death penalty


The All Knowing.. I think
Registered Senior Member
The death penalty should we have it. The thing with it is it cost lots of money to keep people in jail if you dont kill them but if you kill them then there really not suffering for what they did(my
opinion anyway). So is it better to keep it or get rid of it.
Originally posted by yumyum
The thing with it is it cost lots of money to keep people in jail if you dont kill them

We need to kill them quicker :cool:
If your against the death penality Ive got a few names for you:

Charles Manson
Jeffery "Im going to eat you" Damor
Usama O' lala Laden

Why arent these people dead? Well, some of them are dead but not Charlie. I just dont see the logic behind the system.

it costs more to execute a felon.

Not if you stone them to death. Or lock them away in a hole somewhere without any food, they'd die of starvation.

"Hello Im Counselor Coffee. You should buy my book, 101 ways to execute a felon"
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
it costs more to execute a felon.

Not if you stone them to death. Or lock them away in a hole somewhere without any food, they'd die of starvation.

I take it you're not in favor of human rights.
oh no not again.....

If one thinks about it, there are very few sound ethical reasons to be in favor of capuital punishment.

Also there is no deterring effect (see graph in previous thread on this subject).

It only serves the primitive need for revenge. But should a juridical system (thus not a person) be guided by such emotions?

The "you loose all your rights after killing a person" has no rational at all: why is that what reasons does one have for such an idea?

I am glad I live in a country in which capital punishment has been abandoned for the reason that "the legislator must be wiser than the voice of the people, however loud."
Originally posted by Xev
if you kill them faster more innocent people would be killed faster

Yeah you're right. According to movies from Hollywood, just about all deathrow inmates are innocent.
Originally posted by Merlijn
If one thinks about it, there are very few sound ethical reasons to be in favor of capuital punishment.

Why do we need an ethical reason for everything?

In the case of domestic terrorist like Timothy Mcvey or now John badass Muhamod, killing them gives general public a sense of closure and relief. It is worth it. Interesting thing is in the case of the serial sniper, a lot of politicians who are known to against capital punishment want him dead. He has been terrorizing entire state of Maryland before he was captured. If politicians say his life should be spared, a lot of people will be very angry. Practial reasons outweigh ethical reasons in this case. I am not arguing what is more ethical here. I believe capital punishment is more ethical.

In general there are two parts which the government must do to criminals in jail. Rehibilitation and Punishment. If people cannot trust the government to do the punishment part for whatever reason, they will seek alternative means. I have seen that happen to other countries. You have chaos.
Punishment never is a goal for its own, it's a means.

Evil transsexual vampire,
you misunderstand the meaning of punisment. You confuse it with revenge!
Re: Punishment never is a goal for its own, it's a means.

Originally posted by Merlijn
Evil transsexual vampire,
you misunderstand the meaning of punisment. You confuse it with revenge!

No I do not. I made my point about the rehibilitation and punishment in that thread about this teen blow up people's mailboxes when I first joined if you still remember.

There is no way punishment can be properly administered in a civilized society. It is even pointless to discuss best punishment for criminals.

Punishment is going to be whatever shape or form which people feel the criminal is punished. After all in this case the criminal is dead, the all it matters is people who are still alive.
if you kill them faster more innocent people would be killed faster

Yeah but how many people would rob a bank if they knew that end result would be death for everyone in the bank?

Coffee's Opinion:

Destroy the wicked. Even if they did just steal $5. Nobody would ever steal $5 again.

Note: Most recently my 16 year old uncle stole $20 from me. He is now in a juvenile center. He should be dead.
Coffee, stop whining. Someone stole a 300 buck coat from me. I don't want that person dead. All I want is the monetary value of the coat "loaned", plus massive compound interest.
The thing with it is it cost lots of money to keep people in jail if you dont kill them but if you kill them then there really not suffering for what they did(my opinon anyway)
The reason why it costs so much for a prision is because if you mistreat them, they will have not learned anything and some of them could become extremely angry at "the system" and cause more harm then they originally did.

I think there should be a death penalty, but it should be used in strict manner, where only extreme crimes warrant just the option of it. I feel it isn't "ethical" to take a person's life in the name of keeping a society under control.

As mentioned by Joeman, executions are more political than ethical, and they give the public a sense of trust in their government to "uphold" the rules to how to live your life in a "civilized" manner....the reasons for executions are full of contradictions nowadays. But I agree that it is more political than ethical.
While in Rome we saw this movie where a guy kills a Son who is a responsible for his whole family.The person who kills the son then gets an Incredible puishment.He has to bear the burden of the family for 10 years and earn bread and milk for them.
At the end of the movie,The murderer cries and realizes his mistake.

I think it was a brilliant Idea.You just keep an eye on this man,but just put him in the circumstances of the man whom he murdered and then if he doesnt work exactly as he did,you contrain him more and more...
But seriously giving death Penalty is not the ultimate answer to all people's errors.Crimes are still committed.Counseller pointed out that it would stop,but it hasnt and it will not.
You dont need Punishment,You dont need a Hitler,You need A Mahatma Gandhi to reform these criminals.

How about hamstringing all of the convicted person's limbs, removing part of the spinal cord so that s/he cannot move, and releasing him/her? Better punishment than death I'd say.
i must admit.....i kind of agree with MrCofee, in that if someone commits a crime against you, the reprocusions for that person should be so great that they will never dare do it again.....and also, noone else will ever want to do it again. this may mean capital be it.
And when you are executed and it is later discovered that you
were innocent, what do they say to your family? "Oops, sorry"?

:m: Peace.
"the legislator must be wiser than the voice of the people, however loud."
I don't like this quote scares me actually.

Anyway, the death penalty is valid because a person serving a life sentence is contributing nothing to society. The death penalty can help alleviate prison overcrowding. The death penalty brings closure and a sense of 'justice' for the families of victims.

Lastly, killing someone by injection is more human than sticking them in a tiny box for the rest of their life.