Cults. Have you ever been in one?

I'd give anyone ten bucks to debate a dead person.
Both must of course be present during the debate.

You could visit Jeremy Bentham at University College London.

Doesn't say much, though.
Why would I debate him? I thought he was an exceptionally intelligent con man.:p
Good heavens...what a question!!! :eek:
Since when do YOU need a reason?

You'd have to play along with the slowness of his speech, which is good because you'll need time to think.

Note the inverse relationship between his eyelids and eyebrows. His eyelids are slightly hooded, almost sleepy....while the eyebrows are perpetually arched, alert and attentive.
I may start one.

I have yet to see a clear, concise and functional distinction between cult and religion.
No, though I did used to walk past Rajneeshpuram when I was in Pune. They always looked like lost people to me.

Pune must be the San Francisco of India to allow such a place to exist.
Has no-one ever attacked the ashram, or do they defend it with uzis,
as any good peaceful cultist would?
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