faith, but has the ability to test the speed of light or the behavior of the flagellum.

How does the student of religious doctrine test the claim of transubstantiation? Does he sample the wine by having his stomach pumped to see if there are blood platelets? Can epithelial cells be obtained by removing the freshly pumped stomach's bread to see if it turned to the flesh of christ?

Face it. The superstitions of religion create magic thinking not a true epistemology. And atheism is in no way a "doctrine." Among atheists there are many, many worldviews. Some have new age ideas, others are strict Popperian skeptics, some are Buddhists, and so on. Atheism is simple life without the superstitious belief in god(s). The trouble that religious adherents have is that they think their superstitions are true and, operating under these false premises, they think anyone not willing to accept their superstitions must have some agenda.

Some atheists do. I'm one of them. My agenda is to refute bullshit, antiscience and pseudoscience. If that means debunking and refuting religious bullshit, so be it. But I don't refute religious nutters because I'm an atheist, I do so because I'm skeptic and a freethinker. The religious adherent is a trapped-thinker. He can only think in his little box with very strict limitations on how far out of the box he's allowed to stick his head. If an idea is contrary to the superstition, the religious adherent must retreat and declare the atheist out to get him.

Your arguments are not only weak, they don't even amount to true arguments. You claim to want to defeat "varieties of atheist arguments" but you haven't even demonstrated that this is a capability among those that take the religious standpoint. The atheist argument is simple: why accept the existence of a being that hasn't been shown to exist outside the imaginations of Bronze Age storytellers? As much as it may comfort you to believe in such a being -one that offers eternal life, there simply is no reason to accept it and many to reject it.

"Sub-human:" a term used by people who think somehow humanity is the the ultimate in creation or evolution; or that organisms other-than-human are somehow "lesser" beings. Perhaps. But I question anyone that professes to know what a "sub-human" debate consists of since this implies that they have experience debating with organisms other-than-human. Do you win these arguments? Let us hope.

The term indicates that sometimes humans act on unsatisfactory levels of performance.
Regardless, you spent an entire post saying nothing about this alleged "epistemology" that religious adherents are supposed to have.

Well there's whole thread about it if you want to shift house - this thread is more about hearing atheistic arguments rather than establishing theistic ones

Say what you will about physics or any of the other sciences, but the ways of knowing involved in the sciences include being able to test observations and reproduce results. The student of science takes his professor's lecture on faith, but has the ability to test the speed of light or the behavior of the flagellum.

Ditto for the proper epistemology of religion

How does the student of religious doctrine test the claim of transubstantiation? Does he sample the wine by having his stomach pumped to see if there are blood platelets? Can epithelial cells be obtained by removing the freshly pumped stomach's bread to see if it turned to the flesh of christ?

You have completely muddled methodologies - suppose I ask for a knife to cut vegetables and you bring me a microphone - then I say you are wrong and you say "No the microphone works perfectly well - there is no problem with it".

In otherwords to say what works fine in one paradigm (inspecting someone's intestines for bread) won't work in another, namely metaphysical analysis, since the whole process is physical - you could also venture the notion that someone doesn't hae a mind because you have never "seen" it.

So even though I don't operate out of the xtian paradigm, I can see the gist of your premises - Can matter define spirit? NO. Matter cannot even properly define human minds and consciousness - it strugles even to define electrons, which are the composite frameworks of a large amount of matter

Face it. The superstitions of religion create magic thinking not a true epistemology.

epistemology establishes the means to detect an ontology - just as the equations and squiggles of a mature physicist appear magical to the novice (or even more "magical" to the highschool drop out), you cannot expect to jump into the topmost realisations of religion after merely placing one's backside on a wooden seat in a place of worship.
And atheism is in no way a "doctrine." Among atheists there are many, many worldviews. Some have new age ideas, others are strict Popperian skeptics, some are Buddhists, and so on.

There is also variety in perceptions of the absolute nature of god - ironically Buddha is accepted as incarnation of god by the vedas, specifically to pull atheists into an apadharmic (moral values) paradigm

Atheism is simple life without the superstitious belief in god(s). The trouble that religious adherents have is that they think their superstitions are true and, operating under these false premises, they think anyone not willing to accept their superstitions must have some agenda.

Doesn't anyone who has applied an epistemology tothe point of ontology think their ideas are true? You declare that god is a subjective phenomena, but have not ventured an argument why? This is the correctthread to venture such evidences ...... preferably with premises to save me the effort of applying cosmetic surgery to your articles

Some atheists do. I'm one of them. My agenda is to refute bullshit, antiscience and pseudoscience.

Then why are there theistic scientists who have contributed greatly to the progress of science - does einstein, eccles and townes also make it on your BS list?

If that means debunking and refuting religious bullshit, so be it. But I don't refute religious nutters because I'm an atheist, I do so because I'm skeptic and a freethinker. The religious adherent is a trapped-thinker. He can only think in his little box with very strict limitations on how far out of the box he's allowed to stick his head. If an idea is contrary to the superstition, the religious adherent must retreat and declare the atheist out to get him.

You assume that you are operating out of paradigms that can explain everything. In otherwords you say my box is the biggest box on the strength of your bravado rather than any evidence.

The paradigm you operate out of (empiricism related to the investigation of matter) cannot even adequately explain matter (see earlier mention about electrons) in terms of direct perception, yet you feel it is adequate to encompass een metaphysical phenomena

As for atheists, its only the ones who cannot express themselves in rational ways and resort to a battle of wills that I have the problems with.

Your arguments are not only weak, they don't even amount to true arguments. You claim to want to defeat "varieties of atheist arguments" but you haven't even demonstrated that this is a capability among those that take the religious standpoint.

Well most the time here I spend my time saying "err I think you really have issues with the epsietmology thread"

The atheist argument is simple: why accept the existence of a being that hasn't been shown to exist outside the imaginations of Bronze Age storytellers? As much as it may comfort you to believe in such a being -one that offers eternal life, there simply is no reason to accept it and many to reject it.

Just like this is not really an argument for atheism, it is an argument against theism, which actually belongs to the other thread about epistemology.

In short though, we could ask what do you accept as evidence that god only existed in the imaginations of persons in the era 4000-1500BC? It is very difficult for archeologists to establish what was even happening in that time,what to speak of determining what was happening according to their imaginary concepts
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In short though, we could ask what do you accept as evidence that god only existed in the imaginations of persons in the era 4000-1500BC? It is very difficult for archeologists to establish what was even happening in that time,what to speak of determining what was happening according to their imaginary concepts

We archaeologists have the epigraphical artifacts, to show it. One of which is the christian bible. Others include ostraca and tablets as well as murals, mosaics and even scenes on pottery. While many of these pose more questions than answers, we have a very good look at what Bronze and Early Iron Age people were thinking. More than enough to say that their imaginations were in no way inhibited.

And to be quite honest, I barely skimmed the rest of your post, I only noticed the word "archaeologists" as I was about to close my browser. If you "epistemology thread" is as much nonsense as this one, I can hardly wait. Maybe I'll look at it if simply have nothing else to read... then again, maybe Paul Dixon's FermiLab thread would be a better use of my time.