Cure HIV and other viruses

Well, the simple answer is they do, but the drug has to attach its self to something on the viruse and generally that something is also found on human cells –and so your not only coating the viruses but also your own cells –hence side effects (someone hit me if this simplification is 'wrong' for being too simple)

Debatable whether viruses are alive, but I’m sure the characteristics for being alive have been debated on many other threads.

If we’re all for natural selection –role on bird flu –oh but then its not the stupid that would be selected out, but the poor and downtrodden. Eugenics is flawed and as ‘bugger’ all to do with HIV and AIDS (and yes, I’m off topic)

‘Currently there are 19 million women living with HIV/AIDS in the world, of whom only a fraction have access to treatment. Countries still do not produce figures disaggregated by sex and age although thanks to pressure from ICW and others, through the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, WHO is now committed to amending this vital information gap). Last year around 1 million women died, because of lack of access to ARVs. This means that not only did these women lose their lives, but many children became orphaned. Without a mother their vulnerability and risk levels have increased dramatically.

International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (ICW)

(thanks cyber_indian)
Some people are immune to HIV because the virus cannot breach their cell walls, so what makes their cell walls such ?
Its hard to know what you mean; human cells don’t have walls (plants do). I’m guessing your referring to those people who’s cells don’t have the CCR-5 receptor (see earlier posts ((CCR5 is a chemokine receptor present in different cells, especially in macrophages, monocytes, and T cells, where it acts as a co-receptor for HIV-1 in these cells.))

one example a CCR5 inhibitor is discussed here…
weebee said:
Its hard to know what you mean; human cells don’t have walls (plants do). I’m guessing your referring to those people who’s cells don’t have the CCR-5 receptor (see earlier posts ((CCR5 is a chemokine receptor present in different cells, especially in macrophages, monocytes, and T cells, where it acts as a co-receptor for HIV-1 in these cells.))

one example a CCR5 inhibitor is discussed here…

When the cells divide there seems no role of the DNA in constructing the cell wall, the cell wall just divides in to two. If we can change this cell wall during division then we may be able to block HIV.
By getting rid of all gay people.

I can't believe that hasn't been your loving refrain, Anomalous!
Light said:
They are happier (because it's much easier - takes no effort at thinking and reasoning) to rely on what others in their circle of friends tell them about subjects like that. And that is also one of the basic reasons why conspiracy theories often take such deep roots. "The blind leading the blind" is very much a fact of life.

The following is an example of why someone might believe in a conspiracy theory. I don't know if Light was speaking about all conspiracies or not, so this is not a direct response to him personally. I believe it is a 'he', anyway!

I am extremely unhappy about the fact that a greater and more intensive effort was not made to locate the missing pieces of very important medical evidence in this case, which I pointed out back in the summer of 1972. Not that I was the first to learn of this, but amazingly, nobody had made that public disclosure prior to that time. I have raised same questions concerning the head wound and the possibility, albeit remote, of a second shot fired in synchronized fashion from the right side or the lower right rear, synchronized with the head shot that struck the President in the back of the head. And this is related to a few pieces, a couple of pieces of evidence and, again, emphasizes the necessity of having the brain to examine. These are the major areas. There are, of course, numerous facets of all of these disagreements that are related to the so-called single-bullet theory.

The words of Dr. Cyril Wecht, well-known forensic pathologist, from an interview for the House Select Committee on Assassinations regarding the assassination of JFK. He was asked to explain his disagreement with a panel of experts who were re-examining the assassination.
I recall him, on a documentary aired numerous times on the History Channel, referring to the "accidental" disappearance of Kennedy's brain as gross negligence. He stated that that level of incompetence would never be tolerated in any normal investigation. And when you think about the nature of this murder (one of the most famous assassinations in the history of the United States) you will understand the anger displayed by Mr. Wecht during that documentary on the loss of an extremely important piece of evidence.

Testimony like that from people who are reknowned experts in their field is also an elementary piece of what forms a conspiracy theory. (well, not ALL conspiracies are as valid, so don't hang me high just yet!)
In order to truly call him a certified blind man leading blind people, you'd have to be able to see better than him as regards his profession.

Dr. Wecht was at one time president of the American Academy of Forensic Science, one of several credentials to his name.

Curiously, a man who runs an anti-conspiracy website said of Cyril Wecht:
Wecht is a competent forensic pathologist where the Kennedy assassination is not involved. Is a person's competence so selective?

Incidentally, this is a tactic that is sometimes used by skeptics of the professional and armchair varieties: using credentials and PhDs and science as a weapon to clobber misguided believers and kooks, UNTIL it undermines your agenda. And then we have statements like the above, noting his expertise in ALL applications of his field EXCEPT this particular instance.

This re-examination of evidence also uncovered an audio recording made during that time which revealed, with almost 100% certainty, that there were four shots, one of them coming from the front.
Actually, if I'm not mistaken, much more recent analysis has uncovered what may be even more shots. Dunno for sure!

This is not a statement of any position I have regarding what is the highest-profile (and some would definitely say unsolved) murder case of the 20th century!!! This is merely stating other people's opinions, who know far more about it than myself.
I only used this example as a reminder that conspiracy theories can be supported by "expert" testimony and true scientific rationalism; they're not all die-hard kooks with gray matter falling out their "itching ears".
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Now, I did not at all mean to divert the subject of this thread, but there are conspiracies about AIDS and its origins, so I just thought I would mention this, besides trying to prove a point about conspiracies!

The documentary I referred to is "The Men Who Killed Kennedy". Anyone ever seen it?

Feel free to comment on JFK's murder, if you wish. I have no official position, but the single-bullet theory sounds a little weird. Too good to be true?

Okay, to be brutally honest, it sounds like bulls**t. These same men probably go to church, whether out of duty or honest belief, and probably think flying saucers are hokey, don't believe in much beyond nuts and bolts, but they seriously believe a single bullet going on a magical mystery tour of various body cavities and parts? Oh, that's right, they were PAID to believe.
:cool: These men are classic!

You know who really did it? Yep. Lizard-like beings from Betelgeuse. They're here, and BOY are they QUEER! :p

Kweer as in weird. But you all knew that.

Getting back to AIDS, has anyone ever heard of a Dr. Hulda? She claims to be able to cure AIDS and cancer and other goodies. One of her methods is apparently some type of electric shock treatment. Low voltage, I'm guessing. I read some of her views.
Really fantastic, baby, just fantastic!
loki_ghost said:
i don't know the difference between AIDS and HIV, but HIV...

Just so you and anyone one else in your position knows, HIV is a virus while AIDS is a disease caused by it - in other words: first you catch HIV and then AIDS develops.

God made HIV in responce to rap music.
Anomalous said:
When the cells divide there seems no role of the DNA in constructing the cell wall, the cell wall just divides in to two. If we can change this cell wall during division then we may be able to block HIV.

…again, mammalian cells do not have walls –they have membranes. have a look at

‘HIV can only replicate inside human cells. The process typically begins when a virus particle bumps into a cell that carries on its surface a special protein called CD4. The spikes on the surface of the virus particle stick to the CD4 and allow the viral envelope to fuse with the cell membrane. The contents of the HIV particle are then released into the cell, leaving the envelope behind.’

CD4 proteins are made on the 'instuctions' of the DNA in the cell (so even while it may look like the cell’s DNA is not ‘involved’ in the cells membrane it is (because it ‘instructs’ which proteins are in the membrane))

weebee said:
…again, mammalian cells do not have walls –they have membranes. have a look at

‘HIV can only replicate inside human cells. The process typically begins when a virus particle bumps into a cell that carries on its surface a special protein called CD4. The spikes on the surface of the virus particle stick to the CD4 and allow the viral envelope to fuse with the cell membrane. The contents of the HIV particle are then released into the cell, leaving the envelope behind.’

CD4 proteins are made on the 'instuctions' of the DNA in the cell (so even while it may look like the cell’s DNA is not ‘involved’ in the cells membrane it is (because it ‘instructs’ which proteins are in the membrane))


did U read this
weebee said:
‘HIV can only replicate inside human cells. The process typically begins when a virus particle bumps into a cell that carries on its surface a special protein called CD4. The spikes on the surface of the virus particle stick to the CD4 and allow the viral envelope to fuse with the cell membrane. The contents of the HIV particle are then released into the cell, leaving the envelope behind.’

OK, now I get it, Thanks for the Info.

Another Question. Are there any friendly viruses in our body ?
If so can they be reprogrammed to attract or attach tothe HIV viruses ?

Is there anything in our body that can be reprogrammed to attach to the virus or attract it like the CD4 does ?

And how about having CD4 floating allover in our body or by injecting it ?
dude if you block CD4 you'll block your immune system.

"Helper T-cell"(the cell that get attaced by HIV) is part of the immune system mechanism.