Cursing and Christians

James R said:

As Josh said, this is a nice story, but there's no evidence for its truth.

From memory, the word "fuck" most likely is derived from Old French.
M*W: That's possible. The English language traveled north and westward from Phoenicia, and I believe that it could have been a French word the English picked up. However, I do know from early American literature that the word "fuck" came about as a criminal charge kind of like DWI means "driving while under the influence of alcohol." We no longer spell it out, we just say "DWI," and the abbreviation is widely understood. So it makes sense that the word "fuck" implies the crime of illicit sexual intercourse. Although in this day and time, the word "fuck" is simply used as an expletive meaning something that is "ridiculous or not understood" about a particular situation as in "he's fucking crazy," "she's a fucking bitch" (this is not implied today with sexual connotation), "I'm fucking broke, "he broke his fucking leg," etc.. Now if one said, "I like to fuck," that could be implied as a vulgar sexual connotation. Thanks for your input. I'm a fucking verbophile.
Frisbinator said:
Is there anything in the bible that prohibits use of the words: f*ck, sh*t, b*tch, etc... ? If a minister were to say, trip on the steps and say "shoot!", what would be the difference of him saying "Sh*t!", if the meaning of the words were the same?

De 5:11 - You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.

Mt 12:34 - "You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.

Jas 1:26 - If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. (NASB)

IMHO, it is more of a problem with what lies in the heart of a person than what words are used. The Bible shows that the tongue can be used for both blessings and cursings. But what fills the heart of a person is usually what comes out of their mouths, which is an indication of their character.
Is there anything in the bible that prohibits use of the words: f*ck, sh*t, b*tch, etc... ?

According to the Bible, christians are supposed to set themselves apart for others by their actions. Not cussing is one wat of doing that. They are also supposed to keep in mind that their body is a temple of God and should not be defiled with speech or anything else.
"christians are supposed to set themselves apart for others by their actions"
two problems with that
the Ultimate goal of the Christian church is total conversion, everyone being a Christian, who then could the Christians set themselves apart from
also, what if the others stopped swearing, would Christians then have to start swearing?
No, I think you misunderstand christianity a bit. the ultimate goal of a christian is to become like Christ. This involves serving God, in whatever He asks you to do. Because God loves people, He sent Christ to die. People were wicked, God couldn't tolerate that so they were seperate until their was a sacrifice to atone for them. Now it is a choice to believe, and you can't believe that if you've never heard it before. So therfore, christians have a job to introduce Christ to people, but it is that peoson's choice as to weather he believes or not, the christian can do no more than answer his questions.

If other's stoped swearing, no it would not mean christians should start. Christians want to keep themselves pure, but cussing would only defile them. Unfortunantly though, it is highly unlikely that the entire world would stop swearing.
Swearing is accusing the accusor (since satan is portraited as the accusor), cursing God and so on... it's easy to see why swearing isn't good for us.

Swearing is also trying to take away the blame from ourselves to others or objects around us. We have a bad feeling and we want it to go away by swearing and cursing and we are making other people around us feel uncomfortable and anxious.

When we do faults then we should accept the regret. But most people have much trouble doing that, instead they want to blame others - or even inanimate objects that couldn't possibly have had something to do with it.

Swearing and cursing also feeds bitterness and anger (which are growspots for sins).

The Bible warns us to take on the lifestyle of people that don't care about God, warns us to take on their "pattern of thoughts".
Is *expletive deleted* a swear-word? ;)

I think Rosa's post provides some insight into why Christians are discouraged from using course language. It goes back to the commandment of "not misusing the Lord's name" - i.e. respect for God and your fellow man. Also, take note that "cursing" originally meant just that: wishing evil upon someone - frequently done "in the name of" someone, in other words, the opposite of exorcism!

Consider this admonition:
James 3:8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.​
PS. Why do people use "Jesus" or "Christ" as swear-words? Especially in American films. Since Roman times, people don't swear "by Jove" or "by Jupiter" anymore (except in Asterix books). Swearing and cursing has (or used to have) religious connotations. Today people are content to just refer to something vile. I wonder if someone could explain this absurdety?
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Here is another scripture which seems to deal with the point:

"But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth." - Colossians 3:8