Craterchains, natural or ?

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
After spending the past two years researching these "types" of catina, crater chains, we doubt that any breaking up rubble pile comet or other space rock caused them.

Crater chain research site

Comparing the behavior and pattern of SL9 from these NASA images to the crater
chains clearly demonstrates that tidal
disruption of mud and ice comets or asteroids were not the cause of these remarkable
catinas. SL9 broke up in varying sizes, thousands of kilometers apart and impacted
over many days. Crater chains of the type we are investigating and questioning are not
varied in size, are not thousands of kilometers apart and did not impact over days. The
very complexity of uniform size, trajectory, alignment, and timing isn't coming from a comet
that broke up.
But isn't your theory that these are the battle-scars of a forgotten interplanetary war?
But isn't your theory that these are the battle-scars of a forgotten interplanetary war?
No. It is our theory that these ARE caused by intelligence.

The "how", or "why" is anybodies guess work, with out further serious research.
Well first you need to explain "how" at least. I mean this being caused by meteor brake up seems far more reasonable then cause by a intelligence my unknown means or reasons.
HOW? Very good question. With our limited access to data the only other commonality we have discovered is the elevated radiation readings from these “types” of crater chains where the data has been available.

It would be wise instead of just reiterating the commonly accepted and totally erroneous assumption that a breaking up object could produce such cohesive structures upon impact to try at least to read the parameters of the given facts.

Or, in other words, the assumption that a tornado will build anything as it passes through a wrecking yard is the same as assuming that a breaking up object will produce such patterns.

It is regrettable that the Beagle isn’t even whimpering. Maybe the new RC cars being sent to Mars will find it and feed the poor puppy? :cool:
Wouldn't these impacts be enough for cause of extinction? I couldn't see a scale of size, but it is thought that one large meteor stirred up enough dust on earth to cause a mass extinction (for the dinosaurs). And do they know if this moon has or once had a form of water? Europa (another moon of Jupiter) was thought to be made partly of ice. And Mars has erosion marks that are different from wind erosion and could only be caused by water. Does this moon show the same erosion marks? Or perhaps these "ETI" were silicon-based life forms and do not require the same elements for survival as we do.

I'm still new at this stuff and these are just some of my observations.. :)
craterchains (Norval please don't take offence to my statement I honestly mean no harm.

Now unfortunately in finding causality occums razor comes in which you must first definitively disprove all simpler theories before you can go to one as complex as intelligent intervention. There could be many geological possibilities other then crater impact, say a crack in the surface formed releasing a gas build up below that blew through the crack in repeating explosion on the length.

where is there evidence of radiation from these areas?
Its what that life does with its self, and its surroundings, that I often wonder at.

There are crater chains of hundreds of miles long and tens of miles wide. One example is about 600 miles by 40 miles wide crater chain. We are in the process of revamping our research site, which will then list all the photos we have accumulated to date. Try doing searches on crater chains and see what all comes up? The ETI we are imagining that made these were probably not indigenous to this solar system but were obviously very much like us in their use of weapons of mass destruction. Of course if this is true of crater chains, then that would cause many other craters to be suspect of origin. If these are weapons that made these crater chains, then mass extinction is a possibility.
Just a thought.

No offense at all, we are at these boards trying to make a case, and these replies are all critical to developing a good case of provability or we are wrong in our theory.
Now unfortunately in finding causality occums razor comes in which you must first definitively disprove all simpler theories before you can go to one as complex as intelligent intervention.
With the invocation of Occums Razor it reverts to the simplest explanation being the most probable. Trying to match up geological possibilities gets very complicated because of the many varied physical properties of their many locations where they appear. The probability of anything breaking up into identical sized masses, being tugged and pulled by gravity into the exact trajectories? Along with spacing and alignment, and then slamming into a surface at just the right moment to create such as these chains of craters we are investigation seems exceptionally complex to me. So, made by intelligence becomes the simplest explanation. Occums Razor back at yah.
With the invocation of Occums Razor it reverts to the simplest explanation being the most probable. Trying to match up geological possibilities gets very complicated because of the many varied physical properties of their many locations where they appear. The probability of anything breaking up into identical sized masses, being tugged and pulled by gravity into the exact trajectories? Along with spacing and alignment, and then slamming into a surface at just the right moment to create such as these chains of craters we are investigation seems exceptionally complex to me. So, made by intelligence becomes the simplest explanation. Occums Razor back at yah.

Aaaah but you failed to answer my theory which does not require a single meteor impact. Also you failed answer where you have evidence of radiation. And last but not lest you lied about being offended as calling me OCF is obviously a intended insult made out of spite. We are all genetal-men/women/its here we argue peacefully without resorting to such childishness.
What is simpler than to accept that it took intelligence to make these?
Or, that they fell out of the air in such order? See, no craters needed.

The radiation patterns I mentioned are available via NASA / JPL archives, like the well-known site APOD. (That’s astronomy picture of the day.) I think you should do the search yourself.

Sorry for the obvious typo, WCF. (But I have to admit it is funny as hell now that you point out my typo to me ,,, Over Cooked Fetus I assume you thought?) FOCLMFAO
Well a "o" is pretty far from a "w" thats a pretty rare typo, a "q" I could understand.

Still you fail to address my theory, also as you are presenting the evidence please give me at least a link to this radiation data.
intelligence demands intelligent evidence
so far I have seen only empty words without a shed of a back-up data except for some free-to-interpret pictures
Occums Razor is still at work, geological phenomena is more probable than aliens using nuclear weapons

I really don't think that aliens would fly a zillion miles just to blow-up some of their nuclear arsenal.

p.s. if I hear that word "WMD"one more time, I will throw up. the USA has totally diseased the word.

p.p.s. still waiting for that radiation data. it would be much appreciated

What is simpler than to accept that it took intelligence to make these?
:eek: :D
Original thought is so rare these days.

WCF; if you have a problem with gas?
Stay away from friends.

You want a URL for that radiation stuff? Go fish.
This thread belongs in Pseudoscience

From the so-called “research” link:

As most scientists are so specialized in their particular fields, they often aren't capable of recognizing things outside of that field. Because of that we started asking specialists from many fields of science and experience. Just people we know from everyday life, and they in turn asked of ones they thought might have some ideas about these types of catinas.
Most conclude as do we that these are not natural in formation and agree that they
are probably caused by intelligence.

Yes, let’s ignore the opinions of scientists and simply ask the man-on-the-street what he thinks and use those opinions to form our conclusions.

There are hundreds of this "type" of catina that are far too uniform to be natural. What other explanation is needed than to simply admit it was caused by intelligence. Often the simplest explanation is the right one.

Actually, the conclusion of ‘intelligence’ would be considered the most complex. Here is the simple explanation:

The comet's original single nucleus was torn to pieces by Jupiter's strong gravity during a close encounter with the solar system's largest planet in 1992. The pieces are seen in this composite of Hubble Space Telescope images to be "pearls" strung out along the comet's orbital path.

Originally posted by craterchains (Norval
Original thought is so rare these days.

WCF; if you have a problem with gas?
Stay away from friends.

You want a URL for that radiation stuff? Go fish.

Well then craterchains (Norval I have no reason to believe your theory as you cannot present valid evidence on it nor can your refute other counter theories.
SL9 string of pearls in that image above shows difference sized pieces, different spacing and not entirely a straight line. This image shows some of the impacts, now is that a crater chain? NO



[/B]I really do not see the comparison.
This is not rocket science, it does not take a university degree to understand.

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