

Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
I wonder, besides bigfoot or that monster in that scotish lake or the large cats that live on the british isles anyone know of any animals who's existance its suspected by some, but officialy unconfirmed?

aliens on UFO's dont count, thats cryptoanthropology... if there is such a thing.
I know that there are some... I will look for it during this weekend (if there's no sun!).
cool. i look forward to hearing of unconfermed reports of mutant tape worms and the like.
Hasn't anyone hear of the Chupacabras or Mokolee Membe?

The Chupacabras is a mystery creature found in Purto Rico that sucks the blood out of creatures.

And the Mokolee Membe is a saurapod like living dinosaur liking in the deep forests of Africa.

There are many others as well but it would take a book to name then all.

Try going to for more info.
Chupacabras translates to something like "Sucker of goats" or "Goat Sucker" so i think the kind of animal it is notorious for attacking is goats. Ive seen pictures (witness drawings) of it, its depicted as looking almost exactly like the typical grey alien only with spines, pretty funky. Ive never heard of this rainforest dinosaur though.

and heck, since this thred dosnt seem to be going so well, i guess i could allow folks to post stuff on those creatures i said i didnt want to hear about.
I have a few more crypto creatures.

One is some type of worm or snake from the Mongolian Desert of all places. Reportidly if you see the creature you die. Its though that this is because it either spits venom or shocks anything near by with electicity like and electric eel. Also is supposed to live underground most of the time I think.

Another is Thunder Birds which are giant birds which reportidly can get to be quit large and live in Pennsilvania and some other areas.

Also there are reports of Pterodons in some jungles in africa some times the same areas as Mokolee Membes.

Theres still a few more I think to so kep researching.
how would anyone know its a worm thing if you see it and die i wonder...
Maybe thats why its not that well known. I did only hear about it once, from a school libray book at my high school.

So maybe someone was in the desert and saw the critter just before it poison/zapped em an had just enough energy left to get back to a town where he told someone about it :confused:
Giant Squid (Architeuthis)


Attack of the Alecton (1861) a french boat. That's the first "true" attack (for the scientists). Some of these creatures have been found since this date (about 10).

Cœlacanthe (Latimeria chalumnae)


We all know that it exists...

Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)


Some of them have been found.
This thread is still alive? wow.

Scavenger hunt!

First person to post me a picture of a tazmanian tiger wins ... uh... a secret prize.
Aww tazmanian tigers are cute. I want one for a pet.

Well this isn't exactly cryptozoology, but has anone seen them weird uhh vampire squid I guess they call 'em. They live way the hell deep down in the ocean (which is why we haven't found 'em untill recently, tricky bastards) they are like bright red, have these huge glassy blue eyes, and rather than suction cups on their tentacles they have these freaky fang like spines. Them things are messed up.
"existance its suspected by some, but officialy unconfirmed", is that what you wanted?

Orang Pendek :
A TEAM of part-time explorers may have proved the existence of a Yeti-like creature on a tropical jungle island.
Mmmm electric death worm. Put that sucker in a bottle of tequila and have yo'self a good ol' time.
Originally posted by SG-N
Giant Squid (Architeuthis)


Attack of the Alecton (1861) a french boat. That's the first "true" attack (for the scientists). Some of these creatures have been found since this date (about 10).

Cœlacanthe (Latimeria chalumnae)


We all know that it exists...

Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)


Some of them have been found.

The interesting thing about the Giant Squid is that only the carcasses have been found. To date, there has not been any records of live specimens or reports on their living habits.
Originally posted by The Evil Sponge
The interesting thing about the Giant Squid is that only the carcasses have been found. To date, there has not been any records of live specimens or reports on their living habits.

If you mean that we didn't found a 20m one, I agree. But we already know giant squids (the biggest was 18m long).


(Architeuthis in New-Zealand)