December 21, 2012 Mayan Event


Registered Senior Member
I keep reading about this Mayan event that is supposed to happen in 2012. Is the Earth's polarity going to be reversed? Is earth going to be aligned with the galactic center that will enable contact with the "lost races" of man? Any thoughts about what this has to do with the crystal skulls? Maybe I should just party my ass off for the next 4 years knowing that the world is going to end.
Party it up. The Mayans were very smart. If they were still alive, I think they would be partying as well. Y2k was not predicted by the Mayans, and it did nothing at all.
The Maya didn't know one way or the other about the end of the world.
Crystal skulls? WTF??
circa 18th century fake "relics" have nothing to do with it.

PS Cesspool or Pseudoscience material methinks.
I agree with Oli. Pseudoscience is a more appropriate forum for this thread.

"Lost races of man"?:bugeye:
Don't be shunted by Daffy or the crazy baby.
Keep searching and correlating between different sources.
There is much to this date and it's significance not just from our ancient elders, current shamans from all cultures and now science that reckognizes the major events of this time period.
Perhaps youtube david wilcock to begin with.
Don't be shunted by Daffy or the crazy baby.
Keep searching and correlating between different sources.
There is much to this date and it's significance not just from our ancient elders, current shamans from all cultures and now science that reckognizes the major events of this time period.
Perhaps youtube david wilcock to begin with.

One word: BULL!!!
I keep reading about this Mayan event that is supposed to happen in 2012. Is the Earth's polarity going to be reversed? Is earth going to be aligned with the galactic center that will enable contact with the "lost races" of man? Any thoughts about what this has to do with the crystal skulls? Maybe I should just party my ass off for the next 4 years knowing that the world is going to end.

It's all rubbish. The date just happens to be the end of the Mayan calendar cycle. The Mayans themselves said nothing about the world ending on that date.

Regarding your other questions:

* The earth's polarity (magnetic field?) will not reverse in 2012. We are, statistically, overdue for a pole reversal, but the process may take millions of years. It won't happen over night.
* Earth is always "aligned" with the galactic centre. It lies approximately in the plane of the Milky Way. Nothing much is about to change on that front.
* There are no "lost races of man".
* There's no link between 2012 and crystal skulls.
* The world won't end in 2012. Just like it didn't end in 1985. Remember how it didn't end then? It will be the same this time.

Don't be shunted by Daffy or the crazy baby.
Keep searching and correlating between different sources.

You mean, keep trying to make connections, based on what you hope to find in the first place, and ignore all evidence that contradicts your crazy idea?
I keep reading about this Mayan event that is supposed to happen in 2012. Is the Earth's polarity going to be reversed? Is earth going to be aligned with the galactic center that will enable contact with the "lost races" of man? Any thoughts about what this has to do with the crystal skulls? Maybe I should just party my ass off for the next 4 years knowing that the world is going to end.

I heard something about the world ending in 2012 too, because it was the last date on the Mayan calendar. I'm not saying that its wrong because I don't know anything about the Mayan's methods or when the world will end. But you should live it up anyway and be happy as often as you can be. You only live once, or you might live more often than that I don't know.
You mean, keep trying to make connections, based on what you hope to find in the first place, and ignore all evidence that contradicts your "crazy idea"?

Sure, James.
And exactly what "crazy idea" are you talking about?
when i was very young i used to love all this pseudo stuff about ancient prophesies. now i think its all nonsense.
I think December 2012 will be the month when George Lucas announces he's going to make 3 more Star Wars movies. It'll be as if a whole world suddenly cried out in anguish, and was suddenly silenced.

But really, for anyone who believes this stuff I offer you more fuel for the fire, Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory. The guy made some points that I really agree with, but this particular idea of his is pretty loony.
That is the the day, I think, China will annex Taiwan. How we respond will define the changes taking place. WWIII - who knows. We still have a lot of Hawks itching for a conventional fight....
End of the world or not, seems to be on everyones mind recently.

Anyone else notice that?
isn't 2012 just the end of the age? and the start of the age of aquarius?

that's why jesus and christianity is starting to fade out of the world, because jesus is the teacher from the age of pisces, the fish sign. just like "judaism" faded away when the age of pisces came. the jesus teachings are starting to get old... there is not much life left in them, so people can't hold on to them anymore

? Proves what?

i don't know, but it's interesting to know.

They chose to die?

how could i show evidence of that? what evidence can there be exept the akashic records?

You gotta admit their exodus from their cites was pretty unusual...chose to die, probably not though.

nah... i was talking about the "annunaki". they died because they didn't have sex anymore. but the mayans never died. wikipedia says: "The Maya peoples never disappeared, neither at the time of the Classic period decline nor with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores and the subsequent Spanish colonization of the Americas."
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