Darwin's Theory Of Gradual Evolution Not Supported By Geological History

Who would've thought one essay by one guy would undermine hundreds of years of observation by tens of thousands of scientists. Yawn.
Who would've thought one essay by one guy would undermine hundreds of years of observation by tens of thousands of scientists. Yawn.

2010 (this year) - 1859 (year Darwin's book was published) = "hundreds of years"

Who knew math could be so easy.....
I quoted Richard Dawkins, and cited the relentless hatefulness, condescension,and name-calling by people claiming to support science.
Like so many others here, you prove my point exquisitely.

Your anti-scientific, anti-intellectual diatribe continues:

I quoted Richard Dawkins, not any "evangelical agenda." I object to atheist whackjobs, spewing hatred and ignorance.

Quoting Richard Dawkins, and you, is "taking a dump in people's faces"?

You're in to scatology, not science. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Please join the other leftist whackjobs on my Ignore List.

Ignore List

* AlexG
* iceaura
* joepistole
* phlogistician
* spidergoat

Judging by that ignore list, you're not here to debate anything, but rather to preach. Which is against the rules of this forum.
Judging by that ignore list, you're not here to debate anything, but rather to preach. Which is against the rules of this forum.

Well said. You are here to preach, not offer objective opininion in the pursuit of truth. There are a ton of forums you could join where you would be one of a hundred equally ignorant but cock-sure individuals all pushing their own quasi-conspirital agendas- to the point of nothing.

You apparently want it both ways. You want to come here and preach and ignore everything negative said about your beliefs and this is a MAJOR character flaw.
Then why does world famous evolutionary biologist, Richard Dawkins, call it "inch by million year inch"?
Because even when it's relatively fast, it's still very slow.

Virtually any time anybody offers up a question, however reasonable, challenging Darwinism, he is instantly reviled with all kinds of name-calling and condescension.

The above dismissive rhetoric in categorizing the Holy Bible with "other abodes of story and legend" is offensive and inappropriate. But that never seems to stop the Anointed Set from being dismissive and condescending and hateful.
Only you think you are being reasonable. In fact, your points reveal a lack of knowledge of anything except creationist talking points. Also, you are a bully, and deserve to be called names.
It seems reasonable to me, as the actions of someone engaged in powerful self delusion. To fortify his own position he has to find fault with the opposition. Since many of the arguments presented by his opposition are solidly reasoned and backed by evidence he must ignore these. yet he is still driven to find fault. Typographical errors are commonplace and so he can focus on these, demonstrate a weakness in his opponents, which he can then generalise in his mind to a failure of their position.
It seems reasonable to me, as the actions of someone engaged in powerful self delusion. To fortify his own position he has to find fault with the opposition. Since many of the arguments presented by his opposition are solidly reasoned and backed by evidence he must ignore these. yet he is still driven to find fault. Typographical errors are commonplace and so he can focus on these, demonstrate a weakness in his opponents, which he can then generalise in his mind to a failure of their position.

I hope you billed him by the hour for that :D
Originally Posted by Repo Man
Judging by that ignore list, you're not here to debate anything, but rather to preach. Which is against the rules of this forum.

Well said. You are here to preach, not offer objective opininion in the pursuit of truth. There are a ton of forums you could join where you would be one of a hundred equally ignorant but cock-sure individuals all pushing their own quasi-conspirital agendas- to the point of nothing.

You apparently want it both ways. You want to come here and preach and ignore everything negative said about your beliefs and this is a MAJOR character flaw.

I "come here and preach" what, exactly?

You and your pals have said NOTHING about my "beliefs." All you do is lie and smear me. When I state something you cannot refute, you smear me some more. Your hateful condescension is despicable.

Now on the subject of ignorance, what have either of you contributed to the sum total of knowledge deposited in here? Why don't you both post the link to your best, most enlightening commentary in the past four days.

I put up challenge after challenge to you Anointed Ones, and the answer is almost always the same. You ignore my challenge and... resort to calling me more names. How *scientific* of you.
It seems reasonable to me, as the actions of someone engaged in powerful self delusion. To fortify his own position he has to find fault with the opposition. Since many of the arguments presented by his opposition are solidly reasoned and backed by evidence he must ignore these. yet he is still driven to find fault. Typographical errors are commonplace and so he can focus on these, demonstrate a weakness in his opponents, which he can then generalise in his mind to a failure of their position.

that the logic, or well illogic of an ad hominem fallacy.
You and your pals have said NOTHING about my "beliefs." All you do is lie and smear me. When I state something you cannot refute, you smear me some more. Your hateful condescension is despicable.

OK - I'd be happy to engage you in that case.

Name one scientific prediction made by creationism that has a useful application - or a way that creationism can be used to derive useful predictions - and we can discuss it.

or just continue whining and bleating

your choice
When I state something you cannot refute.....

Mod note: You have done no such thing. Take a good look back at this thread. All you’ve done is moan and whine about “left-ist whackjobs” and “Darwinists” and fixated on typographical errors as though they somehow substantiate your position. You’ve offered nothing in the way of arguments that cannot be refuted. Nothing. And this is entirely typical of all your spamming of most of the sub-forums since you arrived with your attitude.

As far as I’m concerned you’re trolling, and this is my first and last warning to stop it.