Creating Good and Evil

is there anyone on this planet that doesn't think about what is right/wrong?
don't they call for institutionalization for those who don't know right/wrong?

so no i don't suggest there is someone who is free from good/evil..
we all struggle with it in one form or another.

So it exists truly and is not just something humans have made up?.

As a response to be more accurate I have to replace "awareness" with "perception" and then the answer is yes.


really?? these types of discussions tend to get stupid and too abstract.

let's see here. what if i tied you up, poured gasoline on you and lit you up like a torch while laughing at your pain?

would your pain and my intention to hurt you be abstract and just a 'perception' or would it actually be real?? please don't retort with some convoluted head in the clouds bs, okay? the reality is people can have intent to hurt, damage, or kill and not even out of self-defense and do carry it out. also, those negative effects are not always due to a choice in one's 'perceptions', alright?

also, of course there are situations where it is a matter of perception but it isn't the case with everything.
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Here is something i=I just did in Paint quickly for this thread.


let's see here. what if i tied you up, poured gasoline on you and lit you up like a torch while laughing at your pain?

In this case you're right.It is evil.

That's why I said earlier:
Remove from the equation the human and there are no "good" and "evil ".
If I'm burned by the lava, I can not say it is "evil".

I also tried to avoid "evil" and I used just "good".
What is good for me, maybe not good for you, and vice versa what is good for you , maybe not good for me.
For that we are "different".
Im sorry but I do not understand.

Hmm, I was at first going to only put bullets for Good and Evil without man and animal.

Should I remake it and add more information?.

The pyramid is a representation of the Life and Universe, Within it are layers for each Type of life form, The Line in the middle is a Barrier and Strict `Distinction between Which "Species/Life Forms/Entity" Is aware of Good and Evil.

As you can see the Higher up on the Intelligence List you get the More aware of evil and Subject to Evil you become.

So it exists truly and is not just something humans have made up?.

it is something that exists that cannot be adequately defined by human perceptions and logic.
the definitions that do exist are susceptible to my own humanity,(what/how do i think,know,feel,believe)
it is something that exists that cannot be adequately defined by human perceptions and logic.
the definitions that do exist are susceptible to my own humanity,(what/how do i think,know,feel,believe)

If I told you That Evil Exists because god needed to create Evil in order for good to be appreciated and exist.

That Humans have eaten from the tree of Knowledge and are now subject to the laws of good and Evil.

You enter too many undefined concepts
layers for each Type of life form
Barrier and Strict Distinction between Which "Species/Life Forms/Entity" Is aware of Good and Evil
Higher up on the Intelligence List
and the discussion becomes impossible.
I'd prefer if you have something to say then say short and concise as I can understand you.
You enter too many undefined concepts
and the discussion becomes impossible.
I'd prefer if you have something to say then say short and concise as I can understand you.

Let me think of a way to break it down even further into a more lay form bear with me please.

If I told you That Evil Exists because god needed to create Evil in order for good to be appreciated and exist.
I can believe that..(i think i have posted as much in other threads)

That Humans have eaten from the tree of Knowledge and are now subject to the laws of good and Evil.
through the act of disobedience was it taught that we have the ability to disobey effect to Choose what is right/wrong, good/evil, so its not a matter of being subjective to laws of good/evil as man now defines what is good/evil not God. God has tried to teach us what he thinks of right/wrong, but even that is susceptible to our own state of being (how/why we choose what we choose).

god did not abandon us in the garden of eden, he is still with us, we still have the ability to choose him or not,(everyday i choose him)..
This thread is not about defining good and evil. Their exact definitions are unimportant to the question. Nor is it about religeon. It's about creating original good or evil (however it is defined) and the long term balance of good and evil in the universe. It's about creating the potential for it to exist throughout eternity, or good, and our responsibility (if we have one) to create more good than evil thereby leaving our permanant legacy as net good or net evil and its effects in perpetuity.
I can believe that..(i think i have posted as much in other threads)

through the act of disobedience was it taught that we have the ability to disobey effect to Choose what is right/wrong, good/evil, so its not a matter of being subjective to laws of good/evil as man now defines what is good/evil not God. God has tried to teach us what he thinks of right/wrong, but even that is susceptible to our own state of being (how/why we choose what we choose).

god did not abandon us in the garden of eden, he is still with us, we still have the ability to choose him or not,(everyday i choose him)..

Beautiful and true.

There is no "good" or "evil", just a vast abyss of misunderstanding imposed upon those who choose to believe a person is worth discounting the second we realize their physical gestures make no sense to us at all.
There is no "good" or "evil", just a vast abyss of misunderstanding imposed upon those who choose to believe a person is worth discounting the second we realize their physical gestures make no sense to us at all.

You sit upon good and evil as if it were a throne?. You sound like somebody I know quite well.

Do you see anything as instinctively Evil Anymore or are you Apathetic towards all things people would usualy refer to as "seemingly" Evil or cause Harm to living things?.

If you are at a total state of "Apathetical existence" (Apathetic didnt seem right so I manipulated a new word) Do you still feel Happiness and Love? and are you able to comfort people and be genuinely in-touch with them emotionaly when in contact?

The definition of good and evil are not important. Clearly they both exist however you define them. I thought this might decend into a debate about definitions, but definitions are irrelevent to the question.
Once good or evil are created, you bring into existence an infinite legacy which alters the overall balance of good and evil in the universe. Do we want our universe to be more good than evil in perpituity? Once an act of good or evil is comissioned, once you bring something into creation, it can never be erased. Its potential to exist will henceforth survive to infinity, and given infinity can recur.
Don't we have an obligation to ensure this is kept to a minimum?
I am using the terms good and evil in general terms. What I'm getting at is that people gan generate either in thier lifetimes. As we are the only inhabitants of the universe that we know of, our net production of good or evil permanently alter the balance of good and evil in the universe. Do we want a good one or an evil one? Is it encumbant on us to ensure we do more good than evil in our lifetimes?
Does "good" ever come from "evil"? Maybe this has already been mentioned in this thread, but I thought I would throw it out there. :shrug: