Creepy ghost photos

When the one case that seems to be real . . . happens . . . then it will be a world news item . . . not some goofy "case" on some obscure website or weirdo blog. Then I will pay attention. Till this moment there has been no such case. So, to generalize, ghosts are bullshit.

Assuming there's not huge resistance to the existence of such things in our culture. There's always going to be well funded detractors out there trying to protect the worldview that such things don't exist and could never exist. It's called the status quo, and it's defended fiercely by the media and by cultural authority figures.
Yeah, because nobody wants to become world famous for the rest of time, and win all of the Nobel prizes for proving existence beyond death.
There's always going to be well funded detractors out there trying to protect their worldview that such things don't exist.
Please. I hope you're not trying to say that there are funded groups out there whose sole purpose is to debunk ghost stories. If that's what you're saying then you are really one weird deluded mama-jama.

You, and your ilk, are not that important. 99.999% of the population really doesn't give a damn that you believe in fairies and ghosts. They don't care.
Please. I hope you're not trying to say that there are funded groups out there whose sole purpose is to debunk ghost stories. If that's what you're saying then you are really one weird deluded mama-jama.

You, and your ilk, are not that important. 99.999% of the population really doesn't give a damn that you believe in fairies and ghosts. They don't care.

Yep..there's people out there who devote their lives to debunking every suggestion of anomalous phenomena. They're called skeptics.

As for being weird that I believe in ufos, that's not so:
Yeah, because nobody wants to become world famous for the rest of time, and win all of the Nobel prizes for proving existence beyond death.

It's always easier to conform to the science establishment. That's how you get funded. Radicals are dismissed and ostracized as crackpots.

These are some ghost pictures which may be genuine because of the backstory such as the one of the lady with her deceased husband behind her etc. Then there is especially staircase, freddy jackson etc.

Of course not all pictures that appear to be ghosts are but some intrigueing especially with the puzzling context.

I remember reading this one where a tourist came upon a bench on a trail and they just felt such an unexplained
loneliness and unexplicably felt pity, they took a picture and it came out with a hazy cloudy apparition sitting on it.

And especially the one where a man was approached by the ghost of a little boy who only asked one question, 'where do all the lonely people go?' As if the child didnt know it had passed, confused or lost. Something about that story piqued my intuition and gut that something was going on.

Of course its not reported on the news, these are just some of the unexplained experiences of regular people that happen at times in their life and some never. I think its a lot to do with chance.
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There also is some misunderstanding about people who have had unexplained or paranormal experiences. It happens rarely and there is nothing wrong with these people nor do they have a mental disturbance or illness.