
Do you think there is merit in the study of cryptozoology?

  • Definitely:the World is full of mystery beasties!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Yes - but serious crytozoologists must beware of fakery...

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • It's the domain of romantics and dreamers, with a scant few cases worth pondering over.

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • All "undiscovered animals" are nonsense. Don't waste thought on it.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • I really don't care - so what if animals exist or not?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Starthane Xyzth

returns occasionally...
Valued Senior Member
:eek: Who here wonders much about the nature and number of undiscovered animals species? I mean BIG animals, megafauna seen but never caught - even in this age of satellite tracking, infra-red nightscopes, ever-shrinking wildernesses and paranormal hysteria?

A lot of sightings of the Yeti, Bigfoot, Nessie, chupacabras, mokele-mbembe, sea serpents etc. have to be hoaxes. Anyone think it's ALL fake? Or are there some particular species you're inclined to believe in?

My personal favourites are probably the sea serpent (which I reckon is actually a giant eel rather than a reptile, and hence can stay submerged virtually all the time to elude capture) and the mapinguary of South America, (which is, many hope, a surviving giant ground sloth). :m:
Hey don't let it get yah down when no one responds. Personaly I think there is merit in this research. The bible mentions two large creatures.
I picked the third option. Sums up my thoughts on the subject perfectly in fact.

I think most cryptozoologists aren't even zoologists which I would think should be a pre-requisite.
They are just people fascinated with the unknown even though the myths that fascinate them are rarely as interesting as the reality of real animals that they don't even know about nor want to know about.
At the same time there are some cases with overwhelming evidence. And its far from out of the question that we have not discovered every animal species. Its incredibly unlikely that we have.
option 3 sounds good to me. I would also like to note that I had a thread on this board with this title, it has been off page 1 for weeks and months now, but its still there... I think, I haven’t looked. Anyway, one thing that helped save it was having people post links to pictures of animals perused by cryptozooligists. Here is a rendering of one, by me. Its a wendigo.

EDIT: actually I would like to elaborate on my choosing of option 3. I didn’t chose it because I think we have already documented nearly every species on the planet, but because the ones we tell ghost stories and tall tails about are probably not really out there, they just exist for the stories.
ive seen some wierd shit on TV, granted 50% of bigfoot documentrys are fake, i still belive in the wierdness of cryptozoology. honestly... our world is so big, at most times we can only monitor 2% of our own sea and SPACE which surrounds us.
bigfoot or whatever you wanna call it... i belive its or THEY are real....
for the past while MANY evience sorrounded bigfoot have poped up and its things you cannot deny....
one day we will find this beast, and explore it, find out whys its been able to of been keept hidden for so long, find out what it eats and even, why we cant find any of its bones or bodys...

please check out some of the shows on OLN or Space Channel, found on your satalite or cable. there is some really intesering stuff out there.

i could go on about the topic for HOURS, but i won, cuase i know its pointless becuase some close-minded fool will come in and ask 50 questions

bigfoot... aleins.... oneday we will prove it all

i have no idea of what i just said.... but i hope it works in with the topic :(
A Canadian said:
could go on about the topic for HOURS, but i won, cuase i know its pointless becuase some close-minded fool will come in and ask 50 questions

Questions are pointless in the search for information? My dear, I must have been doing it wrong all this time, I should just pick something, anything and believe it with all my might so that it is impervious to these evill questions that may arise.

But honestly, how can it be that an asker of questions is more closed minded than somone who fears and loaths askers of questions and provokers of thought?
I ment to say won't not won :)

is it not plausable that a intellegent creature lives with us? some indians speak of such creatures, personal logs of famous explorers speak of a 10 foot beast with hair and the face almost human like, we got countless storys from poeple, theres that wierd bigfoot BODY-CAST, if youve ever seen that thing.

granted, we got tousands of reasearchers now looking for beast, and poeple ask, why havnt they gotten any hard proofyet? why... cuase these things are smarter than we think. you think if you set up hidden cameras thur out a forest, your not gonna leave a sent or what not, these creatures live in the woods they must know it like the back of their furry hands, if somethings outta place there gone. they most certainly have advanced smelling and hearing to avoid us. why arnt there more of them you ask? well, they are at the top of the food chain (next to us), no need to increase the spieces if its not needed to survive. why do we see no bodys of these things? have you ever seen a bears corpse? (not inculding after you shot it ;) ) some animals pick there resting place, as a creature at the top of the food chain, you not going die instantly, your gonna pick a secluded spot. most likely by a swap or high grassy medow. the body will decompose and the bones sink into the earth before anyone finds it. plus i also asume these things have a LARGE lifespan.

hundreds of new speices are being discovered everyday and mabey a 100 more are dying and extinct before we even discover them, regardless, i am sure that a race of 10feet tall hairy ape/man beasts live out there somewhere

i heard this one theroy once, it is said that these creatures could actully be our ancestors who didnt evolve but still survived for millions of years. im not sure about the details, but its quite a interesting theory

ive seen 2 bigfoot flim fotage on TV. that famous one of bigfoot walking in open area of the woods, taken with a older camera. (come on youve all seen it), and ive seen one thats really spooky if it is at all real. a film crew is out in the wood for some reason (i forget what for) and their in their RV at night, parked at the side of the road, these guys see something in the front window walking by the RV. one of the guys turns on his camera in time to capture a LARGE BEAST walking past the RV. this thing was most defently 10 or more feet tall cuase of how high it was from that big ass RV window. the crew had the lowbeams on so you could clearly see the creature for 1 to 2 seconds, it had hair on its body that dropped down like a hippies long hair, peices of grass was stuck to it,the thing walked with a quick motion and it didnt even turn its head as it walked by the RV. this film crew was absolutly freaked out, poeple where yelling "holy shit what was that" and someone was screaming "turn on the brights! turn on the brights!"

its a HIGHLY conterversal flim clip, fake or not im glad i saw it, professionals viewed the tape and all said that its inconculsive. they got only got a 2-3 second shot of the thing, so granted its not much to go on, but it was quite something to of seen

anyways long story short, its hard to convince ME of something, but ive done my own personal reasearch and still pick out many FAKES and HOAXES with bigfoot and UFO sightings, im not stupid, i know 90% of anything concering the presuda science world is FAKE, still doesnt mean i cannot belive. i dont belive in god.... i belive in bigfoot, reading the bible or actully going out and look for bigfoot... which is a better use of time eh? we are only on the earth for a short period of time, do what you love, not sit in church every sunday praying to something you never see and seems to let you down at any possible time.

and SPYMOOSE, why is you avatar a DEER? shouldnt it be a moose?

ADDITION: id also like to add another peice of fotage ive seen. a guy with a video camera was down by a beach filming "bigfoot" footprints and unknowling he may of recorded a BIGFOOT picking up a SMALLER BIGFOOT in the forest region behind the beach.
i wish i could find these videos on the internet, they are VERY INTERESTING
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A Canadian said:
ADDITION: id also like to add another peice of fotage ive seen. a guy with a video camera was down by a beach filming "bigfoot" footprints and unknowling he may of recorded a BIGFOOT picking up a SMALLER BIGFOOT in the forest region behind the beach.
i wish i could find these videos on the internet, they are VERY INTERESTING

Have you seen the Hollywood B-movies entitled "Boggy Creek"? There's an interesting bigfoot-a-like, with the main character a cryptozoologist looking for it. The images you describe sound like cuts from the second film.

Do you think there's any link between North American bigfoots and Chinese yeren (wild man)?
i doubt they where hollywood Bmovies. im sure documentrys dont get credit if they steal scences from a movie and hire some guy to pretend that he shot the video.
it wouldnt BE a documentry then would it?

and yes theres a link between yeti, yeren, bigfoot, saskwatch, apeman, or whatever else you wanna call it. just differnt regions of earth. sightings have been reported from the highest moutains to the lowest fields all over the world...
Some people have gone as far as to classify distinct species of contemporary apemen, calling them proto-pygmies, marked hominids, orang-pendek, classical neandertals, gigantopithicus and true giants. There can't be THAT many still eluding traps and cages, surely.
Starthane Xyzth said:
Some people have gone as far as to classify distinct species of contemporary apemen, calling them proto-pygmies, marked hominids, orang-pendek, classical neandertals, gigantopithicus and true giants. There can't be THAT many still eluding traps and cages, surely.

why not? by assuming there is a small number of them in total (i guess we could say they are endangered speices), and they are however obvouisly smart... they dont seem like the type of creature that would stick its hand in a bear trap becuase it had a peice of food in it.

as for poeple classify them, i dont think we can assume that much yet considering no real proof made public has shown up

but i do however think bigfoot's are like breeds of dogs, "yeti" sightings tend to have the creature with longer thicker hair and its mostly a light color or just white, to blend in with the snow. north american bigfoot on the WEST side of the coast seem to have lighter hair than the bigfoot on the EASTERN coast. and i think its china where the "bigfoot" there has a more sloped forhead or something.

its all really interesting

a big part that ties in with this is that i think these creatures live for atleast 100-300 years.

for all we know these things will take over half the planet in 10 tousand years, but thats a bit far fetched :p
Starthane Xyzth said:
My personal favourites are probably the sea serpent (which I reckon is actually a giant eel rather than a reptile, and hence can stay submerged virtually all the time to elude capture)

there was a creature with only a few know photographs, which was tought to be extinced since the dinasour age, but back 100 more years ago (im not 100% on the date) (it was a shitty black and white picture so i can only assume). a bunch of fisher men brought a half decomposed corspe onboard their ship of a creature with a long neck, large body and a few fins, and very sharp teeth, they got a good couple of pictures of it, but unfortently they threw the corpse back in the water due to its stink. the creature was about the size of a well feed shark and back then it would of been hard to fake such a gursome looking photo of such a thing.

yes, i belive there are tousands of undiscovered sea creatures. all real sea creature sightings have occured in seas or bays, NOT LAKES! like loche ness (which was admited to being a scam yet still thrives as a tourist attraction) or OGGO-POGO found in one of the great lakes
A Canadian said:
a big part that ties in with this is that i think these creatures live for atleast 100-300 years.

Most people need a reason to believe something, why do you believe this. It seems like you said to yourself "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if they lived for hundreds of years?" so you decided that they did. It is questionable that such creatures, or signs of their passing, have ever even been seen, how is it that you have gathered information about their life span?

As for my avatar, I suppose it relates to my title.
its only an assumption
with age comes intellegents
except for 6o year old poeple with alztimers :)
plus if they live that long, its all the more reason for them spawn less siblings than needed, thus one of the reasons for less hard proof that they exist
--with age comes intellegents--

Hmmm, I've seen too many old fools to agree with that statement...:D

Anyway, I think cryptozoology should be taken seriously. There are thousands of missing children that all of our fancy surveillance technology haven't found, and these are just the ones who want to be found. Also, I think we'd have to be awfully arrogant to believe that we've seen everything there is to see on this planet.
Oxygen said:
--with age comes intellegents--

Hmmm, I've seen too many old fools to agree with that statement...:D

I turn 21 in may.... im not old, i say it becuase it is ture.... :(
my last 3 posts or EDITs got deleted or erased. or dail up just sucks ass.... i had a few good pointer to add in but i type the subjects so fast i had forgoten them :(

i am very sorry

for me my ideas come to me in quick tought of reading another post....
after reading the last few posts, i had LOST my good toughts

I dont blame sciforums... just my lousy dail up and ym short term memory problem :(

so sorry.... i had something good to say but i have totaly forgotten it :(

i hate that so much, poor me and poor you for not replying to what i had to say

*Gasp* It seems that A Canadian has been bitten by the elusive temper tantrum snake! It causes you to make angry posts on forums. It is hardly ever seen because it has a glossy black skin and hides in the cables behind your computer.