Death Penalty is Right!


Registered Senior Member
I can't believe that people are opposed to the death penalty. I mean if you kill another person, why should you ust be locked up? You deserve to die. Also, in the old days the hangings were public and used as as deterrant for anoboty else thinking of raping or murdering. The only thing we should change about executions is to make them more public, and scary for the public to act as a deterrent.:mad:
Because it's a barbaric and savage practice. Most wester societies did away with the whole "Eye for an Eye" philosophy a long long time ago. We don't have perfect law, we don't take into account alternative forms of punishment, or even rehabilitation in many many cases, and frankly sometimes we are just flat out wrong. As such we shouln't be able to administer the ultimate form of punishment.

To hand out justice you have to be well informed, to hand out death all you need is to be angry.
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Originally posted by Wilcox8686
I can't believe that people are opposed to the death penalty. I mean if you kill another person, why should you ust be locked up? You deserve to die.
To die is better than to stay in jail for the rest of your life, no ? Anyway you'll die, so I disagree with you !
Staying in jail during 50 years before dying is worse than dying now on a chair...
Moreover, if the condemned is innocent, you've got a chance to save him !
Also, in the old days the hangings were public and used as as deterrant for anoboty else thinking of raping or murdering. The only thing we should change about executions is to make them more public, and scary for the public to act as a deterrent.:mad:
Just watch Fear Factor if you need action... There's nothing more stupid than someone like you : "Oh look, that's wonderfull, someone will be executed on Fox News Live, 8pm !!!! Great, great, great !!! Mum, can I have an Icecream while I'll watch it ?"
I for one am for the death penalty! :mad:
If someone kills someone they deserve similar treatment! :mad:
and another thing..... oh who am I kidding?
I'm for murder too, hell I'm for anything that results in the death of humans

*breaks into song*
I love accidents
I love cancer
I love war I love famine and pain
I like terrorism, cause it doesn't break for the rain
fa lalalala lala lala don't break for the rain lalala

Suicide is dandy
aids makes me dance
When animals attack I take more than one glance!

I could go on
The point is humans dying is a natural beautiful thing, the only thing that sucks is that it doesn't happen nearly enough and now there are too many people stinking up this great planet. Booo I say to that, yay for the death penalty.
Thankfully it doesn't deter murderers because they are born with the condition.
Its great how things work out.
Look at the track record of convictions in the US.
That's the problem with the death penalty - it's permanent, which means that mistakes (of which there seem to be a lot in the US system) cannot be corrected.
Life without parole seems a better choice.
This whole "life sentence means eligibility for parole in 10 years" crap is insane...
I myself think there is nothing more insane than crime and punishment in our world. Its quite a brutal thing. As for the death penalty its a tough call. One the one hand more evidence might prove that someone is not guilty after all and therefore we might put to death an innocent man. On the other hand, if we are pretty sure that someone has killed someone else and should lose their right to live in society, why should we pay with our tax dollars for that person to have food, clothes and shelter for the rest of his/her life. This is the problem with Ethics, it is hard to come up with clear cut answers. It really can't be concluded with 100% veracity that the death penalty can deter murderers from murdering, especially not with just stats, and there can be increases and decreases at any time because they world contains a level of unpredictability, even more so than maybe the social scientists figure in.

Okay, I got lost. What I am really trying to say is that maybe the death penalty does not deter murderers because they are to a certain extent self-destructive people and they probably don't really care if bad things befall them, at least not enough to stop them from murdering. I think that you would find that people that have killed in rage, have shown that rage previously to their act of murder, were at some level aware of their rage problem, and may have not done what was sufficiently necessary to deal with their issues.

Its a tough call however, on the one hand perhaps we should abolish it with the knowledge that innocent people may be put to death wrongly. On the other why shouldn't we take the risk of putting them to death even though there is a slim chance that they might be innocent, so that people that kill don't get to live after taking the life of an innocent person.

On a whole, I weigh in on the side of abolishing it for this reason. When you kill someone you now have to live with a murderer everyday, yourself and perhaps that is a fate worse than death and if you have no remorse about your crime, than you are not really alive anyway, nor are you truly human.
Re: Re: Death Penalty is Right!

Originally posted by SG-N
"Oh look, that's wonderfull, someone will be executed on Fox News Live, 8pm !!!! Great, great, great !!! Mum, can I have an Icecream while I'll watch it ?"

Haha, I hate to add trival banter to the thread, but I have to say that you're very right here. If we still had public excecutions, they Fox, or Fox News would be the channel that covers them, wouldn't they? hehe.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I for one am for the death penalty! :mad:

Uh oh, I think I just steped in a big pile of sarcasm :p

If it's wrong for one man to murder another for his own reasons, why is it right for the state to murder a man for it's own reasons?
Re: Re: Re: Death Penalty is Right!

Originally posted by Wilcox8686
Also, you must be the stupid watch fear factor you fag:D

Ok, I'm going to have to be the hard ass on this one. You've inadvertently hit a land mine, my friend. When you're arguing on these sciforums, if you wish to insult someone by calling them gay, or a fag, or queer, or the like, you're going to have to make sure that I'm not around, otherwise I won't let you get away with it.

This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, and I AM going to lecture you if you continue to use these words as insults. I'm pretty sure that you don't mean to really imply that he is a homosexual, but I don't like that "Gay" has become a curse word in our society and I get really ticked off when I hear high school kids using it every other time they open their mouths.

To make this relevant to the topic, I’m going to officially change my stance to support of the death penalty, but only so long as the violent criminal eligible for it routinely calls people, things, and what have you “gay”.
Staying in jail during 50 years before dying is worse than dying now on a chair...

How so? By watching cable TV? Enjoying the internet? Eating, bathing and getting to have recreational time every day? Finishing school? Getting a degree? Maybe writing a book? Having a boyfriend? Doing drugs? Drinking pruno? Playing games? Lifting weights? Getting baptized? Getting to enjoy the company of your family? Perhaps meeting someone from the outside, getting married and then maybe reproducing?

And if your really good, they'll let you out in about 15 years and then you can go and do it all over again!:D

Now tell me SG, how the hell is that worse than dying?:rolleyes:

And please dont use the "innocent" excuse, with DNA testing that should elimated in a matter of time.
Well, DNA evidence is neither 100% accurate, nor is it even applicable in every case. It isn't infallible, and so it alone isn't enough to allow us the right to dish out the ultimate punishment.

Hmm, as for the issue of life in prison vs. death, I'd still have to say life is better than nothing. Life in prison is more like life under communism than anything else. It's oppresive, but all of your needs are taken care of, and there are still minor joys to experience. I've gotta' say it sounds better than rotting in the ground.
Because it's a barbaric and savage practice.
And crushing the skull of an unborn child, sucking its brains out, and pulling it out of a woman with metal instruments ain't?

Most wester societies did away with the whole "Eye for an Eye" philosophy a long long time ago.
Most of Europe also constantly go to war. Moot point.

Moreover, if the condemned is innocent, you've got a chance to save him !
READ!! The post is about death penalty, not judicial process! If you are using "may be innocent" as an argument, start a discussion about judicial process. This is death penalty we are talking about. Assume the person is 100% guilty.

That's the problem with the death penalty - it's permanent, which means that mistakes (of which there seem to be a lot in the US system) cannot be corrected.
And after spending 30 years in jail and then proved innocent can be fixed and corrected.

I fully support the death penalty. I would even do it in public for anyone to see that wishes to do so. Hell, put it on PPV if you want.

I also wouldn't mind to extend the death penalty. Make a mandatory death penalty sentence to anyone over 14 that commits first degree murder, rape, kidnapping, and treason. The more useless trash we can get out of society the faster.

Also, expedite the process. After sentencing, do it execution the next day. Cheaply. Just hang the person or shoot him until he is quite dead.
I also wouldn't mind to extend the death penalty. Make a mandatory death penalty sentence to anyone over 14 that commits first degree murder, rape, kidnapping, and treason. The more useless trash we can get out of society the faster.

death penalty for kidnapping? :rolleyes:

That being said, I'm not particularly for or against the death penalty. Whatever penalty works best is fine with me. But does the death penalty really deter crime? If the death penatly doesn't then what's the point? I know some people love this "eye for an eye" deal, but really shouldn't the penalty be made to help deter crime and to "deal with" the guilty.

And how does this eye for an eye thing work with other crimes? What if i steal a car, would the penalty be someone steals my car? that's not gonna work. So why do we think eye for an eye should be used with murder?
Re: Re: Re: Death Penalty is Right!

Originally posted by Mystech
Haha, I hate to add trival banter to the thread, but I have to say that you're very right here. If we still had public excecutions, they Fox, or Fox News would be the channel that covers them, wouldn't they? hehe.

Hey wait...if this was shown publiclly, how many people would be eager to steal, murder, or rape? Seriously, anybody who is not insane would have second thoughts before killing someone if they faced a public execution.:mad: geez i hate liberals
But does the death penalty really deter crime?
Saudi Arabia has public executions and has virtually no crime.

death penalty for kidnapping?
Yes, why do you object?

If the death penatly doesn't then what's the point?
1) To get rid of more trash out of society that we don't need.

2) Punishment.

3) Satisfaction.

to "deal with" the guilty
I'd like to deal with them by killing them. Thx.

geez i hate liberals
I had my cat neutered a while ago and now he is liberal.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Death Penalty is Right!

Originally posted by Mystech
This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, and I AM going to lecture you if you continue to use these words as insults. I'm pretty sure that you don't mean to really imply that he is a homosexual, but I don't like that "Gay" has become a curse word in our society and I get really ticked off when I hear high school kids using it every other time they open their mouths.

hey have no room to talk because you watch reality tv shows like fear factor. need i say more? and besides, what is the appeal of fear factor? you want to see somebody fail, like fall off a building or something stupid like that. don't lie to yourself that...that is the appeal of that show...people want to see other people fail to make themselves feel better.

So back to my point, anyone who watcher fear factor immediately has no room to talk about anything. congratulation, you are a moron.
Originally posted by Jerrek
And crushing the skull of an unborn child, sucking its brains out, and pulling it out of a woman with metal instruments ain't?

Did I ever say it wasn't? I don't see what this has to do with the topic, when did abortion come up? Please try to stay on topic. If this particular issue is too difficult to argue for you, then maybe you should go to another thread.

Originally posted by Jerrek
Most of Europe also constantly go to war. Moot point.

Yes, the idea that Europe is "constantly going to war" (as subjective as that may be) Is a moot point. Why, then do you bring it up? I don't see how this straw man even remotely relates to the death penelty.

Originally posted by Jerrek
READ!! The post is about death penalty, not judicial process!

How is sentencing not part of the judicial process? I don't understand your point, here.

Jerrek, if this isn't the topic you want to argue, then perhaps you should start your own thread.
Originally posted by Jerrek
Saudi Arabia has public executions and has virtually no crime.

Yes, why do you object?

1) To get rid of more trash out of society that we don't need.

2) Punishment.

3) Satisfaction.

I'd like to deal with them by killing them. Thx.

I had my cat neutered a while ago and now he is liberal.

So let me get this straight, Jerrek: You're not in favor of letting the government perform a background check on you if you want to buy a fire arm, but you WOULD be perfectly fine with the government being able to execute you for a relatively minor offense? As for excecuting children as young as 14, that's just sick on so many levels that I don't even know where to start. Let me put it simply: A 14 year old's brain is no where near fully developed, their cortex won't be at an "adult" level for as much as ten more years. Sentensing a child to death is quite akin to sentensing the mentaly Ill to death, someone who can't even understand the full weight of what they have done. It's monsterous and obsene just to think about.