
Originally posted by edgar
god tests people sometimes to see if their faith is the same while they have good health.
So God is testing the faith of a newborn child by giving it a disease that will cause it to suffer terribly and die before it even speaks it's first word?

sometimes, through prayer you can cure some one
There is no demonstrable evidence that prayer has any affect on health beyond that which a placebo also exhibits.

um listen buddy, first thing aboutt he healing's i know some one who was healed miraculously. this nun i knew was extremely busy one day and when she bent over, she felt a sharp shooting pain go up her back. she could barley move, she couldnt even walk 5 feet. well this other sister came and told her to remain calm. together they had a prayer, and the sister to the injured one to get up. she miraculously did with no pain at all and she did all the stuff she had to do, even went to bed at 4.

if a baby dies before its born or while it's an infant god will take him up. god is merciful, and doesnt hold babies accountable.
and with the kid's with a terrible sickness, it is their cross. everyone has one. to think it this way, perhaps they could be sick for their benifit. if some one is sick, they have hope through god, and god helps them through a crisis if they plead for help. if your healthy your less likely to think you need god. im not saying that it's good to be sick, but it's better to suffer here on earth than for an eternity. god works in mysterious ways.
cramp buddy, everyone gets it, the prayer was time enough for it to go away and ta-da she could walk again. miracles just ain't what they used to be.
Originally posted by edgar
um listen buddy, first thing aboutt he healing's i know some one who was healed miraculously. this nun i knew was extremely busy one day and when she bent over, she felt a sharp shooting pain go up her back. she could barley move, she couldnt even walk 5 feet. well this other sister came and told her to remain calm. together they had a prayer, and the sister to the injured one to get up. she miraculously did with no pain at all and she did all the stuff she had to do, even went to bed at 4.
This hardly qualifies as a miraculous healing. As we get older these kinds of pains happen all the time.
For the most part they go away all by themselves, no miraculous intervention necessary.

If prayer had any special effect upon healing it would be statistically evident... it's not.

You want to show me a miraculous healing? Document a person missing a limb. Then pray. When the limb grows back give me a holler.

and with the kid's with a terrible sickness, it is their cross. everyone has one. to think it this way, perhaps they could be sick for their benifit. if some one is sick, they have hope through god, and god helps them through a crisis if they plead for help. if your healthy your less likely to think you need god.
Oh there's a good reason. :rolleyes:

God makes us suffer so that we can plead to him for help and know that we need him. Nice guy.
Next you're going to tell me that tithing is bribery or extortion.

Oh, wait... it is.

first thing, the nun is about 30 years old. how do u trust statistics? statistics are only from a sample of the population. my mom used to work for a gov. organization that took statistics. she said they werent trustworthy.

and with the sickness thing, perhaps a child is better off? i mean, when you are healthy you think you are mighty and powerfull. but when you get sick, you are humbled and you need some one to help you get through. perhaps if the child was healthy, they would forget about god? temperal suffering is better than eternal. and with those sicknesses...its just unfortunate. god isnt a monster because of that. we have disobeyed god so many times...if he were a monster, he wouldnt send his son, his sinless and innocent son to the world to save us. he died on teh cross because of OUR trechery and disobediance. we had a chance in eden...and our forefather's blew it. we still have hope though. heaven.
Originally posted by edgar
if a baby dies before its born or while it's an infant god will take him up.
I think I'm going to have to go promote abortion and child infacide now. Sure, I might go to hell for killing... but I can send hundreds to heaven in my place. I wish someone killed my before I was an infant:rolleyes:

[/sarcasm off]

Edgar, perhaps you should fully think about what the hell it is you are saying before you state it. Most of your stuff doesn't seem to be thought out at all, and you just spit out whatever pops in your head.
yea but if you kill the baby you will be sinnning and therfore YOU would be in trouble.
Originally posted by edgar
yea but if you kill the baby you will be sinnning and therfore YOU would be in trouble.
Yes, I pointed that out. I am willing to sacrific my soul so that the souls of countless others may be saved. I have found my mission in life... to save the souls of babies by killing them. If you truly love a baby, you should kill them so they will go to heaven. After all, wouldn't you give your eternal life for that of an innocents?
this was posted by edgar

if a baby dies before its born or while it's an infant god will take him up

i thought one of the premises of christianity was that we were all born sinners, why the exception to the unfortunate? no, i think this moral dilema has shown that christians don't take "gods word" literally or seriously, because that is some back tracking if i ever saw it.
Originally posted by edgar
first thing, the nun is about 30 years old.
That's old enough but actually age is not important. You said she bent over and suddenly had a sharp pain in her back; it's not particularly surprising because it happens all the time. Generally, it's due to a muscle spasm which, given a little time and rest, will end all by itself. Point being, the body is rather good at healing itself and diseases sometimes go into remission. These things happen regardless of prayer or to whom the prayer is addressed. Just because she prayed and got better is not sufficient evidence that the prayer caused her to get better. In all likelihood she would have gotten better anyway. You need something more substantial than this to demonstrate the efficacy of prayer.

All things told, I don't find prayer to be a bad thing. I think it can be used constructively to garner a positive attitude and it has a meditative quality that can soothe mental and emotional turmoil. But there is nothing that warrants the belief that prayer can miraculously heal someone. Such an effect would be measurable and all attempts to demonstrate its efficacy have failed.

how do u trust statistics? statistics are only from a sample of the population. my mom used to work for a gov. organization that took statistics. she said they werent trustworthy.
I work with statistics on a daily basis. It is a powerful mathematical science that can quantify trends in a population; it translates a data into something meaningful. Handled properly it is extremely powerful and accurate. However, it is not difficult to skew the data and one should indeed be extremely skeptical when someone starts tossing about undocumented statistical 'findings'. But these influences are generally quite easy to detect by those who understand statistic and the weak points in the process. This is why it is so important for such findings to be properly documented and peer reviewed... so that biases (deliberate or accidental) can be discovered if they exist.

and with the sickness thing, perhaps a child is better off? i mean, when you are healthy you think you are mighty and powerfull. but when you get sick, you are humbled and you need some one to help you get through. perhaps if the child was healthy, they would forget about god?
A newborn infant? Give me a break. And if all he needed was for us to remember him and appreciate what he's given us couldn't he just pop his head through the clouds, say "Here guys, you look hungry." and feed all the starving people in the world? Wouldn't we appreciate that more?

he died on teh cross because of OUR trechery and disobediance. we had a chance in eden...and our forefather's blew it. we still have hope though. heaven.
What do you mean "OUR"? I never even saw Eden. How is it just to punish over 6 billion people for the actions of 2? Do we punish children for crimes their parents commit? Should we follow God's example and lock the kids up in jail if their father robs a bank? How about his grandchildren or great grandchildren or great great... you get the point. "Vengeance is mine", says the Lord... but this is freaking ridiculous.

Or is your definition of justice and truth simply whatever the hell God wishes? This just makes God the greatest mafia boss of all time. Good and evil, truth and falsehood, morality... they all become meaningless. Its might makes right at the core of it, "Do what I say or I'll fuck you up for all eternity."
