'Crunchy' had it right ...


Registered Senior Member
Most people on this list have never seen a Mooslim in person. You've seen them on the news, blowing up buildings, and in movies, stealing babies and killing Christians. I've seen a few of these so-called "people," up close when I've visited the Holy Land. You don't want to get too close, because they don't use deodorant and they sweat. It's not pleasant. They smell as bad as Injuns. And they're just plain mean to everyone.

Now, I don't want to talk about the Mooslim people today. What I do want to talk about today is what the Mooslim people believe. Their jaded history, their false idol "Allah" and his son, Moohummad, and their Hell-wrought quest for vengeance against the true God who rightfully cut them out of their eternal inheritance. Everyone knows the story of Abram. If you don't, then read Genesis chapters 12-22. God promised Abram his own country. The only problem was that Abram didn't have a son. He might not have cared about it much, but his wife, Sa'rai, knew that by God's law, her husband's earthly possessions would go to the head servant if there weren't no kids around. She got worried and forgot God's promise to her husband, and in a fit of desperation, she offered up her Egyptian servant, Hagar, to Abram. Hagar got jealous of Sa'rai after having sexual relations with Abram, as women are wont to do. Sa'rai saw this, and with Abram's blessing, she kicked the harlot out of the house. Turns out Hagar had a son. It is this son, and all of his descendants that are causing most of the problems in the world today. His name was Ishmael, and he was the first towel-head, or to use a politically correct term, A-rab.

God told Hagar in Genesis 16:10-12, "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." Ishmael was to father powerful nations, but none of his descendants would be allowed to go to Heaven after they died. They were born bad. The real treat came when Abram was 90-years old and he circumcised himself with a sharp stone. That made his penis pure enough to get through to Sa'rai and produce a real son named Isaac. God told him he was to cut at the penises of every descendant born through Sa'rai if he wanted his family to be blessed on Earth and go to Heaven after they died. It would still have been mandatory for all of us today to cut off our penises if Paul didn't come along and tell us it was just an option. I suggest you do so, if you haven't already. It adds a nice Old Testament touch, and your penis will look just like Jesus' penis.

Let's jump forward a few thousand years. The descendants of Ishmael are running around in the desert worshipping all kinds of gods. Satan saw that a large portion of them were worshipping the moon-god. Some were even worshipping the daughters of the moon-god, Al-lat, Al-uzza, and Manat. They were called "The Daughters of Allah." The moon-god was called "Allah." Old Lucifer got it into his big red head that he could unite all of these idol-worshipping towel-heads under Allah. He did this by appearing to a person that was already very upset that God wasn't going to let him go to heaven just because he was a descendent of Ishmael. That feller's name was Moohammad. Demons helped him write a book called, "the Ko-ran," which is basically an instruction manual on how to kill anyone who doesn't worship the moon. Now we have entire countries of God-hating moon-worshippers shooting everyone out of jealousy, just because God isn't going to let them go to Heaven. Why, it's even got so twisted up that nowadays, these Mooslims (moon worshippers) think that they are the ones going to Heaven and everyone else is going to Hell. It's a shame that none of them can read English. If they did, they could open up the Bible and find out that God had it out for them from day one. The only way for them to avoid Hell is to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. And it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon, because the minute you start running your mouth about Jesus being the Son of God, they shoot you dead.

I am just too sick of this idiotic stupidity of Chagur to give any other reply then: CHAGUR, FUCK OFF!
I know quite some muslims, and most are very nice civilised people. Nothing of the kind you describe. it is very obvious to me that you ahven't met any muslims (as you were so frank to admit).
Maybe you should try to read something on muslim religuion and culture (other than what you corrupted-Chriastian friends write - I mean that their christianity is corrupted, not that christianity itself is so!).
I live by the Great Commandements. And I wish more chriastians would do the same. Muslims are our naigbours and we love them.
Don't give me crap as a reply. Because if you do, realise what has been going on in Northern Ireland (for example), where 'Chriatians' kill other 'Christians' because they have a slihghtly different interpretation of the Bible. I see nothing Christian in that. Let the word of Jesus guide us, not hatred for people who do not use deodorant.

/agree Merlijn

Chagur... how can you say that ALL of ANY race or religion are anything... you are as bad as the morons who killed 6000 for religion. People like you only add hatred to the world. We must learn to understand each other and then accept and respect everyone for their differences. You can never say that ALL Muslims are ANYTHING. No matter what you say, there?s one that will prove you wrong. There are Christians that add much more hatred and evil to the world than a lot of Muslims... I can see you as one of those people that are part of a big mob killing that Isalmic-american in San Francisco, was it?... The last thing that must spring form the tragedy is more hate, that is what caused it in the first place.
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Fuck you Chagur. (sorry I just had to say that) Your such a dumb moron.

And whats this about demons writing the koran. I wonder, I'm not christian but was it Santa Clause who wrote your christian bible?

And BTW I've never seen one who wears a towel on their head. I have seen turbins and things but they dont just walk out onto the street with their sears cotton towels dangling from their heads.

Just cut the crap. Nobody wants to hear your stupid inept remarks.
I'm Jewish and I got lots of friends who are muslim. Hate is nothing to do with religion. Its only the stupid fanatics. I'd consider the morroccans to be the most down to earth of their religion though, although I have no place to label people.

BTW, I'm Jewish and Male and I'll tell you at birth they didnt cut my penis off, they only circumsized me. And they didnt do it so I could have goodies that looked like jesus.

Get to nepal and come back when your enlightened.
I assume that Chagur is being ironic.

Or trying to set off some fireworks.

Putting voice to what I would expect are fairly common attitudes which, when removed from the camouflage of careful language, can be shown up for what they are.

Either that or he truly is mad....
Captain Canada ...

Not necessarily mad, but definitely weird.

What I find difficult to understand is that the comments, most, vociferous, are being directed to me rather than to 'Crunchy' through me. Interesting. Almost makes me feel like Osama must feel right now.
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GRO$$ ...

...you are as bad as the morons who killed 6000 for religion.

What makes you think it was done for religious reasons?
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You're quite right... Crunchy needs a slap not you!

and what do you mean by...

"...makes me feel like Osama must feel right now."

.. if you're trying to say that Osama has been accused unfairly... well that's another issue... it's never just one person.... watch this space..

How quickly we forget ...

.. if you're trying to say that Osama has been accused unfairly... well that's another issue... it's never just one person....
In the middle of the night on December 3, 1984, over 40 tons of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) and other lethal gasses leaked from the American corporation Union Carbide's pesticide factory in the northern end of the city. It was a massacre. According to the Bhopal Peoples Health and Documentation Clinic (BPHDC), 8,000 people were killed in its immediate aftermath and over 500,000 people suffered from injuries. While most evidence points to corporate negligence, Union Carbide continues to blame a "disgruntled employee" for the accident.

Though the design of the MIC unit was based on Union Carbide's Institute, West Virginia, USA plant, grossly lower standards were employed in the selection of construction material, monitoring devices and safety systems.
Is Osama any more responsible than the CEO of Union Carbide?
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Any more responsible.... no. However, I feel there is a line between these two examples. One had the intent to do harm... the other ... hell , who am I trying to convince?... let's face it, there are plenty of scumbags out there who have little regard for human life.. it doesn't matter whether it's a muti-national company or a group of fanatical terrorists.

Forgive the inept post.... it's late at night here in England!:eek:
'Crunchy' apologizes ...

I feel bad about my earlier insensitive comments about Mooslims because after all, as everyone knows, I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen. You have removed God's veil of protection from our great country.'

Sorry for any misunderstandings.

You know, if Crunchy could just pick up a few PC phrases and a bit of soft money, I think that he could make a run at Congress. Maybe Jesse Helms would endorse him - I know Pat Robertson would sympathise. Just needs to brush up his rough image a tad, get a solid speech-writer and he's on his way. Sounds like he'd fit in pretty well up on Capitol Hill.
God's veil of protection, or the veil over your eyes?????

you can get on your knees and pray to who ever you want, but its not going to make any differance. By practicing my own religion, i dont feel that i am responsible for what has happened. And to put it quite plainly, if it wasn't for the christians who try to cram their bible down everyone else's thraot because we're "not saved", we wouldn't have to fight for our religion. so when you start pointing fingers, look in the mirror next time.
nightfall ...

1) It's not the bibles that bother me, it's the bullets.

2) Do, every morning ... and grin.
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