Cthulhu is Love / God Exists Not

Good another Dune reader. Frank Herbert had a somewhat unhealthy obsession with the messiatic. For further reading we have his work the Jesus Incident. In all these matters he seems to take the position of neutral observer. There are probably more instances than I can think of. I already thought of another: a relationship between Duncan and Judas.
From our Lord-God Leto

If you know all of your ancestors, you were a personal witness to the events which created the myths and religions of our past. Recognizing this, you must think of me as a myth-maker.
--The Stolen Journals

Let there be no doubt that I am the assemblage of our ancestors, the arena in which they exercise my moments. They are my cells and I am their body. This is the favrashi of which I speak, the soul, the collective unconcious, the source of archetypes, the repository of trauma and joy. I am the choice of their awakening. My samhadi is their samhadi. Their experiences are mine! Their knowledge distilled is my inheritance. Those billions are my one.
--The Stolen Journals

Given enough time for the generations to evolve, the predator produces particular survival adaptations in its prey which, through the circular operation of feedback, produce changes in the predater which again change the prey--etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... Many powerful forces do the same thing. You can count religions among such forces.
--The Stolen Journals

Enemies strengthen you.
Allies weaken.
I tell you this in the hope that it will help you understand why I act as I do in the full knowledge that great forces accumulate in my Empire with but one wish--the wish to destroy me. You who read these words may know full well what actually happened, but I doubt that you understand it.
--The Stolen Journals

Perhaps these words kindly absconded by Siona shall reveal a bit of our God Emperor.

GB-GIL Trans-global, Leto forgives you. Afterall the non-believer is what tests our faith in Him. Your false-god Cthulu lacks the substantial teachings of our Lord-God Leto.