Cults. Have you ever been in one?

Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
I used to know a few people who were members of the "Orange People".
That seemed quite a good cult, because basically you could do anything you liked. Mainly it seemed to consist of eating very tasty vegetarian food, being allowed to have as much sex as you wanted without actually getting a great deal, and wearing orange. They also wore a Mala, which was like a rosary beads, but you wore it around your neck.

Have you ever been a member of a cult, or have you had a friend or family member join one? What happened?
No, though I did used to walk past Rajneeshpuram when I was in Pune. They always looked like lost people to me.
Five sixth's of the world are in cults.


cult (plural cults)


1. religion: a system of religious or spiritual beliefs, especially an informal and transient belief system regarded by others as misguided, unorthodox, extremist, or false, and directed by a charismatic, authoritarian leader.


1: formal religious veneration
2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual
3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious

So please define what you mean by cult?
Because if your christian, muslim, or jew, etc.. your in a cult.
I used to know a few people who were members of the "Orange People".
That seemed quite a good cult, because basically you could do anything you liked.


then it comes as no surprise who their customers tend to be ...
Mainly it seemed to consist of eating very tasty vegetarian food, being allowed to have as much sex as you wanted without actually getting a great deal, and wearing orange. They also wore a Mala, which was like a rosary beads, but you wore it around your neck.
The leader merely combined his hindu upbringing with his studies in psychology, brought to the boil by a type of atheism. Basically he understood the number one psychological need of people (SEX!!) and manufactured a means to deliver that in a (pseudo) religious format. Very appealing to cultured hippies I guess. As a psychologist, he is quite outstanding. As a religious practitioner, he sucks the fungus off a dead toad's armpit.

(in my hometown the orange people were famous for dealing party drugs and had really absurd dance parties with lyrics like "You can be Shiva, You can be Shiva ....." played at about 180 RPM .... as far as I can fathom, the only auspicious result from following their teachings is that after 100 lifetimes one might realize that there is absolutely no value in following their teachings)


Have you ever been a member of a cult, or have you had a friend or family member join one? What happened?
I remember being taken away by strange people and forced to live in a small room with barely enough food to eat. 4 years later I studied at a different campus.
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Good answer LG:)

In Aberdeen only 3,500 out of a population of 200,000 are in Cults.
COLOR="White"]For those unfamiliar with the geography of North East Scotland, Cults is a suburb of Aberdeen. /COLOR

Very arcane of you to put the explanation in white so no-one could see it.
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Did they give you all their worldy belongings and kill some bully for you?

I was the bully in elementary school.

But we'd sacrifice parts of our lunches to a drainage pipe behind the school. Some kids were like "you know Roman, I should stop this. I don't think god allows me to worship other gods."
In his early days he was a very fine speaker and writer.
His early stuff was a melange of Hinduism,
Buddhism, and Sufism. I used to like it.

Later he added Theosophy and Tantra, which was a mix too far.
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I used to wear a tie, feel proud of my business card and say things like

"I've been benchmarking and solutioning all morning"

"We've been trying to conceptualize new, backwards-compatible communication channels."

Fortunately my family had me snatched, deprogrammed and sent to a hippie college.

I now live in Europe, work in the humanities and my eyes are not glassy.