Death/Hell/Sleep Paralysis/Dream Sage…

"an unequivocal mindfuck"

Please see sleep lab studies and research the extint to which they are suddenly being utilized by neurologists who would likely refer you to a psychiatrist were you to mention your experience. There is always the alternate or contributory diagnosis of psychosomatic illness.

Learn about the current level of neuroscience and brain imaging. Lucid dreaming is natural, as is the hypnogogic (I believe that was the previous medical term for waking without the ability to move following a dream state.) My own were previously experienced as the "dark man" about to enter my home and my need to wake and protect myself, but upon waking, I would find myself unable to move. That is the "psyche" or the unconscious telling us that we have unresolved issues, threats, or fears which we are attempting to suppress on the conscious level.

The experience you have related in the initial post as your most current level of experience during sleep paralysis, presents in a manner consistent with my own current inability to dream and allow the unconscious levels of the brain to process during natural REM. I do not dream, rather I experience fabrications of dream states that suggest virtual states of experience, and as a result I do not experience REM nor do I wake "refreshed" or feeling the natural result of having experienced a state of "restful" sleep. 8 hours or sense of having "rested".

There is a slight difference between a persons belief system and scientific rationality. There is a very high change that the person concerning themselves with sleep paralysis really does need to check into it further through equipment and testing that can only be provided by real doctors.

I don't want to propagate a source of worry to them or make it seem worse than it is, but it could be a number of worrying things ranging from a genetic disorder right through to tumours or it could be something as trivial as drinking too much caffeine during the day, however that's the problem with online diagnosis or theorum's in regards to effects.

For them to rule out the "Worst case scenarios" it requires true diagnosis, not just someone stating that "Lucid dreaming" is natural or what ways to achieve better control over how you influence such a state.
"An unequivocal mindfuck"

This is not a belief system that I am suggesting. Unfortunately, and rather, it is based on scientific fact. If the individual who started this thread is experiencing such extreme states of paralysis following waking from sleep, then I am merely suggesting that this individual be cautious in their choice of physician and educate their self on the growing abundance of sleep lab studies use by neuroscience for research purposes.

I give as example the use of sleep lab studies in Texas, by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice law enforcement entities, to determine whether the conditions of parole or probation are being met by an offender based on the results of their brains' sleep wave analysis.

You have experience in posting arguments and refutable evidence that far surpasses anything that I am capable of. However, you, yourself avoided the suggestion and accompanying responsibility of research into current scientific and other interest levels into the beneficial knowledge to be gleaned from the dream state/sleep state of an individual, non-acquiesent(sp?) mind.

(Sorry, I am only able to access the Internet on a friend's computer, which is a Mac, and I am use to an IBM. Also, as a result I have not quite figured out the spell check feature on this machine.)

Stryder, After reconsideration, I am almost tempted to seduce you and as your moderator name suggests , stride you and give you an American "mindfuck", based simply on the numbers "on your posts belt" and your seductive avatar.

However, the reality between what an avatar represents and what can factually back it up is up to the author of representation.

Yes, I am challenging you.
This is not a belief system that I am suggesting. Unfortunately, and rather, it is based on scientific fact. If the individual who started this thread is experiencing such extreme states of paralysis following waking from sleep, then I am merely suggesting that this individual be cautious in their choice of physician and educate their self on the growing abundance of sleep lab studies use by neuroscience for research purposes.

I give as example the use of sleep lab studies in Texas, by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice law enforcement entities, to determine whether the conditions of parole or probation are being met by an offender based on the results of their brains' sleep wave analysis.

You have experience in posting arguments and refutable evidence that far surpasses anything that I am capable of. However, you, yourself avoided the suggestion and accompanying responsibility of research into current scientific and other interest levels into the beneficial knowledge to be gleaned from the dream state/sleep state of an individual, non-acquiesent(sp?) mind.

(Sorry, I am only able to access the Internet on a friend's computer, which is a Mac, and I am use to an IBM. Also, as a result I have not quite figured out the spell check feature on this machine.)

Perhaps I misinterpreted what you were trying to suggest. This forum occasionally is filled by people that are only too happy to believe in the occult. The problem with belief however is it has no substance to it's foundations, while Scientific study can start with a theory, usually the intention is to build up reasoning based upon proof. Proof that can be reiterate through similar experiments to generate similar (if not the same) outcomes.

I guess I should of stated that the person should really go to a doctor to seek a "Referral" to a specialist, that's the only way to elevate talking to quacks.

I can understand where the poster was coming from though as to be honest I find sleep un-nerving. After all when you sleep you are at your most vulnerable and psychologically some people can manifest their own fears of that vulnerability into sleep paralysis (Namely waking early because of their underlying subconscious fears and being greeted by paralysis)

These fears can be greatly increased through either real or psychological events;

In my case I once had a Burglar standing at the food of my bed on waking (He didn't realise I was still in bed, so I think I gave him the squit's when I sat bolt upright as he scrammed very quickly.)

I'm sure there is some documentation located somewhere on the creation of "hypnotic suggestion" which happens to be applied during sleep, the problem is that usually those that do that sort of research are the Military so their papers aren't usually accessible.
Stryder, After reconsideration, I am almost tempted to seduce you and as your moderator name suggests , stride you and give you an American "mindfuck", based simply on the numbers "on your posts belt" and your seductive avatar.

However, the reality between what an avatar represents and what can factually back it up is up to the author of representation.

Yes, I am challenging you.

Tempting, however the avatar and visard is down to the forum more than choice. The avatar is of course the suited man from Halflife that always appears at the most inopportune moments, resemblant to a "Man in Black". For years the posters of this and the Pseudoscience subforum have suffered the delusion that Moderators and Administrators alike have been there to silence their beliefs or hide information that is prevalent to disclosure in some way. The reality is usually that their theory's lack any substance in both reasoning and proof and they pull that the "powers that be work for the government" as some sort of strawman argument for not getting what they want.

As for the Statement "Excuse them, I'm a Moderator". Some posters in the past have played up on this forum just because they don't see eye to eye with how they have been moderated. Rather than complain through the proper channels, they tended to create threads to express their opinions which in turn got them banned. So I guess you could say that my statement is a simplification of "Excuse the number of hate threads, people getting themselves banned and trolling, It's because I'm a moderator and they are acting up."

So hopefully that will clear that up, Unless of course you are after "[more...]"
Come on John, you really think I'm going to use the forums for a dating site? Looking at the success of some of the members here in regards to their own objects of affection, I think I'd rather just maintain being a poster. (Not referring to Dark or Draqon at all)

Incidentally we are going miles off topic now.
I would rather have one rose and a kind word
from a friend while I'm here
than a whole truck load when I'm gone.
I would rather have one rose and a kind word
from a friend while I'm here
than a whole truck load when I'm gone.

Depends if that one rose happens to be from the delivery vehicle that runs you over :shrug:, although that would kind of cover the whole truck load as well.

(^ I really, really, really think the Topic is somewhere further up! ^)
"For years the posters of this and the Pseudoscience subforum have suffered the delusion that Moderators and Administrators alike have been there to silence their beliefs or hide information that is prevalent to disclosure in some way. The reality is usually that their theory's lack any substance in both reasoning and proof and they pull that the "powers that be work for the government" as some sort of strawman argument for not getting what they want." - Stryder

First, I apologize to the originator of this thread for diverting readers from the original topic starting the thread. Within my local acquaintances there is a saying, "Don't drink and dial." I have a new saying for myself, "Don't drink and post."

However, I would like to learn what information, precisely, is required by Stryder to discredit his/her claim of what I have asserted to be a theory lacking any substance in both reasoning and proof. Also, I would like to know what evidence you have in any of my own personal postings to assert that I believe the moderator conspiracy theory that the "powers that be work for the government"?

Finally, the last thing that I was looking for last night was a "strawman".
PNI = Psychoneuroimmunology

PNI = Psychoneuroimmunology,

The quiet here is overwhelming. But I have become accustomed to silence where answers are plausibly refused.

To the originating author of this post I want only to empress on you the responsibility to think for yourself. This includes those individuals, especially in areas of "parasychology" or for those who have experienced the gift of any paranormal experience. The spiritual impression is subtle, soft, and not impinging as I have known it or even read, unless you are a destined saint or a second Messiah. However, I recognize that my spiritual communication is singular and not something that I have the ability to judge against another individual's spiritual experiences.

The question for the originator of this thread is whether you have previous spiritual or paranormal experiences to compare these communications to, and/or to truly consider, based on experience, were these communications spiritual or induced synthetically?

If you are not sure, or even if you are, I still suggest that you educate yourself on sleep lab studies and the variety of interested parties currently engaging in such studies.
Meditate and see yourself remaining calm the next time you have sleep paralysis. Just recognize that the unexpected feelings you are having is dymethyltryptamine ( DMT/spirit molecule ) being released from your pineal gland. Some consider it as merely a molecule, others consider it as a "spirit substance."

If you can remain calm during sleep paralysis then you have discovered one of the best lucidity openings in the dream world, you have a chance to take full control of the dreaming situation in full lucidity! Have sex with Britney Spears, or go fly to Everest! Its good times.
The question for the originator of this thread is whether you have previous spiritual or paranormal experiences to compare these communications to, and/or to truly consider, based on experience, were these communications spiritual or induced synthetically?
Um, "spiritual or paranormal experiences"?
"spiritual communications"
i had the coolest dreams last night. one was so frightening that it woke me up. it involved ghosts who walked by me and one women was kind of pretty but had black circles around her eyes and wlaked by me straing at me. then when i went to touch her she shrunk down to like around five inches.

then i woke up. there is much more but it is too frightening to rehash.

the second one was where i was playing a form of tennis or something similar but only the rackets were made of closth with no handles and i had to eat (for some reason) a pice of the racket. which was no racket because the ball can go right through it.

so someone hands me a pice of paper to use as a racket. the kind of paer with chemicals on it like this smelly old bill papers. when i ate it it was horrible. i spit up but the spit was a mixture of foam and saliva. i woke up spitting on my pillow and all over.