'Crunchy' had it right ...

Hi, all ...

Captain Canada
Care to manage Crunchy's slush fund?

Same thing sister said after having rapped my hands with her ruler in first grade for the umpteenth time.

You did ... and latched on to the deodorant bit. Or are you afflicted by senility also?

A pleasantly serendipitous occurrence that seemed ripe for the testing.
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<i>"...and really latched on to the deodorant bit."</i>

What? I just noticed that when they demonstrate their arms are raised high. Maybe its the muslim answer to the American moon: <i>"Sniff this, American infidels!"</i> BTW, did anybody else see the picture in the paper, where the Taliban sympathizer was trying to burn the American flag but, while doing so, set himself ablaze too? It looked like the flame had shot straight down his arm before catching his tunic.
I am currently fund-raising for Crunchy's election campaign. All donations greatfully received for this worthy cause.

Then i am joining the anti-crunchy campaign. i cant understand why anyone would care to listen to your snide comments and remakrs about other countrys/religions. everyone has a few bad seeds.... even the great US.. if we didn't we wouldn't have prisons and they wouldn't be full. yes, we need to find/punish the ppl who did this... but twe do not need to rise up against and entire religion. this is not a muslim vs. anything else war. these people were extremists. a few hundred years ago, christians went far and wide killing anyone who wasn't one of their faith..... thats not the way things work today... and thats not what they preach in church.. but.. IT HAPPENED. murder and terrorism are not applauded in the muslim religion, but IT HAPPENED.

between your lack of advice and your biblical (unproven) history..... all you have done is whine and complain about the way things are.. instead of complaining, why dont you come up with at leat a half-way postive idea. Then maybe you can post something worth reading.
Hahahaha! :D

This is so mad. Only thing that doesn´t fit the picture is that Crunchy would never use a fruity computer. His big manly fingers are too big for typing.
He´d relieve his frustrations by blasting deer and causing wildlife stampeedes with herculean farting.
Hmm, maybe our military can make use of his ass for the purpose of smoking out Osama and the Talabin.
Whoops...forgot about the potential collateral damage and the thousands of refugees.
Chemical warfare is baad!
Maybe if the gas is set on fire it would be allowed by conventions of war :D
I think that would fall under banned warfare acts in the Geneva Conventions. What cruel and unusual punishment.
Merlijn pretty pegged it....

I have to say that my opinions on this thread accurately mirror Merlijns. Thus, I will waste no more space.
'Cruncy' had it right ...

Comparing the replies to the initial post on this forum with those on another forum, I'd have to say that Kevin (AKA 'Crunchy') had it about right. The range of replies were almost the same except that no one on this forum wanted to have 'Crunchy' banned from further posting. A tribute, I guess, to the willingness of the Sciforum membership to respond to, but not attempt to suppress, an unpopular position.

Thank you all. :cool:

PS I find it rather interesting too that 'Crunchy's' apology (a 'tribute' to Jerry Falwell, though not recognized as such) didn't hassel near as much as the original post - another, and interesting, difference.
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Originally posted by Merlijn
I am just too sick of this idiotic stupidity of Chagur to give any other reply then: CHAGUR, FUCK OFF!

Im going to have to agree there :)