Cult Evolution

I'll take that as a yes.

Cult thinking, within a group setting like a church for example, will regurgitate the cults tenets and reaffirm the indoctrination.

Conclusions are not drawn by the cultist through reason and rationale, they are triggered responses from the regurgitated affirmations.
Cult thinking, within a group setting like a church for example, will regurgitate the cults tenets and reaffirm the indoctrination.

Conclusions are not drawn by the cultist through reason and rationale, they are triggered responses from the regurgitated affirmations.

You do realise that this fun for me?:p
For greenberg,

When a parent tells their child that they must love god, and the child asks why (as children are prone to do), what do you think the parent says? You already know the variety of answers. Is this reasoned behavior or cult indoctrination?

The difference between "reasoned behavior" and "cult indoctrination" is only in the degree as perceived by a particular person; "reasoned behavior" and "cult indoctrination" are within the same spectrum, two points on it.
You, on the other hand, wish to present the issue as if the two were completely separate and objectively existing.

And moreover, in my estimation, the way parents answer the questions of their children doesn't have so much to do with "evidence" or "reasoning" or "indoctrination", as it does with controlling the child and getting it to do what they want it to do. And to this end, parents will employ all sorts of strategies, even say things they themselves do not believe in - be that "Don't do that or the bogey-man will get you!" or "Don't do that because your aunt will be angry!". The unfortunate consequence of this is that the child doesn't yet understand the double-speak of adults, so the child picks up whatever it gets told as if it were truth. Such indirect, manipulative behavior of parents is not restricted to the religious.
The difference between "reasoned behavior" and "cult indoctrination" is only in the degree as perceived by a particular person; "reasoned behavior" and "cult indoctrination" are within the same spectrum, two points on it.
From a human behavior perspective, of course.

You, on the other hand, wish to present the issue as if the two were completely separate and objectively existing.
Really? Thanks for letting me know what I was thinking.
The difference between "reasoned behavior" and "cult indoctrination" is only in the degree as perceived by a particular person; "reasoned behavior" and "cult indoctrination" are within the same spectrum, two points on it.
You, on the other hand, wish to present the issue as if the two were completely separate and objectively existing.

You can't be serious. There is a clear distinction between what is reasoned behavior and indoctrination.

The former is simply an imparting of knowledge in which one is able to accept or not, while the latter is a forced acceptance of a doctrine, that which has no basis of proof and must be accepted unconditionally on faith.
Well done Greenberg ! As you suggest, resoning with a child is just a form of indoctrination.