Death to Apostates (?)

Death to apostates?

  • I am Christian or Jewish. Apostates should be killed.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I am Christian or Jewish. Apostates should not be killed.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • I am Muslim. Apostates should be killed.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • I am Muslim. Apostates should not be killed.

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I am a member of some other religion. Apostates from my religion should be killed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a member of some other religion. Apostates should not be killed.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • I am non-religious. People who become religious should be killed.

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • I am non-religious. People who become religious should not be killed.

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • No opinion / don't want to vote / other (explained below)

    Votes: 2 5.3%

  • Total voters
I'm really tired of you GeoffP.

Moderators, is there any rule about a member who stalks each and every one of your posts to make you look bad?

As an actually honest person, I can assure you that I merely frequent some of the same threads as you. Perhaps we have different views on the same subjects?

A member who takes every opportunity available to misrepresent your views.

In fact, I have not misrepresented your views in any way. You admitted precisely that to me in an earlier debate? Shall I dig it up for you? You have not, to my knowledge, condemned such a viewpoint nor retracted your support for it. What am I meant to conclude? And do you work for CAIR?

When it comes to my views, please do not listen to Geoff. He is a hate-monger.

Why? Because I oppose the judicial and extra-judicial (as if there were really any difference morally) murder of apostates? :confused: Is that what constitutes 'hate' these days?

Sounds like it. It's ironic that one avoids making a far more incriminating statement on a far worse matter because they don't want to lie.
Sam, who authorises atheist fatwas?

Oh, nobody. So Ho is true, and Ha is false. You really suck at debate.

If there are violent homicidal atheists, you don't need a fatwa. Look at Stalin. 20 million minus a fatwa.:shrug:

That would probably be DiamondHearts. Although he's openly admitted it before.

I hate to ask this - and I know the haters won't believe that I hate to do so, but there it is - but why did almost none of the forum's muslims respond?

It was me, actually, I said they should be beheaded, preferably in front of their children [and with a blunt penknife or letter opener]. Didn't you read it or was it in some other thread?:confused:

Of course, nuking would be better or missile attacks. Hmm neutron bomb? Can't think of a good enough way to get rid of them.

Was this thread started to hound Muslims?
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It was me, actually, I said they should be beheaded, preferably in front of their children [and with a blunt penknife or letter opener]. Didn't you read it or was it in some other thread?:confused:

No. This is an old debate I had with DiamondHearts. He hemmed and hawed for a while after about "treason", but in the end humbly slunk off on his unmerry way.

Of course, nuking would be better or missile attacks. Hmm neutron bomb? Can't think of a good enough way to get rid of them.

Was this thread started to hound Muslims?

I believe James started it to illustrate a point.

It almost seems that point has been illustrated.


I believe James started it to illustrate a point.

It almost seems that point has been illustrated.


Illustrated indeed, the silence is deafening :cool:
It seems non-religious, jews, christians and other answered no without feeling hounded.
You can lie to infidels though.

That's not true. Also there is no such thing as an infidel in Islam, that's a medievel Christian word.

Is there some kind of inner conflict regarding this question? Is there some shame involved or not?

No, I simply didn't want to vote. I already stated my opinion. You people are very dishonest, you want to try to tarnish the names of people you do not agree with. You and others want to portray all Muslims as violent, thus pave the way for increasing hatred and justifying hatred against them.

Get a life.

It was me, actually, I said they should be beheaded, preferably in front of their children [and with a blunt penknife or letter opener]. Didn't you read it or was it in some other thread?:confused:

Of course, nuking would be better or missile attacks. Hmm neutron bomb? Can't think of a good enough way to get rid of them.

Apparently some idiots still think it was me. One poster commented that nothing I say should be believed because I am allowed to lie to Non-Muslims.

Isn't there a rule against this, I think Asguard said that members can be banned for ganging up on a member when referring to some members mocking barbiegirl, where are Asguard or the other moderators now?

Was this thread started to hound Muslims?

It seems likely. Or rather some people have capitulated on an opportunity to make some Muslims look bad. I wonder if there is a concerted effort to defame Muslim members on this forum, first it was inzomnia, now they are going after me. SAM, you have to also go through with alot of personal insults. It seems like everyone who responds to you as to issue a personal insult against you. It shows the intense level of hatred and bigotry which is allowed to be perpetuated on this forum, usually from repeat offenders.

I think its time the Moderators took notice and started curbing the level of bigotry against Muslims on this forum.
That's not true. Also there is no such thing as an infidel in Islam, that's a medievel Christian word.

No, I simply didn't want to vote. I already stated my opinion. You people are very dishonest, you want to try to tarnish the names of people you do not agree with. You and others want to portray all Muslims as violent, thus pave the way for increasing hatred and justifying hatred against them.

Get a life.

Apparently some idiots still think it was me. One poster commented that nothing I say should be believed because I am allowed to lie to Non-Muslims.

Isn't there a rule against this, I think Asguard said that members can be banned for ganging up on a member when referring to some members mocking barbiegirl, where are Asguard or the other moderators now?

It seems likely. Or rather some people have capitulated on an opportunity to make some Muslims look bad. I wonder if there is a concerted effort to defame Muslim members on this forum, first it was inzomnia, now they are going after me. SAM, you have to also go through with alot of personal insults. It seems like everyone who responds to you as to issue a personal insult against you. It shows the intense level of hatred and bigotry which is allowed to be perpetuated on this forum, usually from repeat offenders.

I think its time the Moderators took notice and started curbing the level of bigotry against Muslims on this forum.
M*W: I can understand the people of Islam and their hatred of christianity. I hate christianity myself. I have many Muslim friends with whom I can converse about the happenstances of our religions. I have no problems with Muslims. They are some of the nicest people I have ever known, and I am willing to listen to them as they explain their religion to me.

I have no desire to label Muslims as as being "bad" or acting as "terrorists." On that note, I think S.A.M. has no idea of what Western civilization has been left to deal with post 9/11. It makes me sad that someone as intelligent as S.A.M. keeps labeling anyone who is not Muslim as an infidel. There are some Westerners who don't have an argument with Islam, like myself. Truly, I don't know enough about Islam to have an opinion, although I am willing to learn more about their religion. I'm not afraid that the adherents of Islam will scarf me up and brainwash me. That can't be done. But, because I have many nice friends who are Muslim, I am willing to listen to their profession of faith.

It breaks my heart that S.A.M. will not listen to atheists. We are not the bitter, hateful, immoral believers in no god. Most of us, I would suspect, have been christians or at least religious at one time. I embrace this non-belief, because no one has been able to make me believe in the christian god. However, I respect the adherents of Islam who choose to believe in Allah and Muhammad. I cannot identify with them and their beliefs, but I can understand where they are coming from.

I don't think I've ever come across a Muslim who is as hard-shelled as S.A.M. Before we can learn to appreciate each other's religion or "non-religion," we need to understand what makes us tick. I'm willing to accept what S.A.M. believes, as well as defend her right to believe in Islam, but I would ask S.A.M. to give me the same support in that I choose not to believe in christianity, because it just doesn't make any sense to me.

Being atheist is not the devil's playground. Far from it. I have morals to treat my fellow human beings with respect and concern. Because I don't believe in any higher power, S.A.M. wants to label me as "immoral, ignorant, and just a mean human being." Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I'm not a serial killer. I'm not a child molester. I'm not a wicked woman nor am I a husband stealer. I just don't think S.A.M. understands this concept.

I am not trying to prove anything to anyone, I just don't understand the christian belief in some god. That is foreign to my understanding of current worldwide religions.

At least, I am trying to understand the god S.A.M. believes in, I only wish she would grant me and the other atheists the same understanding we give to Muslims.

I tend to believe that it frightens S.A.M. to know that there are some of us out there who don't find a logical reason to believe in a god. That doesn't make us evil or bitter or against human life.

I am asking those of you who are atheists to comment on this post. I hope S.A.M. reads that which follows. Evil is as evil does. Atheists are not evil. We've just learned to go beyond the understanding of a god who controls our daily lives.

I only hope I can make myself clear on this matter. It's too important to lose S.A.M. as a contributor when all she needs to do is practice some minimal understanding of our point of view.
cynical, jaded, discouraged. bow down and meet your maker...a dirty piece of paper. you dont own it, you got no right to take it.
No, I simply didn't want to vote. I already stated my opinion. .

Where I must have missed it can you tell me which post? Thanks :)

Looked it up myself

The Muslim world should be governed by the laws which are popular among its people which is Islamic rule, and this our view of life, it should be reflected in our government and institutions.
Public apostasy is a crime in an Islamic State because it decreases Islamic propagation which is the primary focus of the state. The Islamic State only punishes those who pubicly display their apostasy and engage in preaching.

So you agree under the ideal circumstances (islamic state) public apostacy is punished with death.
I notice you also agree with slavery of non-muslim prisoners of war under the ideal circumstance(islamic state) :bugeye:
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It's amusing watching DH talk around the issue again and again. One wonders how much time can be spent in denial of denial.

I'll ask you once more, DH: are you in favour of the execution of apostates from Islam in an Islamic or muslim-majority country?
Obviously, athiests and Muslims have major differences of belief with each other. We are almost polar opposites in religious viewpoints. i think however that we can relate to each other on a human level. We will never agree on religion, but that doesn't have to create animosity.

Atheists do not accept doctrines that by their very nature, divides people and creates open invitations to violence and corruption, teaching it's followers to deceive and lie, when necessary.

It is somewhat difficult then to relate on a human level, as the religion demands strict obedience and allegiance to worship, over and above any other priority, including ones family. The 'human' level is therefore corrupted by the religion.

SAM and I may appear rather critical at times when debating athiests, but this is natural because, if you have noticed, we are usually on the defensive as many athiests on this forum have an intense hated of Islam and Muslims.

It's all about you, isn't it? Your ridiculous whiny exaggerations culminating in the over the top conclusion that everyone has an "intense hatred" of you. What a load of codswallop!

The problem is the cults that indoctrinate. Not just your cult, all of them.

I also do not have a hatred of other human beings simply because they happen to be athiests or from some other religious viewpoint.

And neither do atheists. It is humans who are the victims of faith.