Dear muslim,

M*W: And, why is that, do you think?

Well, I also think that Old Testament and Quran are similar books. Messages and events are similar.

New Testament's based on love your enemy and turn your other cheek message makes it different for me.
Why do they even include the OT if that's the case? In any case, Jews don't follow the NT.

I don't think they follow the OT either, or at least not the nasty bits. And there are some good generally positive lessons in there as well: the Ten Commandments and the like.
It is supposed to be the eternal Law of God. According to Jesus, it is in full force today. And it says the same thing in the NT just in a different way.

Luke 14:26
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

Yeah but that's more of the whole "I will set you against..." thingy. That doesn't mean you should hate your family; just that this new religion would be very divisive. I don't know anyone who takes it that way.
Yeah but that's more of the whole "I will set you against..." thingy. That doesn't mean you should hate your family; just that this new religion would be very divisive. I don't know anyone who takes it that way.

Jesus never objected to the cruelties in the Old Testament.

You might consider the information found at the following link:
Actually, there was that big thing where he ragged out a crowd for attempting to stone a woman to death. "Let those among ye without sin cast the first stone." So, I don't know that he (assuming he existed, of course) was really jiggy with the OT slap down. I'll check the link though.
The link's more of the same, I found: a lot of hellfire and that. Which is fine, again - so long as no one's trying to send me there early. I'll wait for the bus.