Cthulhu is Love / God Exists Not

GB-GIL Trans-global

Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
Cthulhu is LOATHE / God Exists Not

Cthulhu is love. Better believe it. This is your wake up call, non-Cthulhu cultists. If you don't become a Cthulhu cultist before the great Cthulhu awakens from his death w/dreams in the Deep, you'll find yourself eaten up (However Cthulhu does say Atheists are more yummy, you know, save the best for last?)

God doesn't exist. Better believe it. This is your wake up call, theists. If you don't believe that God doesn't exist, your ultimate idiocy will bring the Big Crunch closer than it should be to us today. This is your warning! Your soul-that-dies-with-your-body is in danger!

Ekimklaw is a troll. Better believe it. This is your wake up call, Ekim-sympathisers. If you don't believe that Ekimklaw is a troll, I will ultimately sic giant hellhounds on you and have them gobble you up for dinner :)

Your pal,

Due to the recent allowment of proselytizing on Sciforums.com, I've decided to post these types of posts!
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Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Cthulhu is love. Better believe it. This is your wake up call, non-Cthulhu cultists. If you don't become a Cthulhu cultist before the great Cthulhu awakens from his death w/dreams in the Deep, you'll find yourself eaten up (However Cthulhu does say Atheists are more yummy, you know, save the best for last?)

God doesn't exist. Better believe it. This is your wake up call, theists. If you don't believe that God doesn't exist, your ultimate idiocy will bring the Big Crunch closer than it should be to us today. This is your warning! Your soul-that-dies-with-your-body is in danger!

Ekimklaw is a troll. Better believe it. This is your wake up call, Ekim-sympathisers. If you don't believe that Ekimklaw is a troll, I will ultimately sic giant hellhounds on you and have them gobble you up for dinner :)

Your pal,

Due to the recent allowment of proselytizing on Sciforums.com, I've decided to post these types of posts!

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks. By the way, do you think I'll "go away" if you keep calling me a troll? What is your purpose there? Is it to convince those who have yet to decide whether or not to embrace Christianity?

In some atheist's minds...

thought provoking = trolling

But only if it comes from a Christian.

Face it Mark you're not cut out for deep philosophical arguments. When someone disagrees, you start using filthy language. You're not alone. Other atheists do that too.
Re: Re: Cthulhu is Love / God Exists Not

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thanks. By the way, do you think I'll "go away" if you keep calling me a troll? What is your purpose there? Is it to convince those who have yet to decide whether or not to embrace Christianity?

In some atheist's minds...

thought provoking = trolling

But only if it comes from a Christian.

Face it Mark you're not cut out for deep philosophical arguments. When someone disagrees, you start using filthy language. You're not alone. Other atheists do that too.

Ekimklaw-- I just wanted to show you what it looks like. Generally, saying things like "this is your wakeup call" and "better believe it" aren't seen as just thought-provoking. They're seen as proselytising. However this can be done for any point of view. So far, I've never seen anybody else on these forums do that except FoxMulder, who seems to need to warn us every so often that we must convert to Christianity now or our immortal souls are in danger... err... whatever.

And I have nothing against undecided peoples choosing Christianity, as long as Atheism gets presented on equal footing before that person. Also, I think that all the other religions of the world have the right to be presented to that person as well.

Ekimklaw, if you don't choose the truth (j/k here, that's something I would actually expect to hear from you), I don't give a damn. However, if you don't respect my truth, then don't expect me to respect your truth to you (I still respect your truth to most other people with your beliefs)
Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!* La mayyitan ma qadirun yatabaqqa sarmadi Fa idha yaji' al-shudhdhadh fa-l-maut qad yantahi!**

--Haf'hrdn Xev Bellringer ;)

*'In His House at R'lyeh Dead Cthulhu waits dreaming,
yet He shall rise and His kingdom shall cover the Earth.'

**'That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.'
There is nothing wrong with proselytizing. You either listen or you don't. And if you do criticize, give reasonable causes for criticism.
Then there is nothing wrong with atheists proselytizing as well.

Proselytizing is NOT appropriate in a discussion forum. Thsi is a place for exchanging ideas on an equal level, which is not the case with your proselytizing. Well, interpret "you" as you wish.
Originally posted by Zero
Who the hell is Cthulhu anyway????

He is the half-octopus half-human (sort of) creature that under the sea lies in his death-with-dreams... Soon, he will arise and eat all those who aren't Cthulhu cultists.

You say his name "Cut-who'll-who" or something like that. Actually, more like "Cut-tool-who", I guess. :)
Sounds suspiciously made-up to me. Any websites or meetings or congragations? I'm thinking TOTAL BELIEVING POPULATION: 1


I've been a High Priestess of Cthulhu ever since, oh, late febuary. It led to some - interesting - discussions with Tony1. :D

A picture of Cthulhu.. The Campus Crusade for Cthulhu and Cthulhu hymns

*Xev directs the choir of scantily clad female cultists in singing*:

Onwards, Cthulhu Cultists, just a few more years
Waiting till the Stars Are Right, when he Reappears
Rising from the ocean, striding to the shore
Claiming as his birthright, lands he ruled before

Onwards Cthulhu Cultists, like in times before
Best get on his good side, or he'll eat us raw!

Great is Lord Cthulhu - this you ought to know

To get in his good books, while he sleeps below
Imprisoned in Ry'hleh, far beneath the waves
Imprisoned in Ry'hleh, far beneath the waves
Till we liberate him, from his living grave


Think of divine splendour, shaped not unlike Man
But with beard of tentacles - picture if you can!
Splendid wings of ebon hue, spread beneath the moon
Sleeping down the aeons, dreaming from his tomb


Once he ruled in majesty, in the days of yore
Earth was young and splendid, and His was the Law
Till the jealous Elder Gods, envying his skill
Bound him with their symbols - but we serve him still !


Soon comes the Milennium, face it without fear
If you love Cthulhu, then your future's clear
Cthulhu is recruiting - what he wants, is YOU !


Credit to Simon Barber. :)
Xev wrote:
Onwards, Cthulhu Cultists, just a few more years
Waiting till the Stars Are Right, when he Reappears
Rising from the ocean, striding to the shore
Claiming as his birthright, lands he ruled before

Onwards Cthulhu Cultists, like in times before
Best get on his good side, or he'll eat us raw!

Great is Lord Cthulhu - this you ought to know

To get in his good books, while he sleeps below
Imprisoned in Ry'hleh, far beneath the waves
Imprisoned in Ry'hleh, far beneath the waves
Till we liberate him, from his living grave


Think of divine splendour, shaped not unlike Man
But with beard of tentacles - picture if you can!
Splendid wings of ebon hue, spread beneath the moon
Sleeping down the aeons, dreaming from his tomb


Once he ruled in majesty, in the days of yore
Earth was young and splendid, and His was the Law
Till the jealous Elder Gods, envying his skill
Bound him with their symbols - but we serve him still !


Soon comes the Milennium, face it without fear
If you love Cthulhu, then your future's clear
Cthulhu is recruiting - what he wants, is YOU !


Credit to Simon Barber. :)

Wow, color me impressed. I like that! By the way for those who don't know, "The Cthulhu Mythos" was invented/spawned by the incomparable H.P. Lovecraft. Good stuff Xev or Simon, or whoever wrote it.

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
By the way for those who don't know, "The Cthulhu Mythos" was invented/spawned by the incomparable H.P. Lovecraft.

HP simply DISCOVERED Cthulhu, it isn't a myth!
HP simply DISCOVERED Cthulhu, it isn't a myth!

*Nods gravely*

There is no High Priest of the Great Old Ones but Cthulhu and Lovecraft is his prophet.

Gnaai Lovecraft simply described Cthulhu. He did not make him up. Ask Tony1, he's a Christian and he agrees.

*Nod nods*

Mike: I didn't write it, unfortunatly. But thanks. :)
Originally posted by Xev

*Nods gravely*

There is no High Priest of the Great Old Ones but Cthulhu and Lovecraft is his prophet.

Gnaai Lovecraft simply described Cthulhu. He did not make him up. Ask Tony1, he's a Christian and he agrees.

*Nod nods*

Mike: I didn't write it, unfortunatly. But thanks. :)

Xev-- I beg to differ. How do we know that Gnaai Lovecraft (pbuh) is really the prophet of Cthulhu-hl? Perhaps he was told by somebody else of the great Cthulhu?
All hail Leto, God Emperor of Dune

Why you say?

  • He can't be destroyed. That's right he's eternal
  • He's prescient. That means that he knows everything not purposefully hidden by a no device.
  • He's A Giant Friggin Worm!!! Try beating that!
  • He may only be 4,000 years old, but don't discount his ability to search the past through ancestral knowledge. That's right he can see forward and backward.
  • Lastly: He died for you! When he chose to be shot he insured your future. He went on the Golden Path for your benifit. And he continued existence through the little worms. He is infinite.
Contact your nearest Fish Speaker for more information.
Glad we covered that, I was quite confused. :) (Still am, but less so). Another question: What's proselytizing?
Slightly OT...


Brilliant! Thanks for some insight, sincerely. When I read the Dune series, I was aware of a vague parallel between Leto and Christ, but not to the extent you have seen. Bravo!