Creationists & ID'ers: Why not a Mature Universe?

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No, the reason is that they dispersed from the Middle East by sea and overland, when the sea level was lower during the Ice Age.

According to who exactly? And is this to state that you disagree that floods occur all over the planet?

Further to which, if you were to assume that all the ancient flood stories are based upon an actual global flood then it stands to reason that the oldest such story, (the original if you like), would be more accurate than any account given thousands of years after the actual event. In saying, the biblical flood account will lose out to the Utnapishtim version which was written a good 1,500 years before the biblical version. You can't tell someone a story now without it being prone to chinese whispers after 10 minutes let alone one and a half millennia.

Finally, these ancient cultures would have had no way to tell that the flood was global. It might have seemed so from their very limited perspective, but there's no valid reason to accept their stories as factual - unless of course science was to concur, which it does not.

Almost all geologists admit...

Kindly provide a source for this data.
The Genesis account was written by some of the players, as the recordings say at the end "these are the origins (generations) of Noah," for instance, so the Sumerian account is obviously a somewhat lame bastardization of the accurate story, just read the two and see.
Your statement does not stand up under scrutiny. I understand you'd be biased, (because you're a bible believing christian), but an account written 1,500 years before another one cannot be the bastardization. I have personally read the two many times.. have you?

P.S Still awaiting a source for your claim and an answer to my question.
I work in the real world too, and the geological evidence is overwhelming that the Earth suffered the Deluge, just look at the geologic column, sedimentary layers like that are not forming today, right?
ok lets suppose the whole world was covered with water like the "buybull" says
NOW do tell,...WHERE did all this water disapear to?
For some inexplicable reason God apparently made measuring the age of anything an inaccurate science. Why doesn't every method max out at 6000 years? Let's say someone claims to have found Noah's Ark. Without using science could its age be determined?

Or let's say scientific dating methods confirm the find is as old as its supposed to be but it also confirms the rock its lying on is billions of years old. Which measurement do you believe?
You guys should make t-shirts, money in the bank.
Retard…equating atheism with decadent materialism is your way of making your stupidity into an asset.

You’ve got no ability to even begin understanding reality.

That’s why you are retarded: a stagnating, underdeveloped mind, seeking an explanation for itself and a way out of its uncertainty and weakness.
If it weren’t for authorities defending your right to “disagree”, like James R., you would be licking someone’s boot and calling him holy.

You are so retarded you can never know how retarded you are.
Trust me on this: many of us here are dismayed, frightened and entertained by your stupidity.
It’s so deep and thick that it is both funny and dangerous.

Now try to find something that will hurt me.
The “you are drunk” shtick was good. Work on it. Use a little “you are gay” or “you are unloved” to make it powerful.

What a retard you are.
It’s in-fucking-credible.
"These are the origins ("generations") of .....," says that 14 times of different personages through those early centuries

It also says that bats are birds? What is your point?

The simple fact of the matter remains that the noah flood account was written over 1,500 years after the Sumerian deluge account. Once again, because of that the only possible "bastardization" must be the biblical account. For arguments sake lets say that Noah was the man who passed the flood story down to his grandchildren who passed it down to their grandchildren and so on. The fact remains that after such time the account would still have been subject to serious changes and adaptations. It's an inevitability. It will never be as accurate as an account written during/just after the event happened.

You have to agree that all of mankind stems from Sumeria, (it says so in that bible you believe without question). The jews were founded a long time later.. funnily enough by a Sumerian who would have told the Sumerian stories to the jews he was the father to. Those people then wrote those stories down - thus the bible was born. The fact remains that those stories are from Sumerian origin and given that the Sumerian stories predate the biblical stories by over one and a half millennia are clearly the more accurate of the two.
For some inexplicable reason God apparently made measuring the age of anything an inaccurate science. Why doesn't every method max out at 6000 years? Let's say someone claims to have found Noah's Ark. Without using science could its age be determined?

Or let's say scientific dating methods confirm the find is as old as its supposed to be but it also confirms the rock its lying on is billions of years old. Which measurement do you believe?

Yes, that is the ironic part.
As I was reading up on how they determined the age of the dead sea scrolls,surprise,surprise! carbon dating was used to do so.Biblical scholars of course jumped on that finding and claimed "yes, this proves their age".
But of course when the same carbon dating is used to verify rocks or other objects that show age in the millions to billions of yrs range..THEN, it is of course a flawed science! *LOL*

So, we can conclude that radio carbon dating is only valid when it backs up biblical events and objects.:rolleyes:

Then ,of course we have the young universe astronomers like Russel Humphreys who develop their own brand of physics to explain the age of the universe.
Yep, measurements to determine the age of the universe and distance in space are also flawed apparently.
I work in the real world too, and the geological evidence is overwhelming that the Earth suffered the Deluge, just look at the geologic column, sedimentary layers like that are not forming today, right?

Yes, I concur, a truely inescapable conclusion...but how does this lead to a young Earth conclusion? Or for that matter how do we extend that to the universe?
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Nonsense, sedimentary layers are still forming, and the ones that did form indicate no worldwide uniform layer.
The jews were founded a long time later.. funnily enough by a Sumerian who would have told the Sumerian stories to the jews he was the father to.


I'd like more information on this.
Who was this Sumerian?
Do you have a reference?
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