Covid Vaccination and Recent Spike in cases?

Contamination during the assay process would be one simple way. Some contamination from a previous sample returned a false positive. RT-PCR is extremely sensitive, so even minor contamination could result in a false positive.
This posdibility nowadays also can not be denied because there is a heavy load on them as too many cases are coming.
Oh, I’m sorry, I missed this bit with the dates! :oops: That explains everything.

Your wife showed symptoms 17 days after vaccination. In that case, the symptoms had nothing to do with the vax; it sounds like your wife became infected with SARS-CoV-2 and developed a mild and quick case of COVID-19, as exchemist said in post #12…… ,
Okay, this would had actually happened. Vax involvement in her case then will be just case had not progressed to serious level.
Btw, can't Vax produce fever symptoms after 15-25 days of its injection when long existing antibodies will develop or exist in system?
Btw, whether long existing antibodies IgG in body is also pathological in anyway becuse it should bit new and unnatural to body as of now? Alike as long existing antibodies to othet virus exist eg EBV?

should be noted that the various vaccines available were approved on the basis of their ability to prevent serious COVID-19 symptoms, NOT their ability to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Having said that, growing indications are that they are also very good at preventing infection in the first place (potentially up to 80-90% protection), which is a really good outcome. So, your wife was unlucky, but the vax may well have prevented her from developing a worse case of COVID-19. Well played Kumar!

I notice that your wife’s PCR results had a Ct value of 19. That is a low Ct value for the RT-PCR test and indicates a very high viral load in her sample, indicative of the first few days after infection. So, it looks like she contracted the virus on, or about, the 27th and had a quick incubation period. Incubation periods before showing symptoms (if any) is usually longer than that (up to 2 weeks), but can be as quick as 1 or 2 days.
Well calculated. We do moved outside in this period, should had contacted the virus. I simply based the observation of very mild symptom. Thanks to vax. It should have been a real infection but remained mild due to Vax.
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Is it very sure injected material in vaccine is very small and not capable of giving positive result?.

can a person who has been dead for a week sitting in a fridge in the morgue
come to life and get up and then carry on their normal life as if nothing had ever happened ?

has it ever been documented anywhere ?
have you met anyone who this has happened to ?

do you know people who believe this type of thing is not only possible, but happens even though they don't personally know anyone it has happened to ?

Hercules & Exchemist are far better informed to answer your questions on vaccine science chemistry & micro biology

Recently there is abnormal excessive spike in Covid 19 infected people.

in india ?
which country ? which province in which country ?
are you referring to maharashtra ?
is the trench warfare zone of covid
it is a war and the Indian people are loosing it like the south American people
India’s Maharashtra tightens COVID curbs as hospitals struggle
Maharashtra state and its capital Mumbai are the current epicentre of the country’s infection spike.

RainbowSingularity, Mar 13, 2021

a large % of Indians think covid is not a serious concern and think they can prevent catching it by eating curry
look at all the protesting farmers in Delhi who were openly spreading covid and dying from it in their protest
then saying on camera they are prepared to die.
imagine how they spread the virus on their farm among all their workers who have no choice
12 Apr 2021
Hundreds of thousands of Hindu devotees have gathered by the Ganges river for special prayers, many of them flouting social distancing practices as the coronavirus spreads in India with record speed.


There is also similar spike in vaccination program for Covid 19 recently. This is the only major evet
prefered recently.

13 Apr 2021
India’s Maharashtra state has announced tighter coronavirus restrictions including in the regional capital, Mumbai, as infections surge and oxygen supplies run short.

India is experiencing a ferocious new wave of COVID-19 with about a million new cases reported in the past week.

The new restrictions will force all “non-essential” shops, malls and e-commerce deliveries to pause operations from Wednesday until May 1.

Shooting for movies, television shows and advertisements in Bollywood will also grind to a halt, in what will be a blow to India’s flagship film industry.

Bars and restaurants were shut earlier this month, and public gatherings of more than five people are banned.

The new measures follow Maharashtra’s move to impose a state-wide weekend lockdown that confined the state’s 125 million people to their homes until the end of April unless shopping for food or medicine, or travelling.
can a person who has been dead for a week sitting in a fridge in the morgue
come to life and get up and then carry on their normal life as if nothing had ever happened ?

has it ever been documented anywhere ?
have you met anyone who this has happened to ?

do you know people who believe this type of thing is not only possible, but happens even though they don't personally know anyone it has happened to ?

Hercules & Exchemist are far better informed to answer your questions on vaccine science chemistry & micro biology

Yes but whether virus is an live or dead entity? I think, no. When Vaxs are able to develop antibodies, does it not mean these fo go into the host cells? Once inside the cells, they also have capacity to be modified. We know what go into the cells but dont know what come out from those cells?

in india ?
which country ? which province in which country ?
are you referring to maharashtra ?

Yes but now it is spresding like jungle fire to ehole of India. Yes people here becsne careless but one thought relevant to OP is also there. Here mortslity rate is abnormally low. It has also created suspicion about false positive report in vaccinated people.
Yes but whether virus is an live or dead entity? I think, no. When Vaxs are able to develop antibodies, does it not mean these fo go into the host cells? Once inside the cells, they also have capacity to be modified. We know what go into the cells but dont know what come out from those cells?

Yes but now it is spresding like jungle fire to ehole of India. Yes people here becsne careless but one thought relevant to OP is also there. Here mortslity rate is abnormally low. It has also created suspicion about false positive report in vaccinated people.

Covid Vaccination and Recent Spike in cases?

hello all,

I am just checking it.

Recently there is abnormal excessive spike in Covid 19 infected people.

There is also similar spike in vaccination program for Covid 19 recently. This is the only major evet
prefered recently.

Can there be any relation between these two??

Logically, I am suspecting modified intact virus present in vaccines get excreted by body's mechanism
to get rid of them in nasopharyngeal region (also in other parts eg GUT) and this form basis of getting false positive results on RT-PCR testing for Covid 19.

Sudden spike in antibodies production and existence may cause some mild symptom esp low grade fever leading a person to go for RT-PCR testing in fear. Such antibodies should be bit new and odd so unnatural to body till we are evolved or become habituated so may attract immune response to degrade or get rid of these.

Developing immunological memory was origional goal of vaccine but is it not bit odd developing antibody based immunity? Whether long existing antibodies like to EBV virus, scarlet fever etc are itself not pathological. Should antibody induced immunity be a short term solution?

Sorry many questions but all interlinked.

Best wishes.

None of the vaccines approved by Western agencies - which I think are the ones India also uses - use live or attenuated virus. Astra/Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson use a chimpanzee adenovirus to introduce some genetic material that makes the human body produce the spike protein of the virus - to which the immune system reacts. The BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna ones use mRNA genetic material, in artificially made fatty particles, to achieve the same thing. So there is no way for anyone to catch the virus due to any of these vaccines. So that's one thing we can rule out.

but one thought relevant to OP is also
Here mortslity rate is abnormally low.
It has also created suspicion about false positive report in vaccinated people

it sounds like your wife caught the new more lethal strain the day she walked out of the house after the lock down
2 weeks after the vaccination(high viral load indicated by Hercules post guess)
so the vaccination saved her life

you seem to be deliberately ignoring answers to questions so you can then mix in another question to the same question
which Billvon Exchemist or Hercules has answered in technical precise detail

after spending some considerable effort to produce
just been answered
and then ask the same question again, with a different subject attached, as a question
to make the answer, impossible,
because you have changed the subject and mixed in a completely different subject

but you are trying to keep running right over the top of the answer
so you can throw in another question
which is completely scientifically different
while you ignore the science that has been used and typed out by those members responding to your questions

Here mortslity rate is abnormally low.

really ?
show me a link to this science you are talking about please
i am not sure what you mean
where ?
"what" is low ?
Covid Vaccination and Recent Spike in cases?


it sounds like your wife caught the new more lethal strain the day she walked out of the house after the lock down
2 weeks after the vaccination(high viral load indicated by Hercules post guess)
so the vaccination saved her life

Yes it should have happened. I accepted it later on their clarifications.

you seem to be deliberately ignoring answers to questions so you can then mix in another question to the same question
which Billvon Exchemist or Hercules has answered in technical precise detail
after spending some considerable effort to produce
just been answered
and then ask the same question again, with a different subject attached, as a question
to make the answer, impossible,
because you have changed the subject and mixed in a completely different subject

but you are trying to keep running right over the top of the answer
so you can throw in another question
which is completely scientifically different
while you ignore the science that has been used and typed out by those members responding to your questions

Sorry you misunderstood me. I was trying to clear my suspicians. Moreover there were some logical reasonings to these suspicions.

really ?
show me a link to this science you are talking about please
i am not sure what you mean
where ?
"what" is low ?

In today's news paper data for yesterday appeared as under for India, maharastra, Mumbai..
Country Total new cases/ deaths
India 161746/879
Maharastra 60212/281
Mumbai 7898/26

Is it not low mortality rate?

Yes it should have happened. I accepted it later on their clarifications.

Sorry you misunderstood me. I was trying to clear my suspicians. Moreover there were some logical reasonings to these suspicions.

In today's news paper data for yesterday appeared as under for India, maharastra, Mumbai..
Country Total new cases/ deaths
India 161746/879
Maharastra 60212/281
Mumbai 7898/26

Is it not low mortality rate?

what is a high mortality rate ?
One big lab also clarified, it is neither possible to get false positive RT PCR test report from vaccine nor
vaccine inactivated virus or particles can reach to nasopharyngeal region. Only active Covid virus can bring
positive report, It is also in line of posters here, indicated. Now it is fully clear to me. Thanks for your contributions.
WE/my wife was lucky to get mild infection or lethal infection but resisted to progress to serious level due to vaccine, she
had taken.

WHAT about acquired antibody vs immunological memory based immunity by vaccination? Is developing antibody based immunity as by COVID Vaccine also have some short or long term adverse effects?
Thanks. Then in concludion, Astra Zeneca vaccine can not make PCR test to return as positive. Then it will also justify, mu wife got fresh infection but vaccine saved her to from progressing to severe case. She had first dose of vaccine sbd 2nd is due now.
Yes I think that must be the explanation. But she should be fine now.
Oh, I’m sorry, I missed this bit with the dates! :oops: That explains everything.

Your wife showed symptoms 17 days after vaccination. In that case, the symptoms had nothing to do with the vax; it sounds like your wife became infected with SARS-CoV-2 and developed a mild and quick case of COVID-19, as exchemist said in post #12……

It should be noted that the various vaccines available were approved on the basis of their ability to prevent serious COVID-19 symptoms, NOT their ability to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Having said that, growing indications are that they are also very good at preventing infection in the first place (potentially up to 80-90% protection), which is a really good outcome. So, your wife was unlucky, but the vax may well have prevented her from developing a worse case of COVID-19. Well played Kumar!

I notice that your wife’s PCR results had a Ct value of 19. That is a low Ct value for the RT-PCR test and indicates a very high viral load in her sample, indicative of the first few days after infection. So, it looks like she contracted the virus on, or about, the 27th and had a quick incubation period. Incubation periods before showing symptoms (if any) is usually longer than that (up to 2 weeks), but can be as quick as 1 or 2 days.
Yes, I have a personal anecdote to illustrate this. My 93 yr old father was vaccinated at his nursing home, 1st shot, BioNTech/Pfizer, in January and subsequently caught the virus in March. He got rather breathless and was off his food for a few days, but no fever, no need to go to hospital, and has now made a complete recovery. Without the vaccine, he would almost certainly have died. The old coffin-dodger of the family has dodged yet again. :biggrin:
Yes, I have a personal anecdote to illustrate this. My 93 yr old father was vaccinated at his nursing home, 1st shot, BioNTech/Pfizer, in January and subsequently caught the virus in March. He got rather breathless and was off his food for a few days, but no fever, no need to go to hospital, and has now made a complete recovery. Without the vaccine, he would almost certainly have died. The old coffin-dodger of the family has dodged yet again. :biggrin:
Great. Lucky. Congrats.
Is it not low mortality rate?

what is a high mortality rate ?

Initially of covid it was sbout 5% than it bacame stable at about 1.5% upto Feb 21. Now you comoare it with above data.

Initially of covid it was sbout 5%

do you have a link to this ?

are you referring to co-morbidity and if so in which country ?

than it bacame stable at about 1.5%

did it ?
where was that ?
post a link to where you read that from ?

Now you comoare it with above data.

what data ?

did you post some data ?

where ?
Is developing antibody based immunity as by COVID Vaccine also have some short or long term adverse effects?

anti-vaxer territory

the human species has died in the hundreds of millions to viruses and bacteria
those viruses & bacteria shape humanity
their effects directly impact culture & models of thinking

equally immunologically humans are constantly changing
the immune system is not a single 2D material object like a brick sitting on a wall

the body as you say
WHAT about acquired antibody vs immunological memory based immunity by vaccination?

yes it is very complicated

this is cutting edge fringe science stuff

not a subject to mix in with public anti-vaxer media

there are several different branches of this science also

mainstream practicing
herbal/nutritional/ nephropathy
cutting edge experimental
fringe experimental
fringe theory
mainstream theory
etc etc
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do you have a link to this ?

are you referring to co-morbidity and if so in which country ?

did it ?
where was that ?
post a link to where you read that from ?

what data ?

did you post some data ?

where ?
Simply death rste due to Covid-19 in India. Anyway, since I got satisfactory awnser to my OP, I think, no sense of unnecessary dragging the matter or pulling skin from the hairs. Thanks for your contribution.
Simply death rste due to Covid-19 in India. Anyway, since I got satisfactory awnser to my OP, I think, no sense of unnecessary dragging the matter or pulling skin from the hairs. Thanks for your contribution.

you want science
but india is too big to test all its dead & dying

the hard data is statistical probabilities that many want to use to over throw power so they can be king monkey of the jungle

modi needs to maintain the will of the people in general
and he appears to be doing that to his credit
millions want their religion even if it is a death sentence for many of their own community

that is THEIR right to choose that as their own culture

death rates of co-morbidity including excess deaths from blocking hospitals and taking up doctors and nurses and by that denying them to others
is quite possibly close to 5%
the real kill rate is recorded to be roughly 3%
that has moved from
2% to roughly 3% with the new variants

now younger people are dying and the older weaker have already died in central citys
so now the kill rate should be falling
but its not
which is serious concern for protecting vaccines

the rate you quoted as 1.5%
was a guess
based on a 1.1%
which was based on a 0.1%

as it turns out
science has been going as fast as it can
but the death rate has climbed past their expectations

current in maharashtra is around 3.1%
you want science
but india is too big to test all its dead & dying

the hard data is statistical probabilities that many want to use to over throw power so they can be king monkey of the jungle

modi needs to maintain the will of the people in general
and he appears to be doing that to his credit
millions want their religion even if it is a death sentence for many of their own community

that is THEIR right to choose that as their own culture

death rates of co-morbidity including excess deaths from blocking hospitals and taking up doctors and nurses and by that denying them to others
is quite possibly close to 5%
the real kill rate is recorded to be roughly 3%
that has moved from
2% to roughly 3% with the new variants

now younger people are dying and the older weaker have already died in central citys
so now the kill rate should be falling
but its not
which is serious concern for protecting vaccines

the rate you quoted as 1.5%
was a guess
based on a 1.1%
which was based on a 0.1%

as it turns out
science has been going as fast as it can
but the death rate has climbed past their expectations

current in maharashtra is around 3.1%

In open forum, we should not involve in individual's personal odds and evens.
PM Modi is quite popular, industrious liked and helping most of the world inspite
he started from very low level and with all sided strong oppositions. It is not simple for
any common and uncommon person. Hence we can also appreciate his credits and contributions to
nation, to world and to humanity.

Rest about Maharastra, I think you know that what even our government, media, public etc do not know
so I can not discuss or comment on it.