Curious notions: The latest speculations

Reality is a deviation from the truth. Nothing more nothing less.
Reality cannot be percieved. For reality is an explanation of the environment and religion is all about this. So is science...
The more you think about "reality", the more you add to the story.
And a story is nothing without an author. So be an author of life and not a critic.

Shadow cannot exist without light. Light would mean nothing without shadow.
We have a poet!!.

I hope you never wrote this one in the stall of a toilet, for if you did I feel sorry for the individual that read it, he probably puked!!.

Reality is existence, and you must have a consciousness to perceive that which exists. Existence is axomatic it was not created, nor can it be destroyed, existence is identity, consciousness is identification.
Dose me, baby!

Well humans communicate by using metaphor, we can't get much metaphor out of just one word, like non-sequirtur which means "it does not follow" in it's shortest defenition of the term.
More fool you for restricting definitions. Your failure to perceive the progression is your own limitation of scope.
However I do enjoy your posts, don't get me wrong, though I sometimes have a hard time following thorouhly what you are trying to say, this is when I start calling your argument "non-sequirtur".
Right. I suppose I could be more polite about it, but it's kind of like an FPS in here. Ever try to order a bot to do something while the Apocalypse is exploding around you? It's really hard to do if it's something you can't hot-key. Perhaps if I wasn't reading complaints from about four sides that my posts are too long, &c., and reading people's derision while they fully admit they don't understand ... perhaps if it wasn't so thick I could tear a chunk of it out with my teeth, I might be more polite.

So in that, sir, you have my apologies.
My guess Tiassa is that I'm not the only one?. There seems to be a trend, how about shortening the blow and giving the info. in smaller doses?. This perhaps will give people some time to comprehend what you are trying to say. Then go from there.
I tend to think of it as covering the bases.

There's always someone around priggish enough to say, "Oh yeah, prove it!"

And then, in addition to the progression of the points of discussion, we have to slog back through everything anyway.

Besides, some ideas are bigger than sound bites.

Think of CNN, FOX News, MSNBC ....

What do "smaller doses" really get us?

The same amount of crap, dragged out over a longer period and wasting a larger number of words. And, as we see in the American culture, a tremendous shallowing of perception and massive reduction of capacity for assimilation of data and ideas.

As to the Sufi ideas: you'll find in there also the reasons why I consider the prospect of "Sufism 101" difficult and frightening. It is actually not advisable, from the Sufi perspective, that I write such a topic.

Fuggem. ;)

Tiassa :cool:
Reality is existence, and you must have a consciousness to perceive that which exists. Existence is axomatic it was not created, nor can it be destroyed, existence is identity, consciousness is identification.

Correct, existence wasn't created nor can it be destroyed. That much is true. I said reality not existence. Existence is another term completly. Reality is HOW you percieve it. So each and every person you run across during the day, they hold a piece of Reality. If you took math, you would have learned the concept of averages. Reality is an average of all eyes and ears and ideas.
So go *(** yourself if you believe that a blind man has the same reality as a deaf goat.
In fact, you proved something in my favor. Your contradictive manner only proves that you see another reality than I.
Poetry is a better means of communicating ideas than being blunt.
For you can tell both sides of the story at once with poetry. Unfortunately, you chose a bias based on interpretation.
Which suggests to me that you have chosen a "truth".
When in fact there is no truth, only approximate perception.
Reality is existence?

Wow ... how disconnected we humans have become from reality. Once again, The USA proudly leads the way! :D

Tiassa :cool:
Destructive poetry!!

*Plato, whose philosophy has been utilized by the anti-intellectuals, mystics, and userpers for the past 2300 years, was ironically the first to identify the harmful, anti-intellectual nature of poetry. Plato recognized that the sing-song, rhytmic nature of poetry set up automatic, hypnotic, nonthinking patterns that unconscious people used to pass on information which often sounded good or pleasant, but had little or no validity, accuracy, or objective meaning. In other words, through poetry, so called knowledge or packages of "truth" could be handily acquired and passed on with little conscious effort, independent thinking, or regard to honesty. Poems and chants established dogmatic patters that blocked new or more accurate ideas from developing.*

*Dr. Frank R. Wallace, Neo-Tech Publishing.

Quote: "Wow ... how disconnected we humans have become from reality. Once again, The USA proudly leads the way!

Well thanks for showing me this kind of respect, however I don't speak for this country. And yes The USA is leading the way, towards WWIII that is!!!!!. Tiassa be considerate, I live in this country, I love this nation, I totally disagree with the present governments actions. BTW, that little note was written by A Russian woman, Ayn Rand!!.

As for the American news media, well I really dont get much out of CNN, or ABC, or anyother they mostly give news about Hollywood, I don't care to see which movie star is getting married, or which one is getting laid by whom or whatever. This is what is been going on lately. Have you noticed?.
Soulless? (Even in the figurative sense?)

Well thanks for showing me this kind of respect, however I don't speak for this country.
Ask yourself the question I ask myself daily: Am I doing enough?
Tiassa be considerate, I live in this country, I love this nation, I totally disagree with the present governments actions.
Nonetheless, people--including you and I--endorse the present government's actions. Despite our loss at the ballot box (I voted for Hegelin in deference to a similar concept as you have expressed) we still pay taxes, still participate in the economic and supporting processes that fuel the machinery of our sparkling hegemony.
BTW, that little note was written by A Russian woman, Ayn Rand!!.
Which little note? Reality is existence? She's presumptuous. That cannot be proven objectively.
*Dr. Frank R. Wallace, Neo-Tech Publishing.
I wanted to point out that I cannot imagine being a non-emotional, soulless freak as the Wallace quote asserts. Certes, there's a bad side to poetry, but there's a bad side to breathing, also.

Poetry at its best aspires to use language to express ideas that transcend standard prosaic expression.

As such, I would criticize Dr. Wallace and his supporters for an utter lack of vision, human sympathy, and emotional relevance. It may be well asserted that emotions are detrimental, but why be so ashamed of being human?
As for the American news media, well I really dont get much out of CNN, or ABC, or anyother they mostly give news about Hollywood, I don't care to see which movie star is getting married, or which one is getting laid by whom or whatever. This is what is been going on lately. Have you noticed?
I know. It took the horrible, biased Socialists to advise me that a gang-rape in New York, the press coverage of which I remember fairly well, has the new twist of knowing that the minority youths sentenced for the crime were innocent. Hell, you'd think that would be CNN's headline of the day--multiple juveniles convicted on shaky evidence of a crime they did not commit while the state refuses to vacate the conviction despite having a confession from the real perp and a DNA match to the confession. But no, I hear about it from the World Socialist Website.

Its amazing; Christiane Amanpour did a spot for Aaron Brown on CNN the other night about Islamic women. She can convey better and more relevant information in ... twenty seconds, say ... than I can get from days of AP, Reuters, or American TV-news sources. (Aaron ought to send her something more substantial than a fruit basket for giving his show the illusion of quality. As good as Christiane Amanpour is, though, nothing can really save CNN.)

Question: If you witness something that defies your expression, does that mean that nothing has happened?

It was like this light ... I mean, this heat, no ... it didn't burn but ....

Does a lack of corresponding vocabulary really mean that nothing has happened?

Re: the title of the topic--Whoops. I forgot, soulless doesn't work as a word. It's too poetic when taken figuratively, and since many believe there is no soul I can hardly stand on its existence objectively, can I? Thus, the literal is out of the question. Oh well, I can take comfort in the fact that while you may be a soulless mofo, it doesn't bother you.

(Edit: I would advise Dr. Wallace to tell it to Whitman, or cummings, or maybe Rumi.)

Tiassa :cool: