Dark Ages

Take China; they didn't have dark ages as Europe experienced, but they didn't start current technologic and scientific revolution. They had the technology of printing and explosives, they had been able to travel as far as African shores. So it can not be formulated like "if there wasn't any Dark Ages (Middle Ages, Religious Ages, however you want to call it) we could be 500 years ahead". Those people in Europe were trying to survive against the Black Death (maybe term "Dark" refers to this point). Actually I strongly believe that they had started to lose their deep trust in their God around those times. In next couple of centuries they created new technology, vision, methods and understanding while searching for an exit.

If we could politicize our times as "second Dark Age", that would be some sort of motivation to create better options and possibilities. General tendency is towards blaming the past. I hope future generations will not do the similar mistake and call our times with names, instead of seeing the contributions to great human history.

Well what major mistake did we make in our time that would cause them to label our time "The Dark Ages"
i dont see how anyone can know what people were thinking hundreds of years ago because it is often times just not accurate.

No you can not know precisely, you can just "guess". We don't even know what our age is calculating, so we have question marks about near future, forget about knowing accurate details about centuries ago. We can just create fantasies about past as much as we could. Even if we had every single detail, we still couldn't "exactly" know what those people were thinking.

Yet, if everyone around them were dying in great numbers, I guess that some people would increase the velocity of praying to their Gods, while some others had some other thoughts about things, and they started -at least- "escape" from their destiny. That's how you start war campaigns against Eastern regions, reorganise your society as much as you could, and if you are desparate enough, you may even discover new continents.
Well what major mistake did we make in our time that would cause them to label our time "The Dark Ages"

You do not need only "mistakes" to call certain thing as "dark". See, we do not know certain ingredients of this universe and we call them as "dark matter" and "dark energy". Our current darkness is the realisation of universe and everything without involving some super heroes into the equation. Our darkness is our loneliness as calculating and controlling species. If there will be any colour in it, we have to invent it alone. Nature will not help us, God will not help us, and we are totally dependent on ape magic.
Yes but as you said, that was years later. Meaning, if science advancements were made in the Dark Ages then by the time the Renaissance rolled around the science achievements made in that time would've been much greater than they turned out to be.
My point is that you have two eras - one characterized by a low level of social order and another being highly established - and both having strong theistic elements.

IOW what might have worked as a greater benefit during the dark ages would also spell the coup de grace for the renaissance era.