Dark matter and the speed of light

Are you saying that light moves faster between galaxies than in galaxies? We have a measurement for the speed of light in a vacuum but in our region, it would be traveling through DM (?)
I have no evidence that dark matter is what I predict it is. I have no data to support that the speed of light is not invariant.

What I am trying to do is to discuss whether or not there is a possibility that the speed of light may be influenced by the density of dark matter.

On that basis, like the speed of light is affected by the medium through which it passes, then light would travel faster between galaxies than in galaxies. That wouldn't prove what dark matter is, but would prove that it gathers in conjunction with mass, and particularly in and around galaxies and to a lesser degree in deep space between galaxies.
What don't you understand when I say that the ONLY "Dark Matter" that we "Know" exists is Neutrinos?

AND they ARE going the speed of light,,,,,,,,,:shrug:

Uhhh.....Maybe because we also know about a kind of "dark matter" called "dark state" which has a range of speed from , let's say, one MPH slower than c down to not moving at all.
So dark matter is theorized to make up a huge percentage of the matter in the universe. Is there a consensus on what dark matter is and when and how it formed?

D H, would you move this to Pseudoscience for me.