Death, Resurrection, Sacrifice, and the Trinity.

That's because religion is just one big easy way out of explaning our existance.
Seeker, I don't think tht your posts would be even to those 12 years in a christian school of Shadowstrife911, or mine 4 years (edit) or those 5 years of Markx. So togethere these are 21 years of experience! :( almost entirely wasted time:bugeye:

After knowing it a little bit better these 4 years I must say:
Christianity is the easy way out of life and It's a 2000 year old hoax
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Originally posted by Avatar
Seeker, I don't think tht your posts would be even to those 12 years in a christian school of Shadowstrife911, or mine 4 years .After knowing it a little bit better these years I must say:
Christianity is the easy way out of life and It's a 2000 year old hoax

Don't forget to count my almost 5 years of learning Hoax. :p
Can someone please INTERPRET the Bible isntead of understanding what's LITERALLY written!?!?!?!? :bugeye:

Common! You can do it... :bugeye:

It's a bad standard at Sciforums

Can someone please INTERPRET the Bible isntead of understanding what's LITERALLY written!?!?!?!?
Used to happen here, or at least, people used to try. Turns out most of those conversations flew way over the heads of our Christian posters. You'd have to go back before Tony1's arrival, most likely, to find any reasonable speculations on what the Bible actually means. That's over a year. People are well set in the ongoing demands of our Christian posters to be as literalist as selective theology allows. Oh, wait ... I forgot Taken, a Christian who tried on occasion to present the Bible interpretively. If I recall, though, a couple of our posters repeatedly told her she wasn't a Christian. It seems that what we've gotten accustomed to here is Pep-Rally Literalism. You know, take whatever makes the home crowd cheer and run with it. Whether it's even in context has been of little consequence here for over a year.

I hear you on this one, TruthSeeker. But Biblical interpretation is a bad standard according to Sciforums Christians. The rest of us? We'll meet 'em on almost any level they wish to take it.

Heck, I was just lamenting recently that Christians aren't dogmatic enough at Sciforums ;)

(Um ... that should be interpreted as a sarcastic line.)

Tiassa :cool:

ok... time to read again and have intersting discussions of what the Bible means... because THAT'S EXACTLY what I'm trying to do here...

But you have no idea what the bible was ment;) Ok , maybe you'll understand what one guy meant , but there are dozens of guys who wrote the bible over years. Myths, legends, historical facts, phylosophy, immagination, brainwashing....

So you can spelculate all you want on the meaning of bible, but I won't buy that, well you'll really suprise me if you give a logcal explaination.

I have one interesting fact in mind about the interpretation of the bible, will post it when return, have to go now:(