Current psychic events

Valued Senior Member
I would like to make this a thread where we can update our current psychic events.
It can be anything we feel has happened lately that qualify as psychic in nature. It doesn't have to get proved as psychic as such, let's not make this thread boring.

I will start by telling about a dream I had last night. It was about a yellow house that had a big stonewall in the garden which my mother had bought.
It was located by the sea and there was a flood coming, so she thought moving the fence closer to the stonewall would protect the house better, but when she moved the fence which was surrounding the house and the whole garden, everything collapsed, the house and everything in the yard fell down the wall and on the street below.

Today I went to see her and somehow we started talking about dreams, so I told her this one, and she said that she had passed a house just like that the day before, the description matched exactly and that she also had thought about wanting to buy it, but saw that it was just sold to someone else.

I have not seen this house before in reality and she has never spoken about it either.
Hi Bebelina

Before I start Bebelina, that light blue is a little hard to read unless it's just my eyes, if no one else thinks so, disregard my mention of it.

Now, I don't know if this qualifies for your post but I've been wanting to tell someone this without being laughed at.

For the past few months I've been visited by what I think is a ghost - wait for it - kitten! I'll be in bed trying to get to sleep and I swear I feel the weight of a kitten walking over the top of my doona (blanket). The first time it happened I couldn't move because I was trying to work out whether it was just my imagination, although I knew I was awake I just couldn't believe what I was feeling. It's exactly the feeling of having a kitten negotiating it's way over a blanket down around your feet.

A few weeks later it happened again, only this time I decided to move my foot to see if it would stop. It didn't. Once that happened I had to get up to see if anything was there because it was so real. Of course nothing was there and the rest of the night passed without incident.

I finally told my mother (who I'm living with at the moment) making light of it because it seemed so silly. She's a little bit superstitious so it didn't faze her in any way. But she did tell me that when she used to sleep in this room I'm in now, my brother (who died in 2000 and used to own a pet shop) now and then would come home with a kitten and place it on the end of her bed. How freaky is that? Since then, it's happened another couple of times, and once I felt the kitten trying to climb on my head. It doesn't scare me in any way, in fact I feel like it's my brother coming to say hello, but it's not something you want to tell the people you work with because you know what they're going to be thinking.

Do you think animal ghosts are possible?

Oh, that was a totally adorable story. Of course it's your brothers way os saying hello. So I don't think it's an animal ghost, just him somehow making it happen. Try talking to him next time it happens, say hello back.

I do believe animal ghosts exist though, my dead cat Yoda often comes to visit me, but now in the form of a lion. He was yellow in life, and I often joked about him thinking he was a lion. I can also sense him in bed sometimes. And my other cats definitely see him too, and other stuff. It's funny to watch them at bedtime because there seems to be very much activity in the room that I can't see for myself, but their heads turn and eyes get big, so something is definitely there. Sometimes they stare into the wall like they were really looking at something, but who knows, maybe they are just me. :D
I live next door to a "Funeral shop" undertaker?...well, I have a sneaky suspicion that the spirits of some recently dead people who perhaps have followed their mourning relatives to this undertaker stops by in my place and lingers for a while. The hurse is often standing outside too, sometimes with a coffin in and sometimes not.

I've seen cats staring intently with the fur standing up at nothing too. Don't you just wish they could tell you what they're looking at?

I like to think of myself as a rational person but I can't deny that this has happened to me. I really wish there wasn't such scepticism attached to people's unexplained experiences.

I also saw a spirit/ghost/whatever many years ago just before the death of my father and that experience is a very vivid memory. The problem is I know what I would think if someone were to tell me the story as if it happened to them - it's just very hard to believe. Anyway, maybe one day these things can be scientifically proven.
Teri :)
Yes, I'm sure it will be scientifically proven too eventually.
That there are existances on other frequencies than us.
My grandmother often talks to her dead sister in dreams, and the sister often tell her about things that she should be aware of. She has also spoken to me in a dream too.
Mosty of my "psychic" events are dream related it seems.
My grandmother and I also saw my grandfathers ghost shortly before his funeral. He just walked by us in the hallway of their house, like nothing had happened. I don't think he was aware that he had died, or refused to accept it. Because the people who bought the house from my granmother later had to consult a psychic because of the many disturbances in the house, doors opened, things dissapeared and so on...
The psychic told them of an elderly man that was playing tricks on them, mischievious.
So that must have been him, perhaps a little irritated that new people had moved into his house.
My mother astrally projected to him when he was dying at the hospital ( it's not her father, but my fathers father) and he talked to her about everyday issues ( he was not awake at the time, had been unconscious for a few days already and was according to her halfway out of his body), he spoke about all the apples he had to pick. She tried to explain to him what was happening but he didn't want to listen to that. But by now I think he has moved on, hopefully, for his sake.

I was wondering to myself why it is that it's usually women who seem to have most of these kinds of experiences. Or do you think women are more willing to discuss them? I'd love to hear something from the men on the forum.

I think intuition is closely related to psychic abilities, if not a direct result of that ability.

If it's the case that these souls stick around for a while after death, I wonder how long they stay for, or whether there's some reason they don't move on.

I dislike going to funerals because I believe that the essence of the person is no longer in the body.

You've got me going now Bebelina - there are so many questions that are never going to be answered to everyone's satisfaction.

Regarding cats...


I have had the pleasure of having the company of many cats in my life, some of them for periods of times of 9 to 22 years.

Reading your post in regards to "feeling" a cat on the bed made me smile. The same thing has happend to me. I have at times, felt one of my past cats ( Tania ) walk on the bed, and cuddle up to she use to do. So much, that like you, I would sit up and look around for the darn cat !!

I never made much of it... did not scare me ( surprise me for sure !).. was just happy she was there. Granted never did tell anybody about this... as usual.. they would look at you like you have 2 heads !!!

Hope your cats stays with you.... always

Welcome Bottica

Thanks for the confirmation that I'm not the only one that has this happen; it's good to be able to share the experience. The little cat paws are so light, yet distinct, it really is amazing.

Again welcome to the forums.
Cats.. smilesss...


Well, may I say thanks to you.. you had enough "guts" to put it out.. (talk about it)... and that got me going...

She was there for about 2 years off and on, (Tania) and yes, those was her little paws.. only she would walk in this way... Well, you just know which on it is when you have a certain amount of cats... LOL...

About 3 years ago, Anouk, me cat of 22 years passed on. I saw her in a dream about 6 days latter. She has never been back to the house.. but then, I now have 6 cats (all strays).. I guess in many ways she is back.... Smile

have a sis that had a psychic connection with her cat anja
*lets lost, sis went directly to it (quite far)
*cat senses sis returning way before she actually got back (5mts or so)
cats rock
Just a tiny blip from a skeptic: How do you folks define a psyhic event if you do not want to do any proving?

Simply as something you wish to believe was one?

OK, OK, I'm off...... ;)

An Event ?

Just a tiny blip from a skeptic: How do you folks define a psyhic event if you do not want to do any proving?

Simply as something you wish to believe was one?


Please to meet you... but then I am not here to prove or disprove what has happend. Anyhow, how could I prove it to you ?

I know in my soul, and in my mind that I felt my cat walking on my bed towards me more than once.. and no, I was not dreaming, but wide awake, resting. It was present enough for me to turn on the light, get up, and look for my cat....

An event ? No, I just call it life.


Your scepticism is exactly the reason most of us don't go around telling people what has happened. I can't prove it any more than you can disprove it; you'll just have to take my word for it. In any case I don't have any reason to lie - what would be the point? It's just something I've experienced, you can choose to believe it or not believe it; it doesn't matter to me.

I'm glad Bottica spoke up, because in a way it gives my experience more credence and possibly she felt the same way.



I'm glad Bottica spoke up, because in a way it gives my experience more credence and possibly she felt the same way.



You are correct, Teri, I did and do feel the same way... I guess we all know its not easy talking about experiences that are out of what one may call "the ordinary life", but it is sure beautiful went it does happen...


Another cat incident.
My mother has a cat, My, that frequently ran away and stayed away for several days, up to two weeks at the time.
She worried a lot and went looking for it everyday.
One day when I was there she went out looking for it again and came back with My.
My mother had seen a big rabbit sitting on a stone and it seemed so calm that she carefully approached it and asked it if it knew where her cat was. The rabbit jumped off a few steps and looked back at her, she followed, it continued, and again after a few steps it looked back, to see if she was following it seemed. Then it jumped over a ditch into the woods, and the second after the cat jumped out from the same place. So either the rabbit showed my mother where the cat was, or the cat is a shapeshifter, or the cat had lived with the rabbits and thought she had become one herself.
Well, whatever it was, the cat doesn't run away anymore.

I've known a few cats and most were nice - it takes a little while to understand the feline facial expressions, but after you learn cats are much more understandable.

However, most cats I have known were D U M B.

So why is it common to ascribe cats such powers? I mean, I've known cats that were extra stupid and one Oriental Shorthair that was a positive genius, but most of the time the cats I've known were kinda noisy, kinda clumsy, and not too bright. Fun! But not bright.

Certainly the one I've got right now would probably run right out of my place if he had any idea where to go... if he had any extraordinary abilities whatsoever, he'd probably be using them on me just to relieve his boredom. The only form of communication he engages in is "I am hungry", which he generally illustrates by trying to eat you.
Nah, it's no offense to the cats - they're smarter than a lot of other animals. (Parrots I'm still not sure about. They could be very smart, but then again they usually have a mean streak a mile wide.)

It's only that it's very difficult to teach them anything. And when girl cats go into heat... hoo boy, do they lose their marbles. Didn't notice that so much with boy cats, but all my boy cats were fixed.
Yes, fixed male cats are the best.
One of my females now have an infection in her uterus so she must have it removed ( expensive...), male cats often don't get sick as often as females.
Teaching them to use the litterbox can take a lifetime and one's sanity.