
I believe:

  • God created the universe. The Biblical Creation story is literally true.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • The Biblical creation story must be read symbolically rather than literally.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • God guided evolution over millions of years. The bible story is not literally true.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • God played no further part in evolution following the initial creation.

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • There is some doubt about whether or not the universe was created by God.

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • The universe was probably not created by God.

    Votes: 16 66.7%

  • Total voters

James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
Another quick poll.

If you are not a Christian, but follow some other religion, please substitute the religious text you consider most sacred (e.g. the Qur'an) for the words "The Bible" in answering the poll.
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Yeah, why isn't there a "No belief and no idea!" option?

"Probably not"?
"Some doubt"?

I'm with Genji in that these don't really swing it.

Or is this poll ONLY for people who believe in God? :eek:
Probably not created by God. Because, in my case, God probably doesn't exist in the first case.

Sarkus said:
Or is this poll ONLY for people who believe in God?

Even if you don't, the last one still applies...
Since it cannot be proven that the God of the Bible doesn't exist, the last option is the one for "atheists." To say that the God of the Bible cannot exist is irrational.
Since it cannot be proven that the God of the Bible doesn't exist, the last option is the one for "atheists." To say that the God of the Bible cannot exist is irrational.

Since it cannot be proven that the Celestial Teapot doesn't exist, the last option is the one for "theists." To say that the Celestial Teapot cannot exist is irrational.
Probably not created by God. Because, in my case, God probably doesn't exist in the first case.

Even if you don't, the last one still applies...
I can't say "probably not" because I really have no idea - no one can.
It is totally and utterly outside the scope of any assessment of probability.

We can NOT know.

Therefore to say "probably" one way or another is disingenuous to the actual position I hold.

I certainly don't "believe" god created it - but then I don't "believe" that god didn't.

No evidence either way - so no probability can be given.
How do we know

How do we know that the Universe really does exist. Does it exist because it can be seen and touched, so does that mean that those things that we can not see and touch do not exist? How do we really know that the universe was here before we were here. Do I have proof that it existed before I existed. All the proof is only what I can mentally accept, I have no physical proof that it was really here, so did it exist?
I can't say "probably not" because I really have no idea - no one can.
It is totally and utterly outside the scope of any assessment of probability.

We can NOT know.

Therefore to say "probably" one way or another is disingenuous to the actual position I hold.

I certainly don't "believe" god created it - but then I don't "believe" that god didn't.

No evidence either way - so no probability can be given.

No probability is important when we have only partial knowledge. And that we do. Considering how the idea of God could have originated in the first place, and considering whether we have any evidence for such a thing, we can say very well that God probably does not exist, the same way that we can say that (as someone pointed out very very long ago right here in SF) flying pink unicorns probably don't exist.
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This is a great poll. It is great because if you talk to 100 different Christians about the advanced and deeper aspects of their religion, you will get 100 different answers. In fact, many Christians are almost like zombies, believing whatever their priest or minister tells them. They are also very simple people who only know the raw basics of their religon (and some probably don't even know that.)
No probability is important when we have only partial knowledge. And that we do. Considering how the idea of God could have originated in the first place, and considering whether we have any evidence for such a thing, we can say very well that God probably does not exist, the same way that we can say that (as someone pointed out very very long ago right here in SF) that flying pink unicorns probably don't exist.

No, there may be evidence that current religions are falsely based, but that really does not offer any evidence toward the existence or nonexistence of a god. Even if every religion in existence is based on lies, that does not mean that there is or is not a god. It merely means that the ideas that people hold are based on lies. The beliefs that some religions hold may very well be true (assuming they don't directly contradict scientific knowledge) regardless of whether they have merit. Frankly, it is impossible to offer evidence either in support of or against the existence of a god because the god that may or may not exist could very well be an unquantifiable object.
It is because there is no evidence for God that we say there's little probability for the existence of God. Not because we have evidence against it. And this isn't based on any religion. This is based on a general idea of God, the most basic one, which is something along the lines of a conscious being who maybe, omiscient and omnipotent, or not... and similar things. This is a practical standpoint.
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Just because there is no evidence in support of something, as long as there is no evidence against it it is possible. Two theories. There is a god, and there isn't a god. Neither of them have any evidence to support them and neither have any evidence to contradict them, so how is it logical to choose one over the other?
There is no God. There is universe and we are part of it. Universe was created by another universe which was created by another universe...the sequence is infinity-1 cyclical, with a start that is also an end.

Humans are main chain link between universes...they create another universe within their own...that universe creates another universe...and so on...the sequence of such creations is infinity - 1 ...meaning there is an end and a beginning...and that such creation is cyclic...however the end is also a beginning
Since it cannot be proven that the Celestial Teapot doesn't exist, the last option is the one for "theists." To say that the Celestial Teapot cannot exist is irrational.

unlike the celestial teapot, there are claims of the direct perception of god (saintly persons) and also processes for others to come to that point of direct perception