David Icke - Mad or Right?


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Valued Senior Member
Is David Icke, that author of such wonders as The Biggest Secret a raving lunatic, or is there some validity to his claims. Amoung his boasting are the following:

1. True origins of Christianity
2. Exposes the true and astonishing background to the British Royal Family.
3. Clinton + Bush are shape-shifting reptile aliens :K
He's an interesting bloke and a skilled public speaker, but ultimately: he's a nutter.
hes off his tree bigtime' ya do know he was a pro soccer player. He just bullshits for money
Wow, I've never run across anyone else who ever heard of him. We saw him speak at an offshore "investment" conference. He's very popular with the crowd who thinks the income tax is illegal and the Federal Reserve System was not created for its stated purpose. Well actually we believe that too which I suppose is why we were there, but David Icke's conspiracy theories were a little too bizarre.

I certainly did not think he was right. Taking into account everything that has happened in the past 3,000 years (just the things we know about), it's inconceivable that there is any conscious continuity going back to Gilgamesh. But I did not think he was mad. Eccentric, paranoid, imaginative, and an intrepid researcher, but that doesn't make him mad. The Bilderbergs are hardly a conspiracy, they operate almost out in the open. If there's a conspiracy of that type out there, it is surely well enough managed to evade detection. The fact that Icke has not found it doesn't mean it does not exist. The evidence he has found that points him in bizarre directions could be planted, after all. :)

I never heard of the reptile alien thing. Doesn't sound like Icke at all.
Brits of a certain age grew up watching him presenting sport on Grandstand every Saturday afternoon - him and Frank Bough chatting away, trying to make the cricket sound interesting. Bough went on to get caught taking cocaine, wearing fetching ladies' lingerie at sex parties and visiting S & M brothels, but it's Icke who now blows us away with the depths of his insanity (with the turqoise tracksuits a dead giveaway).

Here's more on those lizards:

In 1999, Icke wrote and published The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World, in which he identified the extraterrestrial Prison Warders as reptilians from the constellation Draco. [21]They walk erect and appear to be human, living not only on the planets they come from, but also in caverns and tunnels under the earth. They have cross-bred with humans, which has created "hybrids" who are "possessed" by the full-blooded reptilians. [22] The reptiles' hybrid reptilian-human DNA allows them to change from reptilian to human form if they consume human blood. Icke has drawn parallels with the 1980s science-fiction series V, in which the earth is taken over by reptiloid aliens disguised as humans.

The reptilian group includes many prominent people and practically every world leader from Britain's late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, and Tony Blair. These people are either themselves reptilian, or work for the reptiles as what Icke calls slave-like victims of multiple personality disorder: "The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the U.S. and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure — the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to 'shape-shift'." [4]

Icke has since published a number of additional books on the same theme. His latest work sees George W. Bush, also a reptilian, playing a key role in what Icke alleges is a 9/11 conspiracy. In Tales From The Time Loop and other works, Icke states that most organized religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts. In a similar vein, Icke believes racial and ethnic divisions are an illusion promoted by the reptilians, and that racism fuels the Illuminati agenda.
Some have made the simple equation Lizards = Jews, and accused him of being an anti-semite who's in league with the Far Right, but personally I don't think there's any truth in this, and Icke has flatly denied being anti-semitic on numerous occasions. My own view is that either he's suffered a nervous breakdown somewhere along the way (in which case he's taking an awful long time to recover), or else Grandstand weren't paying him enough and he saw a way to make some real money. I'm sure those international conference hosts are paying him a sight more than ITV ever did.

The poll needs an 'Undecided' option.
David Icke - Rich or Poor?

Is it a mad man to see that people buy your stories? Or a righteous one to not cash in on those foolish enough to buy into them?
Hes actually a very intelligent guy from what ive seen, just absolutely no critical faculties to decern myth/conjecture/hearsay/evidence/speculation from one another.
I truely believe he doesnt understand the key differences, because he will use the flimsiest piece of speculation to build an entire fantastic ascertion out of.
When I first discovered tales of conspirary theories and Illuminati, I was almost convinced by their plausability, until I read about the shape shifting aliens and the idea that we're all being controlled by said aliens from some mother ship out there somewhere. David Icke is certainly 'out there somewhere' in my opinion.
I think centrics got it in one thier. I think hes a mixed up individual indeed. If he was to tell a phychiatrist this he would be put in an asylum
I watched an interview that he had done with this South African shaman.


Apparently these reptiles live underground and eating their skin gives you magical powers (along with copper poisoning!)
David Icke appear to talk rubbish but he does it in a very intelligent manner. I personally think it is very important to talk total rubbish because it stretches the mind. I would have no problem at all spending a few hours listening to this man give a talk.

But much of what he says is related to symbolism so he links everything he can find with a pyramid and that will lead on to a sign of a lion and so on. You end up with a complex story that doesn't make sense but he gives many 'facts' along the way.

I am tempted to watch one of his talk and research the many facts he gives out to see if is getting them right.
There are no such thing as Illuminati. It's completely preposterous to imagine some uberclass of humanity secretly controlling everything and running every aspect of your tiny, pathetic lives.

...now close this thread and run along before I have you all destroyed.
This is real serious and David's work is in imminent danger of ceasing without your help. Donate system now working.

Or send to this address:

David Icke Legal Defence Fund,
Office 1,
185a High Street,
Isle of Wight
P033 2PN
United Kingdom

In an unrelated issue, is it legal to send poo through the mail? What if it was dried poo?

Blessed Myuu!

send him some good, good Myuu hate-poo, I know the song says "lovin" but I know you ain't jive wit that.

You probably know it already, but, "Turn your lights down low" by the Marley-meista, the man gave us the definition of "ganja in the head" (and I should look it up). Just thought I'd put that out there, even though spidergoat might say, "put it back in! put it back in!"

I don't spin that crap in my car. Still.

I spin Elephant man, Red Rat, Cobra, all that, with some sick Original Nuttah. And sometimes... sometimes, a little Lady In Red or some Flock of Seaguls shit.

I should throw in a little Myuu's lyrical badness in that collection. Still.

Rock de boat,
Rude Rabbit (I just came up with that one. In fact, I'm thinking about changing my username to that.)

Peace! Praise! Thankyou Myuu! Keep fightin the battle eternally against the dread of Moo. Mad respect. Big up to Myuu. Amen.
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Nicholas! What up!

Myuu be stillin chillin; ain't got enuf green to fill da machine
That be his charioto, yo
B4 he go go go
Take a tour of da land, strong up da pimp hand
Be mixin an goin and get down to da ho-in
From Massachusetts state to da tip of O-re-go-in.

Myuu know that don't rhyme.

Peace! ~ mAd PrOpZ!!1!11! ~
