Crime and punishment


Registered Senior Member
Just a hypothetical question for discussion. I haven’t thought this through, and it may have been debated previously in the forum, but we have new members everyday and I’m happy to hear new perspectives on things.

Let’s say that someone has found a way to remove tattoos without any scars left behind.

The government decides that instead of putting people in prison, the new method of punishment is a tattoo on the forehead of an offender, stating his or her crime and then releasing them back into his or her community.

It’s a simple concept – a rapist would have the word ‘rapist’ tattooed on his or her forehead, same applies with child molester, wife/husband basher, thief, bank robber, drug dealer, murderer, serial killer, sex offender, etc. etc. etc.

The tattoo remains on the forehead for the term of the sentence that would have been imposed on the criminal had they been incarcerated.

At the end of the sentence, with the new technology the tattoo removal would leave no scars, so the offender/s, if they desire, can start a new life somewhere else at the end of his/her punishment term.

Do you think that this punishment would make any difference to crime rates?

I’m not feeling particularly vengeful at the moment and don’t have any axes to grind with anyone, it’s just a thought that surfaced tonight, and now I’m curious as to what you all think?

Do you think this is a cruel punishment? Is it fair? Is it ethical or moral?

As I said, I haven’t thought it through, but I know we have some deep thinkers here and I’m hoping to hear some opinions.

I don't like the idea. Rapists and murderers are dangerous....if allowed to run free, they will hurt sombody. I don't see how identifying them would stop them from attacking sombody again.

Nah, keep 'em in jail.

I don't think it's un-ethical per se. The definition of 'cruel and unusual' fluctuates.
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I would think that you would be setting up a vigilante justice system. Unofficial acknowledgement of one to be more precise. What then would hold a murderer in check for doing a repeat? By such actions you take away any means of punishing the offender other than by peer pressure. That's not much help in stopping the behaviour in some of the characters.

Maybe this would be more effective in selected cases than in others. Like child molesters and minor drug users where the opinion of the public is important to the individual.

It is my firm belief that some of the people within the jails would not detered by such a system. That the only hope for safety, for the population at large, is isolation from that population. I.e. jail.
I bought one of the first playstation 2 consoles to be released in this country.
Within two days I was being asked if I wanted it 'chipped'
If the technology existed to remove the tattoos in the manner you state I guarantee it would be on the street and buyable within a month, tops.

Good concept, but easily corruptable I fear
True ...

That's why amputation of a hand is so much more preferrable.

Take care ;)
I think Wet1 pretty much nailed what I hadn't thought of - the fact that you would be afraid of what other people think, would be a deterrent for only a handful.

When faced with any dilema I ususally try to visualise myself in that situation and go by how I would feel. Having anything stamped on my forehead would humiliate me enough to deter any criminal behaviour.

It really was a dumb idea. Hey, but what about if they found the genes that cause people to harm others and have the technology to remove it? I've probably asked this before because it feels familiar but I'd still like to hear new opinions.

And Chagur, amputation of the hand sounds to me like only one method you have in mind, any others?:D

what is your perpose of the punishment?

as people have said it wouldn't really work

maybe (personally i don't like using punishment because whats happend has happend and we have to get on with it, you can cause someone to get worse if punishment is your aim)

Not a chance (this is the most important for me and spending 2 years say being ridiculed for smoking or something will make someone resent sociaty)

not really (most crimes are acts of desperation or passion and no deterant will stop that)
Teri 2 ...

Guess the 'tattooing' idea gave me a chuckle since when I proposed
it in a Criminal Justice seminar a bunch of years ago because I felt it was
a viable solution to the anonymity of the urban experience (in a small
town everyone pretty well knows who the 'bad guys' are) so long as
removal of the tattoo carried the death penalty (serious consequence
for those who endangered the public at large) it created a furor.

The prof. had to do a 'time out' thanks to a student who later became
the county's Sherriff wanting to punch me out.

Admittedly, wearing a denim jacket with a peace sign on the back and
sandles to a C.J. seminar in the early '70's may not have been the
wisest thing to do, but it was fun. Yeah, even when it comes to 'fun',
I'm a bit weird.

Take care ;)
Oh Chagur, Chagur...

You really do have my favorite type of sense of humour.:D

Have a good day

Teri 2 ...

You mean there are other types of humor?

Guess I'm not going to live long enough to understand this species.

Take care ;)
Yeah Chag, you are pretty damn funny. Everytime I think of that 'sniffing your watch' thing - I crack up!!!
Oh, and groovy new avatar!
*stRgrL* ...

My 'Earth Day' avatar. Glad you like it.

Back to the old one tomorrow so I can find my posts when I'm
searching a thread.

Take care ;)
Robeson ...

Doesn't work, so why waste the time and money?

Take care, and welcome to Sciforums ;)
thank you for the welcome.

Perhaps you didn't catch my jest. If someone does something stupid they should be punished to the upmost severity according to society's laws. Of course how these laws are defined is a tricky question.
This may seem like a stupid question but why is "punishment" important?

Surelly curing the problem should be the aim?

i mean if someone steals and crashes your car spending 20 years in jail wont bring the car back

This WILL get me into trouble but its the same with murder. No punishment will ever bring the person back, so why lose TWO people?

Say we could wipe a persons memory and make sure they will never do it again. What would be better prevention and rehab or punishment?
Asguard: Basically, a murderer surrenders their right to live. Basic reciprocity, tit for tat, that sort of thing.

The only reason we shouldn't kill is because of the possibility of error.

Anyways, punishment is important because it is a basic human need.

And because it is just, but I can't prove that so I will let it rest.
I dissagree

I got over tid for tat when i was in primary school

Its part of whats wrong in the world

You hurt me so i hurt you

what do you think they are doing in Israil\palistine and Northan Irland or the marfia

Its called a circle of vilolance and its only when countrys "grow up" that they get over it

Vengance solves NOTHING. Its has not brought ONE person back

come one we are surpose to be BETTER than criminals but countrys like the US paticapate in the same mindset as the mafia (talking about the Death pennalty although you could aplie the same logic to there war on terra)