Dad 'repeatedly walked past dead twins'

i dont disagree with you at all bells. General comments rather than specific to this case:
What i ment was i have seen to many cases where a mother has been excused in the death of there child for PND and the father has been sentanced to life for murder. The assumption being that fathers cant get depressed from having to make the adjustments to having children in the house, the changes in his wife ect

As to this case as i have seen so little and definitly not a psych report (which you say even the court wont have) i cant comment as to wether depression was an issue in this case. I in NOWAY ment that not checking on your children is an excuse (what he has said publically), thats criminal neglect in the exstreem (at the least).

On a slightly unrelated note, please excuse some of my symapthy. I have the clasic paramedics problem. Aparently alot of paramedics get into fights with the police when turing up at SIDS cases because the police investigate it as a murder and the paramedics are more intrested in comferting the parents (its something we were warned about because oviously its the ambos who are in the wrong, the cops are just doing there job).

As for the help avilable, i know how hard it is (from personal experiance) to ask for help with ANY depression. Yes the goverment has services in place but its not that easy to ask for that help. Thats why family and friends are so important because a change in a persons behavor that can be observed is a better trigger for help than expecting people to seek it.

I just cant belive DOCS never followed up but i guess i can understand with there workload. I just wonder how many of these types of cases could be avoided if someone takes notice earlier. Its kind of like that old man who was found dead a year after he stopped taking his meals on wheels because a nabor said to police that he THOUGHT he had gone away.