CYNICISM - a necessary evil?

I think the negativity is from being comfortable with the world that they know. Anything new, like an idea, threatens that comfort zone. People establish perimeters, walls, and put others in their place so they have a pecking order and a sembance of order in their world. The new has to be inspected to see how that changes anything. If for their benefit and not to radical from what they know then they are all for it. If it shakes the foundations then the negative hits, Hard...
The off-topic-ness of it all! :D
I nearly forgot what the whole thread was about, hehe
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I think cynicism's very useful! I mean, you need at least one person to tell you that bungee jumping without a rope is dangerous! Without cynicism, I doubt we'd have what we have today. We need the terminally-depressed people to tell us what not to do, so that we may want to do it more! Negative people balance out all those insane, happy people out there. To enjoy the light, you have to embrace the darkness. :)
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I think the worst enemy is someone exactly like yourself. I think I'd hate myself if I ever met me. Fortunately, I'm too buried inside my own head to notice myself. *smug grin* (see? I'm terrible!) :D