Crime and punishment

ok form you responce to the post WAY long ago i thought you were revenge first


And whats the horse's head about?:eek:
What to do with criminals?

I still haven't had any response to the second idea of eliminating the gene that produces aggression.

Biology & technology married together to make the perfect means of elimating crime. I'm not sure how far science has come to being able to isolate certain genes in the human brain but surely they're getting close.

Can anyone see a problem with with doing that? People would still be able to display temper tantrums in all sorts of ways but physically hurting someone would not be the end result.

Of course this doesn't solve the crimes against property i.e. theft, vandalism, etc, but I would be willing to live with that if it was possible to stop people from hurting each other.

This is just my opinion and I'd love to hear from someone who's been through the prison system for an offence and has come out the other side a new person. Their opinion would interest me greatly on this topic. Join the forum under an alias and let us know what you're thinking.

And Asguard,
Get a copy of The Godfather from your local video store and watch it. It will answer the quesions about the horse's head.:D

First off, I would gladly support a 100% effective method of eliminating crime. Throughout the history of man, no one has found that. What to do with criminals and how to stop such behavior has given many a lawmaker, king, justice system, and country headaches in trying to deal with it. To date we are still wracking with the problem and are no closer than when we started.

IMHO, gene therapy will not offer a 100% solution either. Changing genes will not eliminate social environment, one of the attributing causes to criminal behavior, if we are to believe psychologists. Another aspect of gene therapy that will have to be dealt with is that some desirable traits in human behavior may well go with the eradication of the undesirable traits. Things like how hard you fight to live, judgement, concentration, and individualism. At what point do you say, "This is not a human being but a robot?" Or a slave? Or a drone to society needs and wishes? Are you willing to pay this price to have security from crime? If you are, is everyone else?
Now here's a tricky one !

I still haven't had any response to the second idea of eliminating the gene that produces aggression.

Well: you see Teri2, can I explain,...let's start by explaining a bit about the genes,...

The genes do NOT hold the answers to our behaviour completely,...the genes change! yes they do,...!!!
as a matter of fact: the genes change according to our behaviour,...
so acctually it's 'WE' ourselfves who cultivate our genes,...and our offspring (if only more people would know about this and care)
of course: there's a big part of cultural and behavioral information stored in them but let's say for example: that my grandfather had the neccesety to kill because he was in the WWII,
now, we all know that genes are passed on not from generation to generation but that they skipp a generation first before passing on the elements on info,..

So, then practically I would have succesfully gained control over the proces and of course by help of my grandfather who was opposed to killing anyone,...

But suppose he enjoyed it? And that he killed whenever he could? (I can imagine that living at any front in a war drives people mad,

Then as a result I would have more eager to kill: because it's in my subconcious,....

It's also a proven fact that children who grow up in a family with a lot of violence on their hands are more likely to extrapolate that behaviour towards others: because this behaviour was succesfull in having power over 'them' in the first place,....(having had a parent who beat you up every day for the stupidest thing)

Can you see where I'm headded? So it IS a cultural herritage for a part,...but cutting a gene away or killing a person in return is like : taking a painkiller : relieves the pain BUT DOESN'T CURE the cause, fact: if you take away that specific gene: then you'll make the person (and his/her offspring) incapable of ever retrieveing or gaining control over their unconcious thoughts in a concious manner,...

So you see it's all about consiousness,....
