Creationists declare war over the brain


Valued Senior Member
Creationists declare war over the brain
"YOU cannot overestimate," thundered psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz, "how threatened the scientific establishment is by the fact that it now looks like the materialist paradigm is genuinely breaking down. You're gonna hear a lot in the next calendar year about... how Darwin's explanation of how human intelligence arose is the only scientific way of doing it... I'm asking us as a world community to go out there and tell the scientific establishment, enough is enough! Materialism needs to start fading away and non-materialist causation needs to be understood as part of natural reality."

According to proponents of ID, the "hard problem" of consciousness - how our subjective experiences arise from the objective world of neurons - is the Achilles heel not just of Darwinism but of scientific materialism.

Pass me some popcorn Xenu, the humans are at it again with all their crazy antics :D
Creationists declare war over the brain

Pass me some popcorn Xenu, the humans are at it again with all their crazy antics :D

There is no real problem here. The creationists are a fringe group of idiots that live in the under-educated parts of this country, and pose no threat whatsoever to the scientific community. Creationists have lost every court case they've brought forward.

Notice that the guy crying doom is a psychiatrist. :rolleyes:
So prove his statement wrong instead of resorting to personal attacks like children do when they can't defend their position.

This statement?

"...non-materialist causation needs to be understood as part of natural reality."

When they can't even demonstrate 'non-materialist causation' to exist in nature, how can they claim it should be part of natural reality?

And please, Carico, explain to us exactly which religions 'non-materialist causation' you refer? There are many to choose from.
It's so funny how omniscient demigod scientists think life is material but they can't seem to create souls, recreate life in the lab, or resurrect the dead. Apparently living organisms are a lot more than just mere matter and chemistry.
life is material but they can't seem to create souls, recreate life in the lab, or resurrect the dead.

Funny how religious people pull this out when they can't even get as close as science can. Piece by piece science is unraveling how life works. What do you have? Nothing.

There are no souls so progress on making what doesn't exist is naturally non existent. And what do you have? Nothing.

There is significant progress toward recreating life in the lab. All the basic components can be made now up to peptides and simple proteins. Also life itself can be manipulated at the genetic level. And what do you have? Nothing.

The dead have been getting resurrected for decades now. As long as decomposition has not progressed to the point the person is not recoverable, science is able to bring an amazing number of people back on a regular basis. And what do you have? Nothing.

Apparently living organisms are a lot more than just mere matter and chemistry.

Apparently not.

And what do you have? Nothing.

You whine about the progress of science while enjoying its fruits and offering nothing.
