DC sniper Muhammad set to die by lethal injection

Hey, quadraphonics, look! Another thread about mass shootings. See the connection between guns and killings yet?
I think we should execute his lawyer too, here is why:

" One of Muhammad's attorneys, J. Wyndal Gordon, described the convicted killer as fearless and insisted he was innocent."

"He is absolutely unafraid and he will die with dignity — dignity to the point of defiance," Gordon said."

1. Innocent??? Innocent my ass. Lawyers with stupid arguments should be imprisoned.
2. Dignity? He doesn't deserve dignity. He cut down people like they were lifestock at the slaughterhouse....
I'm struck by how vengeful and bloodthirsty people are.
This man was an evil cold blooded murderer. He had no mercy or compasion for those he killed; neither should we waste any on him. Justice was served at 9:11 PM.

DC sniper Muhammad executed for 2002 attacks
Associated Press Writer

JARRATT, Va. (AP) - John Allen Muhammad, the mastermind of the sniper attacks that terrorized the nation's capital region for three weeks in October 2002, was executed Tuesday. Muhammad died by injection at 9:11 p.m. at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, prison spokesman Larry Traylor said.

He said Muhammad had no final statement and that Traylor didn't hear him utter any words during the execution.

Muhammad was executed for killing Dean Harold Meyers, who was shot in the head at a Manassas gas station during a spree that left 10 dead across Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.​

PS Your statement that "an eye for an eye leaves us all blind" ignores the fact that the principle of lex talionis was actually meant to limit the punishment for a crime to something proportional to the injury inflicted by the criminal. Prior to that, the punishment for the loss of an eye might be death inflicted by the family of the injured party.
Hey Mad, I generally disagree with you but you make some very fine and good points in this thread and I am behind you 100%. On the other hand the opposition just made some stupid and irrelevant judgement calls, instead of arguments

PS Your statement that "an eye for an eye leaves us all blind"

Who said that? My dear friend Tiassa? I try not to read his gems, that's why I am asking. Well, that is one ignorant judgement call and not an argument. Not to mention an eye for an eye leaves us both oneeyed, but at least EVEN. :)

Or Repo Man's comment about sinking to their level? Again, not an argument! If you have to deal with dirt, you will get dirty, that is the fact of life, get used to it...

Oh, and the kid staying in prison from 17 until his death (and getting raped and abused or in solitary condition) for 60 years from now? yeah, sure, more human than killing him outright.
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The fucker was pronounced dead last night at 9:11 pm. Some timing...

Let's remember his victims:

1 and 2: A shot is fired in Aspen Hill, north of Washington DC on 2 October. James D Martin is later killed in Wheaton.
3, 4, 5, 6 and 7: The following day, James "Sonny" Buchanan, Prenkumar Walekar, Sarah Ramos, Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera and Pascal Charlot are all shot dead in areas to the north of the city.
8: On 4 October a woman is shot at a mall in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
9: On 7 October a 13-year-old schoolboy is shot at Benjamin Tasker Middle School in Prince George County.*
10 and 11: Dean Harold Meyers is shot dead in Manassas, Virginia on 9 October. Two days later, Kenneth H Bridges is killed near Fredericksburg.
12: Linda Franklin is shot dead at a shopping centre in northern Virginia on 14 October.
13: A 37-year-old man is shot in Ashland, south of Washington on 19 October.
14: Conrad Johnson is killed on 22 October in the Aspen Hill area.

*Just for this I would have executed him 5 times over...
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USA, fuck yeah!
USA, fuck yeah!

Too long didn't read, but I guess the cartoon was about innocents executed? Which is clearly fucking OFFTOPIC in this case, if you don't mind....

The death penalty is pretty much like religion or politics, people can't make valid arguments about it and not likely to change their minds anyway. :eek:
The fucker was pronounced dead last night at 9:11 pm. Some timing...

Let's remember his victims:

1 and 2: A shot is fired in Aspen Hill, north of Washington DC on 2 October. James D Martin is later killed in Wheaton.
3, 4, 5, 6 and 7: The following day, James "Sonny" Buchanan, Prenkumar Walekar, Sarah Ramos, Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera and Pascal Charlot are all shot dead in areas to the north of the city.
8: On 4 October a woman is shot at a mall in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
9: On 7 October a 13-year-old schoolboy is shot at Benjamin Tasker Middle School in Prince George County.*
10 and 11: Dean Harold Meyers is shot dead in Manassas, Virginia on 9 October. Two days later, Kenneth H Bridges is killed near Fredericksburg.
12: Linda Franklin is shot dead at a shopping centre in northern Virginia on 14 October.
13: A 37-year-old man is shot in Ashland, south of Washington on 19 October.
14: Conrad Johnson is killed on 22 October in the Aspen Hill area.

*Just for this I would have executed him 5 times over... Let's ask the pussies if their son is shot dead while in school, oh, nevermind...

How the heck did this feller learn to 'snipe' so well? And what the heck is a feller who knows how to 'snipe' so well doing with a gun?

And was there ever a motive established? Or was he just a woo woo in waiting? A psychopath maybe? Someone mentioned he expressed no remorse...

Hell, I'd hate to live in a nation where psychopaths can get their hands on guns so easily. Especially after (or even before) they leave the armed forces.

Doesn't it make you think just a little bit? Especially about those poor chaps seeing active service right now? One minute the killing is sanctioned and fully supported by the state; the next it isn't.
This and that

Madanthonywayne said:

This man was an evil cold blooded murderer. He had no mercy or compasion for those he killed; neither should we waste any on him.

If we cannot afford justice for the most wretched among us, we have no justice to afford.

The question isn't whether or not to execute the man. That's a moot point.

Justice is solemn. And it isn't easy. One thing for sure, though, it's never enough. Oh, no. The rule of law isn't good enough. We should torture him. Shoot him and let him suffer to death. Televise the execution. Nothing could possibly reduce justice to a matter of mere vengeance better than these. And, certainly, in degrading our justice, torturing a man, or turning his homicide into a public spectacle that tops the Nielsens, we would certainly show everyone just how much better we are than this sad sack of meat.

Your statement that "an eye for an eye leaves us all blind" ignores the fact that the principle of lex talionis was actually meant to limit the punishment for a crime to something proportional to the injury inflicted by the criminal.

Take it up with Dr. King. Or John Hume. Or Mahatma Ghandi. Or any number of the millions of people throughout human history who, for good or ill, haven't trifled with that distinction.

Quite certainly, looking at the modern world—especially Israel—an eye for an eye limits nothing.

If we cannot muster something approaching a modicum of reverence toward something as powerful and vital as justice, why should we bother with the idea in the first place?

• • •​

Syzygys said:

Not to mention an eye for an eye leaves us both oneeyed, but at least EVEN.

Until they come to take your other eye.
Too long didn't read, but I guess the cartoon was about innocents executed? Which is clearly fucking OFFTOPIC in this case, if you don't mind....

There have been innocents executed before where there was seemingly no doubt about their guilt. Just because you are utterly confident he was guilty doesn't mean it was so. Since it is impossible to grant life again, and guilt or innocence is much harder to establish with absolute certainty than some would like to believe, the risk of executing an innocent person is a very valid argument against the death penalty.
Just because you are utterly confident he was guilty

Before you express your opinion about a case, it does help if you actually know about it. There was NO DOUBT about his guilt. So again, your argument is offtopic.

Although thinking about it, that 13 year old boy could have been taken down by the teenager. It was never clearly established if he let the boy kill or he was just the watchman...
I'd rather see him rot in jail the rest of his life and die of cancer or something. The fucker got off easy.
Before you express your opinion about a case, it does help if you actually know about it. There was NO DOUBT about his guilt. So again, your argument is offtopic.

Although thinking about it, that 13 year old boy could have been taken down by the teenager. It was never clearly established if he let the boy kill or he was just the watchman...

Unless you are omniscient, there is always some degree of doubt. For all you know, he was the victim of a government conspiracy. I'd say this is very, very unlikely, but still possible. And since it is a fact that innocent people have been executed, and this thread is about both an individual and the death penalty in general, it is precisely on topic.
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Unless you are omniscient, there is always some degree of doubt.

No there isn't. This is as clear cut case as it can be. Is there some kind of website where they teach how to make stupid and irrelevant arguments against the death penalty? Because I keep getting the same old stupid arguments that I already defeated back in kindergarten.

There are 2 kind of arguments against the DP:

1. The sadist: Wants to keep the criminal alive because it inflicts more punishment. I don't have a problem with it logically, at least it makes sense, sadist as it is.

2. The other: Pretty much everything else.

Please try not to make the stupid arguments. They are unbecoming....

P.S.: I guess it is possible that space aliens did it because they hate humanity and they set up Malvo. After all, who knows it for sure?
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