daft or strange things you've done


Registered Senior Member
Lets see how daft or strange we all are, myself right well i had a water sprinkler, the type that stick up in the ground and rotate while spraying the garden, i did not get the setting right, i could tell this as it was spraying my next door neighbours garden, so i decided to alter it, but i did not tutn the water of, or stop it from rotating i just ran around in circles trying to alter this sprayer,my kids and wife where in fits of laughter, and i was soaked daft or what:bugeye:
;) Pretty great stuff, Blastoff. Myself, I went outside and laid in the snow to try to 'commune' with winter. Well, it was about 15 degrees out (fahrenhheit) and I was just wearing a thin jacket, unzipped. I was out there from maybe 6 to 8, sitting in the snow with my shoes off and my legs raised into the air. For what? You ask? I don't know. I had a game with myself, to try to control my shivers until I convinced myslef I wasn't cold, but that didn't work.
Then I ran into the woods and jumped on a rotting log until it broke, and ran up into my front yard like I was a spy or something, my eyes being blinded by the automatic timered light over my garage. Then I laid in the front yard by the road and listened to the Bjork CD Homogenic in its entirety.

Neeless to say, I was quite sick for the next 5 days because of this. Yet, I do not regret. Winter is beutiful, and what I realized was that in winter, animals are supposed to die, and humans initially had to go naked. So should we really have any hard feelings getting sick?
Daffy as they come ...

Riding the NYC subway years ago;

Asked by a fellow passenger what the time was;

Brought my wristwatch to my nose, sniffed it;

Got the strangest look you could imagine.

More than forty years later and still can't figure
out what I was thinking when I did it.

Take care ;)
Smelly watches...do I smell a business oppurtunity?

;) That's pretty daft, Chagur. One time I had to go to the bathroom and went to the garbage can instead, you know how it is. Problem was that I actually went in the can. I did it years ago so I don't remember all that well, but I know it was pretty stupid. Us humans should quit trying to multitask. It only creates messes.
My neighbor's stepfather killed himself by sawing off the branch high up in the tree that he was standing on.

Oh dear...that's very sad, but it's also just stupid! That isn't just daft. I remember in the 2nd grade me and some poor little friend of mine went around crawling on the floor and eating up all the scrpas of food we could find after lunch. It's not like we were poor, starving, abused children. We just wanted to have some fun. Well, I guess 2nd graders can be pretty daft.

Last year, while I was waiting to get the results on the internet for a Jazz band audition, I sent the webmaster a fuming email because she put up the results form the yaer before instead of the current year. Well, I got hell when my parents found out, and now in all of the audition material for the Regional Band, there are these new rules against sending email to the webmasters. Everyone's like, "Why'd they put these rules in, it doesn't make any sense." I can't help but to boast.
I have probably done lots of stupid things that are now repressed.
One that comes to mind right now is when I was about 11 and sitting in the backseat of the car , putting my head out of the window, just for fun, and my glasses flew off immediately. I was too embarrased to tell my parents to stop the car right away, so I waited for about five minutes...and by then it was impossible to relocate where I had lost them. But hey, I got new glasses. :D

Falling off a Car bonnet and removing my Kneecap was pretty stupid...

What was I doing.. well I was hitching a lift, and didn't take the corner with the rest of the car.... So I zoomed off at 40 Mph bounding across the tarmac on knees and hands....

Still, The worst part was having to wait 24 hours before anyone was good enough to take me to the Hospital.
What is normal to one person could be strange to others. One time, I was on the plane, speed reading 2 inch thick, business reports so as to prepare for the presentation at a client. Next to me was a young Mormon Missionary watching me flipping pages with a strange look on his face. Finally, he could not help himself, but ask me how I read so fast. So, I said, does not everybody learn this in junior high? He said, in his school, he did not. I said, oh! I am sorry....

He was so serious and had the strangest look on his face..... (I could not say I was kidding about the school bit...)
A night in New Orleans

My current favorite story about myself ... a little over a year ago, I went back to see a friend in New Orleans. Bourbon Street went well enough, and we proceeded to a little bar called the Decatur. The following events have been related to me; I only trust they are true because, well, this one doesn't lie to me about such things.

I'm told that I:

* Proved that one person can fit entirely on one barstool; such as if you wanted to curl up and sleep (something about that seems familiar)

* Knocked over a table (this I vaguely remember), spilling two pitchers and several glasses of beer

* Climbed off my barstool and walked straight into a wall (this just sounds like me)

* Smoked pot in the middle of the street (this, too, just sounds like me)

* Turned down a random offer to get laid, for silly reasons we won't go into right now (and apparently she was quite fine even without beer goggles)

* Charmed the socks off a young man (haven't a clue, but he did actually call my friend once trying to find out how to reach me ... never heard from him, and no, that's not the silly reason I turned down the woman)

* Urinated on someone's front door (I claim no knowledge)

* Attempted to urinate on a Confederate memorial (again, I claim no knowledge)

* Passed out in a public park

* Got up later and somehow found my way back to the house (I barely remember wondering where the hell my friend went)

I woke up the next day not particularly hung over, but with wounds at my ankle, wrist, and face, and bruises that make me wonder what the hell I was doing. I apparently fell on brick so hard that the red powder was ground into the leather of my jacket. The wounded ankle was also sprained; I actually think I know where I fell on the bricks because it's also where I figure I sprained my ankle; if you know New Orleans at all, you know the sidewalks :rolleyes:

Oh ... and I didn't get arrested or thrown out of the bar.

So apparently such behavior isn't daft enough ;)

It's worth mentioning I was tripping at the time, too ... I actually had forgotten about that until just now. That explains why I wasn't hung over. But truly, I wish I could remember that night.

Tiassa :cool:
Something daft I've done.....hmmmmm.

At my house one of my dogs gets really excited sometimes, especially when you dangle one of her toys in front of her face. Soooo, to get revenge on my sister I stood behind her while she was sitting on the couch and held a dog toy right above her head-the dog went nuts and climbed, jumped, did everything right on top of her.

This isn't something I did but my other dog who's this absolute moron got stuck under a chair and preceded to scream and bark at the top of his lungs as he leaped around the kitchen spreading urine and feces over EVERYTHING. When we tried to help him he growled at us. It may have been the most unbelievably funny thing I have ever witnessed.

I'll think about this thread and try to come up with some more.
Regarding soaking yourself

A few months ago my rear drainpipe become blocked during heavy rain. There's only about 1-2 mm clearance at the bottom so leaf debris had no where to go. Water was cascading out of the drains as it was so blocked.

So what does muggins do, he decides to cut the end of the drain off, to produce a clearance. Fine idea but I only had about 6 inches between a fence and conservatory to play with. Found a small hacksaw and starting sawing about 2 inches from the pipes bottom. Cut through the pipe and 30 odd foot of water in the drain tried to escape, at pressure.

Simple physics should have told me the problem, gravitational potential = mgh, h = height. 30 foot of water in a 4 square inch pipe = lots of potential and pressure. The jet went about 5 foot when I was not blocking it. Took about 5 minutes to cut through as the jet was straight in my face.

Kids found it hilarious.
nasty thing i did

My family and i went to the local zoo,we got there paid to get in, and had a great time up until lunch time, by this time a crowed of people had started to follow us around, there where all types of people all with cameras, it went on for about an hour and a half, i got fed up with it, every time i siad to my family look at this we where swamped by total strangers, i had had enough by now, so i told the family to stay where they where even when i shouted then, so i walked over to this wall, i looked over and shouted to my family come and look at this,and as usual the crowed where there first with there cameras, i walked away, they did not see any animals as it was an old pit that they had used as a rubish dump, we had a great day after that.:D
Let's see, one 14-year-old boy and a 6,000-volt neon sign transformer (can you guess yet?).

After making Jacob's ladders and stuff like that I begin to get bored. So what the heck, let's see what happens when we set up an arc right through a piece of plywood! Gosh, what fun! You can burn nice little trails of carbon all over it. (Sorta like decorative wood burning on an industrial scale.) Well, even that gets boring after a while. So, grab a tin can full of water and pull one of the probes off of the board to break the circuit. Gosh, let's pour some of the water on the board to see if it will vaporize when I hook the probe back up!

Think that I even got a chance? Hell no! Start to pour the water onto the board. Water touches the board. Water reaches one of the carbon trails. Current races through conductive carbon trail. Current races up through chemically impure tap water ions. Current races through the metal wall of the tin can; presto-change-o!

Amazing, weird jolting feeling as I reflexively drop the tin can.

However, not before I look over and see the current arcing back to the case of the neon sign transformer on the brick patio, over a foot away from me. A return path was created through my hand, arm, back, butt cheek and the bricks in between. I end up with strange feeling in arm, back and butt cheek for the next two weeks as the nerve paths slowly regenerate.

Lucky not to be dead, I still have the transformer; I just don't play with it anymore.

One night when I was out with some friends, I got some liquid courage in me and so I jumped over the bar and tried to make my own drink! Needless to say, the bouncer didnt think it was too funny. :rolleyes:

Well, em.....hehheeee...

I love Meerkats (as in Timone in the Lion King movie)....they are my favorite "wild" animal. I wrote a song (lyrics and all) for Meerkats....very simple song....so then, when my husband and I went to the San Diego Zoo this past summer...I see them and begin singing the song to them (right after announcing to them that I had a song just for them...:p ). So there I am going from Meerkat "exhibition" to Meerkat exhibition (about 3 or 4) singing this crazy song much to the amazement of onlookers (the kids thought nothin' of it...the parents just grabbed their kids and moved on....LOL). But the best part was that the Meerkats loved it....I'm serious....they just hung out in the nursing position and looked up at me blinking their cute little bandit eyes and I'm NOT MAKING THIS PART UP....they actually said..."ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" much to OUR amazement. We nearly died from the sweetness.

And I'm not the only one with strange notions.....my husband....

He got our most expensive wedding frame (a Waterford crystal frame=$150) and put a picture of two baby meerkats play-fighting in it...and placed it on our bedside table...so every morning when I wake up, instead of seeing our wedding picture, I see the little turds play-fighting.....and not only that....he shows it with pride to everyone who comes to visit us!!! Um, maybe he did that to make up for pretending he didn't know me at the zoo this past summer... :bugeye:
re:daft and strange

my dad and i went on hoilday a while ago, and we decided to go horse riding, my dad is on the large size (if you know what i mean) my dad got on the horse first and then he decided to reach down to lift me on, we got on but just as we did the saddle sliped, and i fell onto the fence, the horse fell to it's knees with my dad still clinging onto the saddle, the horse looked around as if to say don't let him get on me again.:p
Chagur wins.


I wish I had seen that. And believe it or not I can understand why 40 years later you would still be wondering. :D
When I was around 8 or 9 I was having a stupid argument with my older sister. I can't even remember what it was about but the upshot was in a red rage I picked up a seven inch single and flew it frizbee like at her.
Unfortunately, she ducked and so it stuck right in her forhead. The funny part was it was a Chuck Berry record and so it turns out I gave my sister six sutures with 'My dingaling' :cool:

Once, later on I was working in a nightclub and collecting glasses. Earlier I'd been to take a piss and forgot to do up my flies. So here I am worming my way thru a packed dancefloor with two arms full of empties and my button flipped. Trousers at ankles and no underwear I did well for tips that night but never looked up once:eek: