Crop circles


Registered Member
I'm one of the 'i'll believe it when i see it' kind of people, so naturally im skeptical about aliens/ufos etc. Whatever your beliefs, you have to admit that these are amazing images, and it would take years and incredible design skills for a human to make these circles. So what do you think, aliens or hoax?

For more images go to and click on the months.
Humans are definately capable of making those. Some skill and practice would be required though.
Buddha, you are over exaggerating terribly. Those crop circles could me made in a few hours by humans. All that is required is planning the design on a laptop, and then executing it on the canvas you choose. It requires skills and a grasp of some geometric mathematical concepts.
So can simply design it on a piece of paper if you want and use ratios to determing the distance you need inbetween each segment. Once you've dont thi its just a matter of getting a plank, string and a post. Force the post into the floor of where you want to begin your design, attach the string to determing how far away from the post you want to make the circle, and begin using the plank to flatten out the crops. if attached correctly you could make a perfect cirlce in a few minutes.

But there is a small percentage of crop circles that are possibly not "man made"

The crop circles where the stalks are altred , large traces of radiation and no human traces (foot prints ,damage to surrounding crop).
What can possibly move an alien to secretly create crop circles? Are we dealing with the alien three stooges? If we were space travellers and travelled to a far distant planet are we going to spend our time fiddling around with crop circles?It has been demonstrated time and again that crop circles are hoaxes, why the dis-belief?

it would take years and incredible design skills for a human to make these circles.

I'm surprised at your examples. I've seen many much more impressive ones which were definitely made by humans. They aren't hard to make; you just need to plan carefully and do some basic surveying before you start.
To answer these questions Greco I am going to transform into a UFO-fanatic and explain to you why aliens would do such a thing:

What can possibly move an alien to secretly create crop circles?
They want us to know they are out there, that they want to make contact with us. It is a message from the incredibly intelligent lightspeed moving beings.

If we were space travellers and travelled to a far distant planet are we going to spend our time fiddling around with crop circles?

If we must my child...if we must. But we cannot deny the alien's ways. They are far more intelligent than us! Their ways may seem dark and mysterious now but just wait! Wait I say! The answers will be upon us soon and we will finally see these wonderful aliens whom have been contacting us for centuries!

It has been demonstrated time and again that crop circles are hoaxes, why the dis-belief?

Because these crops circles are made by aliens! These unintelligent attempts to prove these crop circles as man made has only strenghten my belief that these crop circles were made by aliens. No man could have made it! It is impossible! Impossible I say! But it will soon come and the answers will soon be clear to you skeptics. Do not fear, the aliens understand our primitive ways and will forgive all those who have disbelieved!
Don't shut out the possibility of aliens creating crop circles, however weak the case for it is. As in Vortex said in humour, who knows, what Alien's motivations would be for making crop circles. There could be several reasons:

1: They could be testing if we discover complex mathematical concepts. For instance, Gerald.S Hawkins, astronomer and mathematician, proposed that some of the most visually striking crop circles, are whole number diatonic ratios. I personally think he's just over-analysing.

2: Perhaps they are trying to make their existence and presence felt.

3: It could be, they are just leaving their mark. Much like we would, if we visited an extraterrestrial location - like the Moon for instance.

4: Perhaps some energy vortex caused by the landing of the UFO is causing the crop circles.

5: Perhaps crop circles is one of their indigenous arts, and they're teaching us it, or are doing it for their own enjoyment.

6: Perhaps there is a message in the crop circles, for us, for others of their kind, or for other ETI.
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2: Perhaps they are trying to make their existence and presence felt

If that's the case then they are stupider than we thought they were. In fact they would have to be too stupid to build a spaceship in the first place. There is no being who's smart enough to build lightspeed spacecrafts, yet so unintelligent that they wouldn't comprehend that crop circles aren't working. If human's (whom are obviously millions of years primitive to the aliens) can mimic these designs and create some of their own in one night, the it is obvious that either it is not aliens who are doing this, or, they are too stupid to realize that crop circles aren't working, and if this was true, then they wouldn't have been able to reach earth in the first place.

3: It could be, they are just leaving their mark. Much like we would, if we visited an extraterrestrial location - like the Moon for instance.

Maybe, but it is quite a primitive and hard to understand mark isn't it? It would also have to be several different races or colonies of aliens who are visiting earth since it seems to be a different mark every single time. Don't you think they would be intelligent enough to use a more obvious mark which ment something rather than a completely random design in the middle of a crop field. Not very respectful either, those crops could be pretty expensive.

4: Perhaps some energy vortex caused by the landing of the UFO is causing the crop circles. lands in the middle of the night when no one is around to see it, then it dissapears before morning break. Plus there are no signs of burn marks any other traces of a craft landing on the crops other than a easily mimickable bending of the crops.

5: Perhaps crop circles is one of their indigenous arts, and they're teaching us it, or are doing it for their own enjoyment.

Of course, they obviously evolved pass the stage of breaking the laws of physics, yet they just can't help the urge to bend a few corn stalks right?

6: Perhaps there is a message in the crop circles, for us, for others of their kind, or for other ETI.

It obviously can't be for us. If they were trying to message us they would have formed these designs on a less habitual place like the moon. Then everyone would believe and perceive this message a little better wouldn't u think?

If I were an alien I would make 'crop circles' with dead human bodies

Two things could happen. 1. Once you show yourself to us then we wouldl try our best to dystroy you since it is obvious you are a hostile being. 2. We would misinterpret it as a serial killing or a very neat massacre.
ok. some of the crop circles are man made hoaxes. maybe most.

im not saying that i believe this next part, but i am simply stating it as a possible reason.

"Crops Circle creation is managed by a group of aliens that cannot participate in the Earth's Transformation in any other manner, as they are a life form that lives in the water, and thus their ships are filled with the atmosphere that they breath - water. Thus, this is how they serve.

By what process is this accomplished? If space ships are landing and impressing the ground, then the time seems too short. If rays of energy or a force field are involved, all this passes the notice of the observers. Crop Circle creation does not require a landed ship or physical force. The grain lies flat because the structure of the stems has been altered, one side of the stem rapidly growing in a process the reverse of what occurs when growing plants bend toward the light. This growth spurt occurs low to the ground, the particular ray, like laser surgery, focused there. The swirls are created due to the circular motion of the affecting ray, which circles like the hand of a clock, dropping the grain stalks such that they fall almost simultaneously."

the purpose of these designs?
will post later
Perhaps the crops themselves are making the circles. They are saying- here we are, we have a collective intelligence, don't eat us! This is at least as likely as aliens.
You missed out 1

Votorx said:
If that's the case then they are stupider than we thought they were. In fact they would have to be too stupid to build a spaceship in the first place. There is no being who's smart enough to build lightspeed spacecrafts, yet so unintelligent that they wouldn't comprehend that crop circles aren't working. If human's (whom are obviously millions of years primitive to the aliens) can mimic these designs and create some of their own in one night, the it is obvious that either it is not aliens who are doing this, or, they are too stupid to realize that crop circles aren't working, and if this was true, then they wouldn't have been able to reach earth in the first place.

However, they are working. It's got people discussing them. I personally do not believe them. If humans can mimic it, it does not mean, it's not alien based. We can mimic flashing lights, does that mean aliens are not more advanced?

It could be the Aliens are being subtle by giving us hints that they're here, perhaps gradually opening our minds to the possibility of them, but cannot yet fully disclose their existence because we are not yet ready for it.

Maybe, but it is quite a primitive and hard to understand mark isn't it? It would also have to be several different races or colonies of aliens who are visiting earth since it seems to be a different mark every single time. Don't you think they would be intelligent enough to use a more obvious mark which ment something rather than a completely random design in the middle of a crop field. Not very respectful either, those crops could be pretty expensive.

It's sort of obvious Aliens are not very concered with our rights. Perhaps they think flag's are primitive. Eitherway, I think it is quite of a long shot to use cropcircles as marks, as they can quite easily be removed. I would expect them to use some sort of energy signature. lands in the middle of the night when no one is around to see it, then it dissapears before morning break. Plus there are no signs of burn marks any other traces of a craft landing on the crops other than a easily mimickable bending of the crops.

I think that is the point - that no one sees it. Actually, there have been some cases of crop circles, that have burns, modified genetic structure, and some chemical traces.

Of course, they obviously evolved pass the stage of breaking the laws of physics, yet they just can't help the urge to bend a few corn stalks right?

We've been drawing for millions of years, and we still do it today. If crop circles has been a form of art practiced by their culture, then is it so far-fetched, that they still may enjoy and practice it today?

Further more, they are not breaking the laws of physics, because if they break it, then there is a law of physics that allows them to break it. Do you think the laws of physics we have set, will hold, in a million years from now?

It obviously can't be for us. If they were trying to message us they would have formed these designs on a less habitual place like the moon. Then everyone would believe and perceive this message a little better wouldn't u think?

Yet, how do you know, they haven't put a message on the moon?

Two things could happen. 1. Once you show yourself to us then we wouldl try our best to dystroy you since it is obvious you are a hostile being. 2. We would misinterpret it as a serial killing or a very neat massacre.

I think 2 is most likely.
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Do you think, that you have, enough commas, in your post, crazymikey? ;)

I've never seen a crop circle in person. I wouldn't be surprised if they were created by a very witty person, who meticulously crafted this hoax for people like our good pseudo-sciencers here at sciforums. ;)
"Do not fear, the aliens understand our primitive ways and will forgive all those who have disbelieved!"

i like these aliens, much nicer than the Gods we are told about

"Perhaps the crops themselves are making the circles. They are saying- here we are, we have a collective intelligence, don't eat us! This is at least as likely as aliens."

or maybe the its the crop growers saying "come to our hobo little towns, we need money"

"Of course, they obviously evolved pass the stage of breaking the laws of physics, yet they just can't help the urge to bend a few corn stalks right?"

well, we have landed on the moon, thats not too bad, but we're still amused by art that looks a hell of a lot shoddier then the crop circles, also, maybe they are doing different designs on different planets, and Earth is only a small corner of their huge artwork
Alain, I was joking X.x

crazy mikey. Yes there are a few UFO fanatics who still believing these crop circles are made by aliens. But it's at such as low scale that it is illogical to think it has any effect on the earth in general. Plus, like i said before, our ability to mimick and produce these circles perfectly only decrease the percantage of those who believe in these crop circles.

I'm pretty sure they haven't put a message on the moon since we would have most likely spotted it by now, unless it is THAT small and irrelevant. Of course it might be on the dark side of the moon. But then what's the point of putting the message there if no one can see it?

Crazy Mikey, what makes you so sure that the laws of physics will be changed in a few million years? For all we know the laws we have no may hold forever and may be true all over teh universe. So yes, I am assuming that the aliens follow these laws just like we do.

Yeah i think choice 2 would happen too.

Sorry for no quotes, I don' thave the time to organize it, I hope its not to hard to follow.