Creating Good and Evil


Realistically Surreal
Registered Senior Member
Once something has been created, for good or for evil, the overall balance of good and evil in the universe is changed permanently. Because once something has been created its potential to exist is also created and can never (as far as I know) be un-created. This has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with the nature of existence.
Given infinite time, the good or evil created has the opportunity to recur, and its repercussions could affect things throughout time. In light of this, do we have a responsibility to create more good than evil in our lifetimes? I don't want to get entangled in definitions of good and evil because the exact nature is unimportant, it's the principle I'm interested in.

I'm not sure how to catagorise this, maybe it is philosophical..
it's kind of like this. if a system depends on the murder of another from the getgo from the smallest microbial life, those traits will be with us in our dna and structure.

that's why the foundation of life system here is 'evil' to use a term. it depends on predation of some lifeform for another to exist or gain sustenance. but the discrepancy is everything has the drive for self-preservation.

it's almost as if something is missing here yet we dont' know what it is because we are missing it. it's as if some law or element is missing, kind of like how free radicals cause damage.

this is our lot and something we have to deal with so we manage as best as possible. we know on some level that it shouldn't be this way but it is this way.

this is why even religions were borne to grapple with this issue to some extent, however poorly at times.
it's kind of like this. if a system depends on the murder of another from the getgo from the smallest microbial life, those traits will be with us in our dna and structure.

that's why the foundation of life system here is 'evil' to use a term. it depends on predation of some lifeform for another to exist or gain sustenance. but the discrepancy is everything has the drive for self-preservation.

it's almost as if something is missing here yet we dont' know what it is because we are missing it. it's as if some law or element is missing, kind of like how free radicals cause damage.

this is our lot and something we have to deal with so we manage as best as possible. we know on some level that it shouldn't be this way but it is this way.

this is why even religions were borne to grapple with this issue to some extent, however poorly at times.

Lol you can't think on a human level of right and wrong when talking about the creation of universal systems and mechanics.

This is a test we have trials and tribulations and things to learn, this is earth not any of the heavens ^_^.

Lol you can't think on a human level of right and wrong when talking about the creation of universal systems and mechanics.

This is a test we have trials and tribulations and things to learn, this is earth not any of the heavens ^_^.


everyone is aware of the universal system and mechanics. that is not what is being discussed here. life has a desire for self-preservation, from what we can tell of inanimate objects it doesn't. and i think there is such a thing as evil. those who have dealt with evil people are aware of that. it's just they may enjoy inflicting pain and there are people like that. i would call that evil.

also, there is no indication that these are "tests" when that would be rather pointless.

if i drop a ball and it falls, that's just gravity, not a test. whatever the universe allows is not a test but a consequence.

of course this place is not heaven, otherwise people wouldn't commit suicide, for instance.
everyone is aware of the universal system and mechanics. that is not what is being discussed here. life has a desire for self-preservation, from what we can tell of inanimate objects it doesn't. and i think there is such a thing as evil. those who have dealt with evil people are aware of that. it's just they may enjoy inflicting pain and there are people like that. i would call that evil.

also, there is no indication that these are "tests" when that would be rather pointless.

if i drop a ball and it falls, that's just gravity, not a test. whatever the universe allows is not a test but a consequence.

of course this place is not heaven, otherwise people wouldn't commit suicide, for instance.

If it is something that cannot be changed it is a law of system, so the karmic "effect" of good and evil ripples would be classed as such a system of laws.

I think predation is not in and of itself evil. Everything living dies. However, the manner of that death could be considered evil if it is not humane. A cat that plays with a mouse before killing it is not evil because it does not know what evil is. Cruel perhaps, but not evil. I associate acts of evil with intent to knowingly commit such a cruel act. But here we risk getting entangled in definitions, but in this case it is pertinent.
I think predation is not in and of itself evil. Everything living dies. However, the manner of that death could be considered evil if it is not humane. A cat that plays with a mouse before killing it is not evil because it does not know what evil is. Cruel perhaps, but not evil. I associate acts of evil with intent to knowingly commit such a cruel act. But here we risk getting entangled in definitions, but in this case it is pertinent.

That is a good observation and point.

as a species we tend to simplify things.
if we can't find a label for something,we will either make one up or ridicule it.
the terms good and evil are labels used to define the extreme sides of what is considered right and wrong.
the definition of right and wrong is completely subjective to the groups who are defining it. (isn't right considered good and wrong considered evil?)

human history is filled with different groups trying to impose right/wrong on others,
if the right is right, that is considered Good.
if the right is wrong, that is considered Evil.
humanity has a history of fighting that which it considers Evil(wrong).

most of humanity describes being 'good' as being 'perfect'
the definition of perfect is highly subjective.
(didn't i mention something about perfection not existing?)

can right exist without wrong?
can good exist without evil?
(is it evil to want to eat a bag full of donuts and a full pot of coffee?)

which means..

good and evil will alway exist.
the struggle between what is good(right) and what is evil(wrong) is defined by those groups with the most humans(or the bigger fists).

if religions would spend more time discussing what is right/wrong, instead of focusing on 'Who' is right/wrong, maybe humanity can grow up..

morale of the story..
Don't do as your told.
Think for yourself.
(doesn't mean you can't ask others)

(is this one of those 'i have no idea what you just said' posts??)
as a species we tend to simplify things.
if we can't find a label for something,we will either make one up or ridicule it.
the terms good and evil are labels used to define the extreme sides of what is considered right and wrong.
the definition of right and wrong is completely subjective to the groups who are defining it. (isn't right considered good and wrong considered evil?)

human history is filled with different groups trying to impose right/wrong on others,
if the right is right, that is considered Good.
if the right is wrong, that is considered Evil.
humanity has a history of fighting that which it considers Evil(wrong).

most of humanity describes being 'good' as being 'perfect'
the definition of perfect is highly subjective.
(didn't i mention something about perfection not existing?)

can right exist without wrong?
can good exist without evil?
(is it evil to want to eat a bag full of donuts and a full pot of coffee?)

which means..

good and evil will alway exist.
the struggle between what is good(right) and what is evil(wrong) is defined by those groups with the most humans(or the bigger fists).

if religions would spend more time discussing what is right/wrong, instead of focusing on 'Who' is right/wrong, maybe humanity can grow up..

morale of the story..
Don't do as your told.
Think for yourself.
(doesn't mean you can't ask others)

(is this one of those 'i have no idea what you just said' posts??)

Do you personaly think that Good and Evil are Subjective` or a reality regard-less of creed.

Once something has been created, for good or for evil, the overall balance of good and evil in the universe is changed permanently.
Remove from the equation the human and there are no "good" and "evil ".

I don't want to get entangled in definitions of good and evil because the exact nature is unimportant
What is good for me, maybe not good for you, and vice versa what is good for you , maybe not good for me.
For that we are "different".
Remove from the equation the human and there are no "good" and "evil ".

What is good for me, maybe not good for you, and vice versa what is good for you , maybe not good for me.
For that we are "different".

You think that Good and Evil exist because of our awareness of it, or do you think they dont exist at-all, it is purely a human invention?.

Do you personaly think that Good and Evil are Subjective` or a reality regard-less of creed.
(i don't see a need for the OR..)

what i think of as right/wrong, good/evil is subjective to what/how i think,feel,know,believe..

do i think i know what is good/evil is? yes..(doesn't everyone?)
can i convince you what is right/wrong? pry not..(only if it lines up with what you believe to be right/wrong,good/evil)
do i want to convince you i am right? no, because most ppl think thats makes them wrong. just because i am right does not make you wrong.(or vice versa)

God has one idea for your life and another for mine.
man tells me to conform, God tells me to be.. who am i supposed to listen to? (duh.)
(i don't see a need for the OR..)

what i think of as right/wrong, good/evil is subjective to what/how i think,feel,know,believe..

do i think i know what is good/evil is? yes..(doesn't everyone?)
can i convince you what is right/wrong? pry not..(only if it lines up with what you believe to be right/wrong,good/evil)
do i want to convince you i am right? no, because most ppl think thats makes them wrong. just because i am right does not make you wrong.(or vice versa)

God has one idea for your life and another for mine.
man tells me to conform, God tells me to be.. who am i supposed to listen to? (duh.)

Do you think Good and Evil Exist because you are aware of their existence or do you think they dont exist outside of your own mind.


Depends how you define "good" and "evil"?
You understand your own avatar?

You combined the seperate questions into one answer, please answer them seperately.

1) You think that Good and Evil exist because of our awareness of it?

2) It is purely a human invention?

Also I would not have put it in my avatar years ago if i didn't understand it ^_^

Do you think Good and Evil Exist because you are aware of their existence or do you think they dont exist outside of your own mind.

without man good and evil does not exist.
(though i did have an evil hamster once..jk.)

so to say they don't exist outside my own mind assumes other minds outside my long as there are minds there will be good/evil..

even if there was only ONE person left on the planet there will be good/evil..
when that guy dies good/evil dies.

i think you are asking do i believe in good/evil as a entity separate from the human conscienceness,
to say no would be to say god doesn't exist outside the mind,
i cannot know whether he does or doesn't,

do i believe if there is no good/evil then there is no god?

my focus in this discussion has been what humanity defines as good/evil, not what God defines as good/evil, what god defines as good/evil, right/wrong will be given to me when i listen for it..
without man good and evil does not exist.
(though i did have an evil hamster once..jk.)

so to say they don't exist outside my own mind assumes other minds outside my long as there are minds there will be good/evil..

even if there was only ONE person left on the planet there will be good/evil..
when that guy dies good/evil dies.

i think you are asking do i believe in good/evil as a entity separate from the human conscienceness,
to say no would be to say god doesn't exist outside the mind,
i cannot know whether he does or doesn't,

do i believe if there is no good/evil then there is no god?

my focus in this discussion has been what humanity defines as good/evil, not what God defines as good/evil, what god defines as good/evil, right/wrong will be given to me when i listen for it..

What do you mean there are minds that are good and evil. Do you suggest there might be somebody who is free from good and evil in his mind?.

What do you mean there are minds that are good and evil. Do you suggest there might be somebody who is free from good and evil in his mind?.

is there anyone on this planet that doesn't think about what is right/wrong?
don't they call for institutionalization for those who don't know right/wrong?

so no i don't suggest there is someone who is free from good/evil..
we all struggle with it in one form or another.