Death Penalty is Right!

Originally posted by Wilcox8686
Also, you must be the stupid watch fear factor you fag
Where did I said that I was watching it ? You're hearing voices little moron... About "fag", you seems to miss it :rolleyes: . Sorry boy, I'm not ! You will have to find someone else !

Originally posted by *stRgrL*
How so? By watching cable TV? Enjoying the internet? Eating, bathing and getting to have recreational time every day? Finishing school? Getting a degree? Maybe writing a book? Having a boyfriend? Doing drugs? Drinking pruno? Playing games? Lifting weights? Getting baptized? Getting to enjoy the company of your family? Perhaps meeting someone from the outside, getting married and then maybe reproducing?

And if your really good, they'll let you out in about 15 years and then you can go and do it all over again!

Now tell me SG, how the hell is that worse than dying?

And please dont use the "innocent" excuse, with DNA testing that should elimated in a matter of time.
Jail is a dreaming place !!! Do you take drugs or is it just a strange tradition in USA ? If jail are that way in your country, I understand why you're against it, but I don't think so...
About being free after 15 years, I agree : no one should be able to be freed before the end of his period.
Why are you talking about DNA ? That's not a magic thing : "you're guilty/innocent !!!". That's more easy to put DNA on a crime's place than to put other clues, so I can easily kill someone (hardest part) and then put your DNA on his body : you are guilty... To be sure that you will not survive, I could do my murder while you're alone in a lost place... No, DNA is just helping to find a criminal, but it's not a proof for me.

Originally posted by Jerrek
And crushing the skull of an unborn child, sucking its brains out, and pulling it out of a woman with metal instruments ain't?
Are you talking about George's bombs ? Because I don't know where you saw that but during a war.. (Don't need you to find a single article about a crazy man in a far away country.)

READ!! The post is about death penalty, not judicial process! If you are using "may be innocent" as an argument, start a discussion about judicial process. This is death penalty we are talking about. Assume the person is 100% guilty.
100% guilty... they were all 100% guilty before being liberated !

And after spending 30 years in jail and then proved innocent can be fixed and corrected.
That's more easy when the guy is still alive no ?

Saudi Arabia has public executions and has virtually no crime.
Now, you believe...

I had my cat neutered a while ago and now he is liberal.
When will you try it on yourself ? ;)
Jail is a dreaming place !!! Do you take drugs or is it just a strange tradition in USA ?

Ummm yeah, only the US citizens take drugs:rolleyes:

If jail are that way in your country, I understand why you're against it, but I don't think so...

Yes, in jail/prison it very easy to get drugs. Trust me on this one. Ive known way too many people that have done hard time in prison.

About being free after 15 years, I agree : no one should be able to be freed before the end of his period.

Well for murder, you get 25 years. If your good you could get out before your time is up.

Why are you talking about DNA ? That's not a magic thing : "you're guilty/innocent !!!". That's more easy to put DNA on a crime's place than to put other clues, so I can easily kill someone (hardest part) and then put your DNA on his body :

Are you serious? DNA may not be a magic thing, but it like, what, 98% accurate. Sorry its not 100%, but I think 98% will do when it comes to solving a crime.

Take the Van Damn case, her DNA was ALL OVER his motor home and with the brutal way she was taken, raped, beaten and then discarded ~ you dont think that bastard deserves the death penalty? Come on, she was 7! You think it would be worse to have him sitting in a cell for the rest of his life? Apparently he enjoyed what he did and now he gets to relive his fantasy every single night of the rest of his life. I dont think thats much punishment if you ask me.
Originally posted by Mystech
So let me get this straight, Jerrek: You're not in favor of letting the government perform a background check on you if you want to buy a fire arm, but you WOULD be perfectly fine with the government being able to execute you for a relatively minor offense? As for excecuting children as young as 14, that's just sick on so many levels that I don't even know where to start.

This forum is about death penalty, not gun control or killing 14 yearolds. Good try though.:D
Sorry, it's my fault : I was not dealing with drugs in prison. I thought about the way "your" prisoners are living in your jails.

About the young girl, I don't know that story... Anyway the good solution would be to put him in jail : do you know what is made to this kind of guy there ? They would pray to die ! You can believe me !

And DNA :)
98%-99% that's OK ! THat's great but there's another truth : a murderer can put YOUR DNA on his victims... Then, what will you say when the judge will tell you that you're guilty because of your DNA ?
They would pray to die ! You can believe me !

Wrong again my friend. If you are high risk (child killers, child molesters, etc..) they seclude you so you dont get hurt or killed by other inmates. I learned this in my criminal justice class when we toured the prisons. A guy that had kidnapped and killed a few girls locally was at the prison at the time, and he was completely secluded. The guard told us they do this so the inmate wont be harrassed or harmed. So the point is, they are not praying to die, they get to spend their days alone, eat alone, they even get to go out and do their activies alone. Alone or with other inmates that are also high risk. Nowadays, with all the liberal hype, these inmates are not at risk of anything. If they were, life in prison wouldn't be so bad.

Then, what will you say when the judge will tell you that you're guilty because of your DNA ?

Well I would probably have an "alibi" since I was innocent. If I didn't, they would still need 1) a motive (which I wouldn't have since I was innocent and 2) other evidence (which they wouldn't have since I was innocent. DNA is only 1 factor in solving a crime. Its like the icing on the cake.
Take the Peterson case ~ Theres 1) a motive 2) other substantial evidence and now they have DNA to win the case. Its not like they take a DNA sample and then convict the criminal with no other evidence, theres more to it than you know.

Heres some links for ya so you know what Im refering to:


Oh yes they are separated ! I forgot it...

Sorry, that's week-end time :)
You're for death penalty and I'm against. You're a lawyer (or still student) so it would be hard to show you that you're wrong ;), so I let you think you're right... But one last question : do you agree with those who want to make a show of it ?! I know that USA is a strange country full of contradictions but showing someone else's death on TV would be the most stupid thing you did ! (don't take it for you personally...)
do you agree with those who want to make a show of it

Not at all. I think thats disgusting. I heard that they let the victims of the Oklahoma bombing view Timothy McVeighs death on a closed-circuit station. Im torn between letting the victims see the procedure or not. I know if someone killed my kid, I would want to see them die. It would give me a sense of satisfaction - or revenge if you will. But for public view, I dont think thats appropriate. But just to let you know, I dont think they broadcast it here... not in California anyway.

Oh and FYI - I know Im right:D j/k
Originally posted by Wilcox8686
This forum is about death penalty, not gun control or killing 14 yearolds. Good try though.:D

I'll admit that the gun control thing was a bit off topic, A reference to another post which Jerrek and I are both engaged, but killing 14 year olds is very much part of this topic.

Jerrek said that he is in favor of the death penalty being aplicable for anyone of 14 years of age and older, I simply commented on this view, how does it not fit in with the topic?
Did I ever say it wasn't? I don't see what this has to do with the topic, when did abortion come up? Please try to stay on topic. If this particular issue is too difficult to argue for you, then maybe you should go to another thread.
Look microbrain, liberals love to murder innocent children and save and protect those that murder and rape. I'm making a comparison.

Yes, the idea that Europe is "constantly going to war" (as subjective as that may be) Is a moot point. Why, then do you bring it up? I don't see how this straw man even remotely relates to the death penelty.
Comparison again. You really need to learn how to read.

How is sentencing not part of the judicial process? I don't understand your point, here.
You don't understand a lot. Bye.

You're not in favor of letting the government perform a background check on you if you want to buy a fire arm, but you WOULD be perfectly fine with the government being able to execute you for a relatively minor offense?
What minor offense? Rape? Murder? Kidnapping? You call those *MINOR* offenses? What the hell is wrong with you???

As for excecuting children as young as 14, that's just sick on so many levels that I don't even know where to start.
Then don't start.

A 14 year old's brain is no where near fully developed
Oh spare me. When I was 14 I knew full and well that murdering someone is a bad thing.

Stop protecting the guilty.

Because I don't know where you saw that but during a war..
Get a refund on your education and then go and look up partial birth abortions.
I believe prison should be eliminated as a form of punishment for non-violent criminals.

"Victimless crimes", such as prostitution, gambling and drug use should be not be prohibited by law at all, and criminals who pose no actual threat to the safety of their fellow citizens (car thieves, for example) should be subjected to alternative forms of punishment, such as caning.

Violent criminals, such as murderers/attempted murderers, carjackers, rapists and the like should be given a choice: life in prison with hard labor (which would save taxpayer money when it comes to roadway construction, trash cleanup, etc.) or termination. Let the convicted have a say in how long their life will be and how it will be spent.
Originally posted by Galt

Violent criminals, such as murderers/attempted murderers, carjackers, rapists and the like should be given a choice: life in prison with hard labor (which would save taxpayer money when it comes to roadway construction, trash cleanup, etc.) or termination. Let the convicted have a say in how long their life will be and how it will be spent.

Thats a good idea:cool:
A 14 year old's brain is no where near fully developed

I'm 14 and I know a lot about law and the judicial process. I think you should reword that. Maybe say 8 year olds don't know murder is bad?

As far as the death penalty is concerned, it is good but should be delayed untill their is no question of innocence in the defendant. And if the person is guilty, let him go on down to h-e-l-l. Better that then spend tax payers money.

i apologise, i have not been able to get on for the last few days

its gone now tho
Originally posted by Jerrek
And crushing the skull of an unborn child, sucking its brains out, and pulling it out of a woman with metal instruments ain't?
Originally posted by Jerrek
Get a refund on your education and then go and look up partial birth abortions.

Oh, really ? Please teacher Jerrek, give us links showing that someone did it during abortions...
Oh, really ? Please teacher Jerrek, give us links showing that someone did it during abortions...

No seriously... that is the procedure.

So-called "Partial-birth" abortion is performed in the second and third trimesters and entails (1) inducing a breech delivery with forceps, (2) delivering the legs, arms and torso only, (3) puncturing the back of the skull with scissors or a trochar, (4) inserting a suction curette into the skull, (4) suctioning the contents of the skull so as to collapse it, (5) completing the delivery. A partial breech delivery is not considered a "birth" at common law, where it is the passage of the head that is essential.

Look Here
OK, sorry..., but you're talking about a special case ! That's only when women could die, else that's forbidden. That's not the usual abortion procedure :(

Jerrek, next time you will want to talk about this kind of procedure you should explain the context ! :mad:
i'm all for the death penalty. :mad: seriously, the opponents of it say it's inhuman and barbaric. has our society progressed so far that we are not barbaric. no way.... humans are still barbaric animals. the death penalty is a just punishment. not everyone is smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others.

hence, these people must be made an example of. to deter future crimes and future criminals. chop up all of them i say, and purge the world of these scoundrels. kill them all, butcher the villains.
Jerrek, next time you will want to talk about this kind of procedure you should explain the context !
Or you should get a better education.

I don't have to propose anything else ! YOU wanted to show it to the public...
So you don't know what to do but what we are proposing is wrong? That is wisdom for you...

"Victimless crimes", such as prostitution, gambling and drug use should be not be prohibited by law at all, and criminals who pose no actual threat to the safety of their fellow citizens (car thieves, for example) should be subjected to alternative forms of punishment, such as caning.
I can agree here. Lots of laws concerning drugs and prostitution can be rewritten and/or abolished. In case of violating such a law, fine the person, give some corporal punishment (been there, done that, lots of times when I lived in other countries, and it works!), and force him to do some community service.

Violent criminals, such as murderers/attempted murderers, carjackers, rapists and the like should be given a choice: life in prison with hard labor (which would save taxpayer money when it comes to roadway construction, trash cleanup, etc.) or termination. Let the convicted have a say in how long their life will be and how it will be spent.
Interesting. I need to think about that.