creationism taught in michigan schools

Aaaah you can’t really teach them to be gay. Lets just give the children mutagens and force them only to breed within their condemned community deep underground, after a couple of centuries we should have a horrifically ugly human subspecies (lets call them the “mole people”) then we will go back to the creationist and show them proof of evolution.

The problem is much greater than just Michigan. Two days ago it was on the national news.

Nine (9) states currently have laws under consideration which makes it possible to fire any teacher that refuses to teach "Intelligent Design".!!!!!

What is worse the bastards are getting smarter. They are no longer suggesting the "Intelligent Designer" is God and therefore they avoid the church/state constitutional barrier.

It isn't just our teachers but the religious right working their way into our legislatures. (And of course the Executive Branch - :D )
MacM said:
What is worse the bastards are getting smarter. They are no longer suggesting the "Intelligent Designer" is God and therefore they avoid the church/state constitutional barrier.

People that make laws must be getting more stupid since who else than god would be the intelligent designer? Aliens?
who else than god would be the intelligent designer? Aliens?
Which of course is equally absurd and should not be taught either. I'm glad that I don't live in one of those states (or any one of the states for that matter...although I am an undergrad so it doesn't really affect me in any way).
Idle Mind said:
Which of course is equally absurd and should not be taught either. I'm glad that I don't live in one of those states (or any one of the states for that matter...although I am an undergrad so it doesn't really affect me in any way).
what makes you think it won't happen at university? What do you think they teach at the religious universities here, such as Brigham Young, and there's another famous christian one (Pepperdine?).
Nine (9) states currently have laws under consideration which makes it possible to fire any teacher that refuses to teach "Intelligent Design".!!!!!
Fine with me.
"Intelligent design is crackpot theory invented by religious idiots who think that God made everything. There is no evidence for intelligent design. Now, onto evolution!"
No man, mountainhare got a point there, all they have the do is deminstrante what intelligent design (or as they have the call it to avoid god: the “Monolith Theory”) is and then disprove it. Its the same as teaching the earth is the center of the universe models and then showing how Copernicus model works much better.
WellCookedFetus said:
No man, mountainhare got a point there, all they have the do is deminstrante what intelligent design (or as they have the call it to avoid god: the ?Monolith Theory?) is and then disprove it. Its the same as teaching the earth is the center of the universe models and then showing how Copernicus model works much better.

Sure, but one of those asshole relgious kids will tell their parents and the deeply religious parents will be outraged, call the head of the school, the priest (or whatever it is called), god, baby jesus, and the entire community of assholes, and together

they will make sure the teacher is fired.

(and goes to hell)

People that make laws must be getting more stupid since who else than god would be the intelligent designer? Aliens?

You seem to have missed the point. It is the religious "Legal" minds that have deliberately structured "Intelligent Design" to pass muster constitutionally. It isn't a matter of being stupid (although pushing ID makes it an oxymoron) being smart.
(i don't have capitals in my name - I am not god ;) )

It seems so transparent. It is quite difficult to believe that anyone would fall for something like that. But apparently they do.
paulsamuel, it can be expected to be taught in a Christian University. However, I would neither choose to attend one, nor would I choose a course taught by an instructor that fervently stands behind ID. Being at Uni, you are more in control of what you are and aren't subjected to, whereas in grade school, you are not. That was what I was intending to say.