Dark energy is pseudoscience

Look at any picture of a spiral galaxy and you can see it is laid out as though only light matter mattered. Loonies however will tell you that you are only seeing 1/6th of the matter there and cannot see the missing 5/6 of the matter. Yet supposedly DM interacts gravitationally.
There is evidence that points to some unknown force working in and around galaxies that makes them act as if there was what they call dark matter.

Are you saying that the evidence pointing to some unknown force or effect is not real or are you saying that the proposed theory of dark matter is wrong?

Actually I speculate that the answer is yes there is dark matter and the problem is with General Relativity. It goes right to the level of the incompatibility between GR and quantum mechanics. In my view the dark matter is made up of energy quanta that occupy all space and that more densely occupy space around mass. Energy quanta are undetectable until they form observable particles but before that they form sub-particles which exert gravity.

I speculate that mass itself is composed completely of energy quanta right down to the fundamental particle level and to a level of order smaller than that, meaning that the level where the Particle Model weighs in is not the most fundamental level of nature.
Einstein refers to the fact dynamical mass is a frame dependent quantity. Physicists don't use it, they use rest mass and momentum, using Einstein's formula of $$E^{2} = m^{2}+p^{2}$$ where m is the rest mass.

velocity is not energy.

otherwise there would be no rest mass relevantly speaking

So your whining is based on ignorance.
not whinning....

the only thing you will see me whine about is the complacent ignorance of the so called self proclaimed educated.

is there really ever rest mass? NO!

so where is the error? Guys like you who can't admit it.

Did it get published? Did it get rejected by everyone you submitted it to?
not in the form you share but directly sent and if you can find one of them, keep it; as it will shut you up

Who exactly is 'seeing it' now?
No one other than the few i send material to every day as well as the locations i have visited throughout the country and world.

Was the 'thesis' less than 50 pages and devoid of maths? A thesis is between 100 and 400 pages typically and the culmination of 3~7 years work.
not concerned with 'norm'...... and it was completed in less than 3 months as the math was already done, understood and being used to combine understanding to form

i.e.... the molecular interactions of neural exchanges. IN which to address molecular interactions in a mathematical frame was complete non-sense to anyone in biology or physics at that time; as the form breaks every rule of current paradigm

What you're almost certainly referring to is a paper and one which was considered nonsense by mainstream physicists. You complain they didn't understand it but in actual fact they thought it was nonsense. And here you are, 25 years later, and you're still a nobody whining on forums about how you've got all the answers but you don't actually know anything.
yep..... non-sense to even you now

all because of limited exposure to natural phenomenon coupled with integrity

so in these last 25 years, more data has been accumulated perfecting what it real; not the paradigm of beliefs in created items such as dark matter to correct the ignorance of entropic math

simply to retain certain benchmarks as law, is to ruin the ability to comprehend what is true

i.e..... gravity is entangled energy between mass; not some stupid constant

to mathematically represent this comes from combining mass, energy and time (the trinity) to a script

and i have no reason to prove anything to you nor publish and release in the form you wish or are accumstomed too. Many have before and regretted it based on the exact methodology you hold so dear. Not interested in releasing the power of math to irresponsible morons just to be accepted

like i said the data to understand what is being said is all over the globe; but you want to answer questions like:

why does mercury's orbit do what it does? Go back to kepler and then realize your momentum is not the missing variable but the energy between the mass (entanglement) is the missing comprehension; i.e.... the orientation is to another body; you get to guess which as i am not interested in this.

as well; the eclipse or bending of light behind the sun; is not because of gravity bending space; have you ever seen a mirage; then energy from the sun is doing it not the bending of space

when you start reading from more than your own beliefs of accepted paradigm, then maybe you can begin

i.e..... if 2 atoms are combined by energy, what it that energy? not sometimes but everytime, what is energy itself upon mass?

if an atom is BEC cold at rest what is the form that changes its state?

there is only ONE answer; then return to the planck and combine 2 systems based on that recognition of what energy is; it doesn't work.

there is no method of combining two like systems to represent; the combined energy between them is greater than the addition of the 2 separately

alpha; when you want to answer questions that benefit mankind then i will consider you making a choice to support the evolution of knowledge

but all you want is your name in print and that is how you gauge what is good by who get's the most recognition and acceptance.

Einstein himself knew the work was unfinished; what is so hard for people to realize the errors must be in the benchmarks?

Walking the Planck drowns everyone eventually and that planck was built from the 2nd law, when the first law alone shares how the system of the second must be missing something.

change is norm; chaos is for morons
AlphaNumeric. How many papers on ArXiv see the light of day anywhere else? 1 in 1,000?
Much more than that. You have only to look at the papers which come up for inflation to see most of them have journal references.

So you didn't even check....
You are still using the strawman argument, saying that you must be right because you have qualifications. Your posts however do not show signs of a great intellect. What you do is maths. Several years ago I heard of someone who could speak fluently 66 languages and get by in dozens more. What had this genius invented? Nothing. He just had a good memory for languages. You just have a good memory and a good head for figures. You have dedicated them to a field that will almost certainly never have a concrete use in the real world.
You claim I have no evidence I can do physics. I've proven otherwise. And now you ignore it.
Again the strawman argument. Not interested in what I post but telling me you are a PhD student and I'm not so you must be right.
I didn't say that. I said it proves I can do physics.
Why should I back up something for which there is no evidence?.
You claimed inflation couldn't explain light elements. So can you back that up or not?
It is like my asking you to back up a statement that there is no God. If you cannot do so, then that would prove God exists. DE is an idea to explain a believed effect. Prove the idea is more than an idea.
I never claimed there was a scientific model of no God.
I didn't say that. I said it proves I can do physics.

then why does mercury have a perihelion procession?

are you having a problem with your physics?

Can you share why the outer stars within the arms of the galaxies are covering a greater distance than the innert stars closer to the center?

I mean if your physics is so pure, then without creating any unknown matter or energy, then the laws of physics should be able to answer these.

IF not, they're wrong!

Deal with it!
Much more than that. You have only to look at the papers which come up for inflation to see most of them have journal references.
So you didn't even check....

I have crap internet and have no intention of looking through a few hundred papers to get a fair sample. Did you, or was it that you managed to find a few which suited your purposes?

You claim I have no evidence I can do physics. I've proven otherwise. And now you ignore it.

You just parrot what you have read on internet sites or what you have been taught. What's new?

I didn't say that. I said it proves I can do physics.
You claimed inflation couldn't explain light elements. So can you back that up or not?
I never claimed there was a scientific model of no God.

I claimed expansion could not produce light elements. Don't you know the difference between inflation and expansion?

DE is a fantasy, like God, so must be proved, not disproved.
And so? That doesn't make it pseudoscience. There is a scientific search on for concrete evidence of dark matter.

Scientists cannot agree on what DM is. Has it the mass of an electron or fifty times the mass of a proton. Does it have a temperature of 9,000.C and never lose it's heat? Does it always move at several thousand miles an hour and if so, why? Can it form large structures and are they miles or light years across? Is it in the make-up of planets, is it even in the galaxy or is it in the galaxy's halo? Define "reacts gravitationally", and so on.

It is just guesswork.
There is evidence that points to some unknown force working in and around galaxies that makes them act as if there was what they call dark matter.

It depends on the red shift and our view of gravity over cosmic distances.

Are you saying that the evidence pointing to some unknown force or effect is not real or are you saying that the proposed theory of dark matter is wrong?

I don't think DM exists.

Actually I speculate that the answer is yes there is dark matter and the problem is with General Relativity. It goes right to the level of the incompatibility between GR and quantum mechanics. In my view the dark matter is made up of energy quanta that occupy all space and that more densely occupy space around mass. Energy quanta are undetectable until they form observable particles but before that they form sub-particles which exert gravity.

I think space has structure but can't say if that is a factor here as it would surely be uniform, like your energy quanta, so not make a difference?

I speculate that mass itself is composed completely of energy quanta right down to the fundamental particle level and to a level of order smaller than that, meaning that the level where the Particle Model weighs in is not the most fundamental level of nature.

I don't agree with strings because I think they are way too small and what are they made of? I think there could be something maybe a hundred times smaller than a neutrino, like folds in space.