
Take this into consideration, with all the technologies of today, they cannot locate any live specimen, its mind boggling! Now imagine the other cryptids that remain unseen. I forget where I read it, but somewhere on a radar, there was something moving that was claimed over 100m long. I dont know anything else of the matter, except the 100m part and it was very deep. Wish I could go into more detail!
There is a new type of squid that was discovered in some net off the coast of Antarctic.

The new squid is called the Collosal Squid and it is bigger than any Giant Squid. The one that was caught was larger than any giant squid found so far and it was only a baby!

Also this squid has claws on each of its suckers so its even more dangerous than the Giant Squid!

Hears the site:
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Originally posted by The Evil Sponge
I forget where I read it, but somewhere on a radar, there was something moving that was claimed over 100m long. I dont know anything else of the matter, except the 100m part and it was very deep.

Interestig factoid: They dont use radar to monotor objects under the water they use sonar. Yor memory and knowledge of the account seems spotless, and your retellling of it really added to this thread, thank you.

Also "all our modern technologys" dont usualy take us very deep into the ocean, so its not terribly amazing that there would be many animals down there that we know nothing about.
Well, aren't you the party pooper? Like I said, all I rememvered was the 100m part, I never claimed anything else, but thanks for the sarcasm and pointing out what I had aready made obvious, I'm sure you work well in social situations and have many friends.
Cryptozoology only has a bad reputation because it is associated with phenomenon like "Nessie" and "Bigfoot". In truth, many previously unknown animals like the Red Panda in China were thought of as nothing more than legends and myths until someone actually took the time to look for them. The Platypuss was a similar case - no one wanted to believe it existed based on the reports of witnesses, until one was brought back to Brittan.

Sure burdon of proof is everything, but Science has a thousand times been humiliated by the reports of the masses proving to be correct when the phenomenon was considered "false" by pseudoskeptics.
Originally posted by dinokg
That site you mentioned is good!

It even has the Venomus Mongolian Electric Death Worm! :D

mmmm electric death worm... Delicious death worm... *drools*
That must be a young electric death worm, it looks like its picture was taken with an electron microscope so ahh.... yeah, tiny.
I think its an electric death worm drawing instead of an actual picture of it.

I don't think there is any photographs or videos of it because its an electric death worm. It's electricity would be damaging to cameras as well as people.


Explorer: Look theres an Electric Death Worm! Take a picture!

Photographer:Ok! Yay! I got the picture!

A second later. ZAP!!!!!!!!!

Explorer: Come on! Thats the fifth photographer this month!
hehe, i was refering to how the strange shading on the picture makes it look like an electron microscope photograph, but if i squint at the picture it does appear to have a texture like a drawing. im not sure which it is.
hey, they have to be tricky otherwise thet wouldnt be such a mystery right? :p
They don't have to be tricky, just either in very small numbers or living in an enviornment highly inaccessable by humans.... or both.
Lets see:

Out of the way place: Mongolia

Low population: Its mosty desert so therefore low population of most creatures.

So I'd say it is the perfect area for a unknown creature to exist.

Also since its reportedly venomous and electric it is even more likely that there is few reports.:cool:
I don't think that the Venomus Mongolian Electric Death Worm exists : if it had a so perfect protection that would kill anyone that saw it, why isn't it a "master of the desert"? I mean that it would not have any predator... Anyway, how could it kill the witnesses? They don't walk without shoes and without clothes, so they are mainly protected against the poison and the electricity of these small beasts, no?

Pffff, just a child legend!!!
(That's not like Nessie and Bigfoot...)
You do make some good points.

But some things you forget about are:

That even rubber shoes don't provide much electricity protection.

And regular clothing provides even less protection.

Also most venomous animals (like the spitting cobra) go for the eyes of there victims so all the clothing and shoes don't do anything in that case.

But I will admit that Bigfoot and the Lochness monster are more well known and researched.