Crystal properties


Speaker of my truth
Valued Senior Member
Hi folks, I just got a set of crystals for my personal purpose of energy healing, and I was wondering if some of you out there got some tips on cleansing and energizing crystals...
Bend over....pull your butt cheeks apart wide...insert...that will energize em and they won't need cleaning plus they will heal everything from the inside out! :D
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I will just go with the tips on books and the internet, but I was wondering if somebody out here have some experience with this stuff...
Lets see, you ask a forums known for people trying to think scientifically (at the very least) for their experiences with 'Crystal energy/healing/cleansing' and you expect a rational answer?

I'm tempted to be as bad as the rest of the posters and utter the words 'woo-woo', however doing so isn't the right course of action, the right course of action is to dissect the myth over crystals having any special properties at all.

It is a fact Crystals have a Resonance frequency, this is why Quartz is used in a number of methods to keep timing (famously in Quartz watches)

Have a read through it, since after all it is scientifically interesting.

This merely suggests that Crystals have harmonic values that require certain conditions to be met to make them resonate (i.e. The right type of lighting, the right radio frequency etc) It is possible that they can have some therapeutic function however if that is so, then there is obviously a more scientific reason than just mere "We're woo-woo's and like playing with rocks/crystals" mentality.

For instance in Cancer treatment certain wavelengths are used to attempt to breakdown cancer cells during Radio therapy, perhaps such crystals with the right light/frequency can generate some form of interruption frequency to stop things like cancer being created in the first place... who knows? (Well only those that actually get round to scientifically trying to quantify it as a possibility or falsehood.)
I know this may sound weird to many folks, but I find energy healing a quite interesting subject. Specially since I was healed of asthma when I was 9 via this method.

I had asthma since I was 2 years of age, and then my mother started giving me "normal" medicines for it. I was almost dying when I was, and I told my mother I didn´t want more of that crap, that I didn´t care if I died or not (I was 4 years old). She took a very risky but beneficial step, she took me to a Chinese homeopath and acupuncturist, and to make it short, I no longer have any asthma since I was 9 (now I´m 24).

So I´m quite into energy healing, I believe we have chakras and they are the distributors of life and cosmic energy through our body. Chakras work with different frequencies of light, sound and everything we perceive with our 5 senses. Crystals certainly have the capability to transmit light into our body chakras, working as balance of our energy.

I´m not really looking for debate here, I´m just looking for tips; but if nobody is into this stuff, I will look elsewere. Certainly, you guys may have many arguments against this, and they could seem very rational, but sometimes I don´t like to work in the rational level, rather than the intuitive & compassionate level. After all, I would probably not be here if my mother would have used "rationality" in her quest for my healing.
Stick it between Stryders may prevent him from becoming the World Blow Football Champion.:cool:
I know this may sound weird to many folks, but I find energy healing a quite interesting subject. Specially since I was healed of asthma when I was 9 via this method.

Or your body simply overcame the asthma. There's nothing that says asthma is a permanent condition and it can be brought on temporarily by many things. In other words, your asthma was probably a symptom of something else and that something else was moved, removed, or conquered at the same time you were allegedly "healed" by "energy."

Every such claim of this sort of thing I've ever seen had no substantiation and there have actually been empirical tests conducted that showed there was no efficacy to the idea.

I´m not really looking for debate here, I´m just looking for tips; but if nobody is into this stuff, I will look elsewere.

You came to both the wrong place and the right place. You'll undoubtedly get both. Since this is a science forum, rationally minded skeptics will respond with "its baloney" (it really is). But, also because it is a science forum, there are a number of kooks and nutters that sign up to talk about this sort of thing like moths to the flame. They'll undoubtedly offer you many "tips," none of them supported by a shred of actual evidence.
Hi folks, I just got a set of crystals for my personal purpose of energy healing, and I was wondering if some of you out there got some tips on cleansing and energizing crystals...

The only tip I have for you is that crystals don't have any means to objectively heal, clean, or energize people.
You may think that my body overcame the asthma, but really, when I was 4 I was under a lot of western medication, because my asthma was very severe. When my mother decided to shift to eastern methods of healing, the doctor told her to drop me of all the medications and meat. So she did, after a month, my blood had changed color to a more natural way, and I was really feeling better after a few months. A year after my therapy, I had no more asthma attacks, except sporadically, and it was like that until I had my last asthma symptom around 9 years of age.
I find this quite substantiated, since my previous doctor had said that I was a very sick kid, and probably would never be able to play any sports in my entire life, because of my severe condition. Under the treatment of the Chinese doctor, I performed virtually every sport I could manage, and when I was like 14, I already was able to do triathlons and stuff. Since the beggining, the doctor was very confident on the fact that he was going to heal me, he had no doubts about it; I could say a lot about what western doctors said thought, they would have leaved me to die old in my room with an artificial breathing artifact, without any fun whatsoever.
You may think that my body overcame the asthma, but really, when I was 4 I was under a lot of western medication, because my asthma was very severe. When my mother decided to shift to eastern methods of healing, the doctor told her to drop me of all the medications and meat. So she did, after a month, my blood had changed color to a more natural way, and I was really feeling better after a few months. A year after my therapy, I had no more asthma attacks, except sporadically, and it was like that until I had my last asthma symptom around 9 years of age.....

This happened to me as well. Mine mysteriously went away when we moved. Same town, same farm atmosphere, same food. It was the house. My bedroom shared a wall with the old coal bin. Coal dust had built up in the wall, but we didn't know this til the next tenants remodeled. If my mom had decided to do what your Mom had done at this time, I'm sure we would have thought the same as you.

Is it possible you were having allergy induced asthma and it was the diet change that helped? And I would really like to hear more about your blood chageing to a 'more natural way'.
And I would really like to hear more about your blood chageing to a 'more natural way'.

lol, well, it was like dark red, I mean really dark. And it changed to an orange-like red, healthier; this is true, since the doctor said he couldn´t perform the therapy until my blood was "cleansed"; and he showed the progress to my mother.

Anyway, it is interesting to hear a story like yours, althought there was no other change in my life other than the new healing methods.