Current psychic events

Just make sure the litterbox isn't anywhere that you want to walk.

As for the girls, getting them fixed is major surgery (unlike with the boys) and I'm still unsure whether it's worth the damage to the cat.

ANYWAY, this thread is supposed to be about being PSYCHIC, not owning cats. Sorry I sidetracked everyone - I was just wondering why people always think cats are psychic.
I have always felt that cats are a little on the "I'm mysterious and I know stuff you don't know" side. My family has had a cat before, Charlie, but I never felt anything special with him and never noticed anything strange or extraordinary about him. Anyways, now that I'm in America I've gotten another cat (chrlie was stolen) and his name is Paco. I anmed him, hehe. Anyways, he is 8 months old now, Maine Coon breed, grey and white (little orange I'm not sure), and he is smart! I taught him tricks including roll over, sit, come over, he knows how to catch a treet in the air, lie down, AND give me his paw! He is just awesome and the cool thing is that it didn't take much to teach him, but then again he was basically a kitten when I taught him that stuff and it's easier to learn while you're young. He has also learned pattern stuff such as whenever I goa round the staircase he knows I'm going to come out on the other side so he goes the arouond it starting at the opposite end I started at! Sometimes he runs after my legs "hugging" them maybe because he's mad that I hug him too much or maybe just because he is in aggressive mood. I'm pretty sure it's not because he loves me and wants to give me a hug!:p
I loved that story about the ghost cat! I'm a superstitious person, although very young, and that's maybe because I'm from the Russian neighborhood I lived in for most of my life (so far). My friends and I would get together and we would always have something superstitious to talk about. I believe in all kinds of stuff! Sometimes just out of my personality someone might say something that has happened to them and I'll say something that I'm trying to disprove them or shows skeptism, but really I'm not like that. Part of why I might do that is because I believe in possibility and always think that there's a possibility they might be lieing. Might sound childish but I'm that kind of person.
If anyone has anything else superstitious or something outt of ordinary to talka bout please post your experiences here!
Cats and Cats

Ok, Cats...

Well, I was raised with more cats than you could shake at stick at... and I still love them.
I presently have 6 cats, which 2 of then have been born in this house..
I have found that if you speak to them and treat them as "equals" as you would speak to somebody you care about, or are close to.. they respond...
Ok, I do not go crazy a obout this.. but I speak to them as I would speak to some friend.
I presently have 2 babies, about 4 month old... they attack my partner at night.. like bitting his toes etc. nothing bad.. but it keeps him up.. lol
They do not do anything of the sort to me.. at all...because i beleive ...I speak to them... like normal.. no baby talk etc.. I just speak to them.. he does not.. lol...
they do not attack me... they sleep with me...

Cats have a litter box........
BigBlue... and cats

Does seems like we did get away from the subject...

About 2 years ago, my old friend, Anouk, a 22 years old cat moved on.
A good friend of mine.. (insight my beleilf ) send another cat to my way..
Now this cat was an outside cat, with claws like hello, and yes, and bigger than one of my dogs. She never wanted to come in the house.
Well, the point is that she stayed here for about 2 years.. outside, in her "cat house" , all insulated for winter etc. fed twice a day... like she had it made..
Well, she dissapeared about 7 day ago, I have been looking for her all over... breaks my heart...
but then , had a dream, and here she was, sleeping on top of her house... (outside house) very happy , and telling me it was ok.. she was at peace....

I sense she is so close, there is not one day that I do not go out to her house and look if she made it back.

I totally beleive that .. if you want it.. there is a full relationship to be made with cats.. well them... (smile)

My friend.. Peannut...
Hi everyone,

I don't own a cat and I haven't for about 30 years. In fact, I haven't had any kind of pet for many years; but if I were allowed to have a pet, my choice would be a puppy because I'm more of a dog person. Don't misunderstand, I love kittens too, it's just when they get older they can take you or leave you, whereas a dog will always come running over to see you tail wagging.

So because I've had nothing to do with cats in general for many years, the experience of feeling a kitten walk over me in my bed is more surprising and unusual (I'm not really sure of what word to use because it was totally out of the blue). If I owned a cat I might have explained it away somehow, but not having thought of cats or kittens for so long makes my experience more.... what? I don't know.

In any case, those of you who have pets, enjoy them, because I've wanted to own a puppy or a kitten all my life but circumstances have made it impossible in my adult life.

With respect to cats becoming aloof and distant, I don't believe that this is just the nature of cats...

I'm pretty sure that cats spend some of their time trying to figure out what you're doing. When you've got a relatively young cat, watch what they do. They often follow you around and stare at everything you do because they can't figure it out.

I watched one cat go through many contortions about how I brushed my teeth. She'd stare, every time. Sometimes she'd chew on the toothbrush when I wasn't using it. (Ew.) Eventually she got tired of staring and didn't watch anymore.

I assume from her manner at the time that tooth-brushing is something that isn't obvious as to its purpose, and that after spending weeks trying to figure it out the cat gives up.

I think the "aloof and distant" stage comes when the cat has decided that most of your activities are beyond its understanding because you generally don't make any sense.

There's a few ways you can reduce this effect.

Make sure that you don't take the cat away from its mother when it's too young! Kittens don't seem to learn all their social skills from their mother until almost sixteen weeks... worst of all is that they may not learn how to talk.
(Cats do talk to some extent and have a series of sounds that refer to different general concepts, usually desires and attitudes. They need to learn them from other cats, and if they don't then it's just pretty much "myar myar" for the rest of their life.)

Play with the cat on a regular basis - also, having more than one cat is a real bonus. Cats on their own get lonely, and thereby fat and stupid. (The same way humans get lonely, fat and stupid.)

SHOW THEM HOW TO DO THINGS. This is HARD. If you have handle-type doorknobs, teach them how to open the door on their own. They will love you. Anytime a cat can understand anything it's happier.

It also depends on individual cats, obviously. If you see a kitten with a scowly face, rest assured that scowl will stay there for the rest of its life.
Cats Again


You are correct about the baby cats, Like I said I have presently 2 young baby cats about 4 months, their Mother is here with them, and yes, they do speak to each other, and learn from her.

I also Have 2 males cats (1/2 brothers) and they have been teaching them also. As for me teaching them, well, my Big male, Felix, will often just sit on the kitchen counter when I am cleaning, and just watch everything I am doing.. seems to amaze him. Also, when I am sewing, they all gather in my sewing room, most of them on the desk with the sewing maching, and watch everyting I am doing...etc.

They are very inquisitive, and yes, I am a cat person. They have always been there when if I feel off, or doing something new around this place.

I just would not have it any other way..

Cat to speak... just listen.
I just finished a series of photo classes involving dark room techniques. I'm trying for a career in Photography. There is a special black door that leads to the dark room that turns in a circular fashion to avoid light getting through. I was early and teacher, Richard went into the dark room to set things up. I walked around a little and started looking at some of the photo work done by previous students from different classes. Then I heard Richard drop something. At first I paid no mind because Richard is rather clutzy and often drops things but it waas unusually loud and I had a nagging feeling to turn around. When I turned around I saw my Uncle Dod standing by the door to the dark room. This was peculiar because he crossed the river in an auto wreck in 1986. Anyway he pointed to the dark room, smiled and then disappeared about two seconds later.
Oooh, spooky Raven. Maybe he was happy that you have taken up photography and wanted to show you that, like in "pointing you in the right direction".

Maybe we should rename this the Cat thread...:D
My two female cats talk a lot too and one of them has this stunningly funny voice, she sounds like a goat! She can't meow normally like other cats, it sounds like she has been drinking and smoking all her life.
Maybe she's Janis Joplin reincarnated. :D

Since we're talking about cats, the first time I tried to astral project I felt completely paralyzed, this scared me and I wanted to wake up. I was concious of my physical body, I knew I was lying on my side facing the wall. Suddenly I felt how a creature which I definately felt to be cat had jumped onto my back and dug it's claws into me. At first I thought it was my cat, a young tabby who is very spoilt and not overly fond of being petted and stroked, had jumped onto my back in a fit of anger seeking revenge for all the times I had huged and stroked her!
Luckily this was not the case, waking up I realized that the cat was not and had not been in my room. My intuition tells me that it was no less than a negative entity from the astral plane trying to stop me from projecting...

Anyhow. I am not into sharing psychic/mystical/spiritual experiences simply because I know that they are not not had because they are meant to be shared, they aren't merely 'cool things that happen', or 'great storys to tell people'. They are so much more than that, for one thing they are very real and very serious. I fully believe it is very contrary to ones own and others spiritual progress to go about blabbing about experiences during meditation, or dreams with evidently profound meanings...
I don't think, however, seeing apparitions and ghosts count as profound spiritual experiences(unless you feel it to be one or are given a message), so I guess this can't hurt.

Sorry if I upset anyone with my words. I just don't believe it's right to go about treating spiritual experinces as if they were a movie you saw or a song on the radio.
I wish I understood what's going on.

My cat visitor came again last night. I don't know whether it was because I had been thinking about my brother who is now dead, or whether it was because i've been very depressed, but first I became aware that I was awake and then a 'flush' came over me - that's the only way I can describe it, like when you feel your face go hot when you blush, this happened all over my body, and then the little paws just walking down around my legs. This flush feeling is a new experience, and it still doesn't scare me in any way, but I'm so curious as to who or what it actually is.

You might try astral projection, I am sure you would see your little friend(as it is obviously fond of you and probably means no harm) when in the astral. If it is a manifestation of your brothers doing you might even be able to speak with him. However apparently it is only the very recently deceased who come to visit people at night before their conciousness slowly joins with the universe, (to be eventualy reborn, or not). Very rarely do they stick arround.

I am speaking voodoo, but you must admit this is a very interesting phenomenon, for one thing it is very uncommon for 'astral' entities to manifest physicaly. I would be most interested in hearing about what you come up with if you do some research.
exsto human

I wish I knew how to astral project. I've got no clue how to even start. My brother died in 2001 - is that still fresh enough for him to be around still?

It is an interesting topic and I will do some research on the net. If you've got any good sites for learning let us know.

Do a google search. You will find everything you need to know about AP, some info is better than others though.

No, I don't believe it's close enough as what I think the usual time we are talking about is at most 1 week, however I don't know about special cases. I think it's possible to leave behind an 'emotional imprint' upon a house or place if there has been a whole lot of strong emotions arround the time of death, (tragic deaths etc..) this is what is perceived as ghosts or a 'presense'. But I realy don't know too much about it and could be completely wrong.

I hope you can find peace in your brothers memory, it's terrible to lose a loved one but remember that he's simply moved on to the next stage, what ever that may be.