couple a questions


then define what makes mass alive as it is a pretty BIG problem when trying to comprehend IMMORTALITY
This is a very confused question. Immortality simply means something that cannot die. Life does not conform to that idea. Immortal life is merely a nonsense concept created by the idiocy of religion.

There is nothing mystical about life; it is from the trinity you speak, matter, energy, etc. Although the combinations of processes are so far sufficiently complex that we cannot yet duplicate them in a lab.

A simpler example and analogy would be that of fire that has many similar processes to that of life.

Fires start when a flammable and/or a combustible material with an adequate supply of oxygen or another oxidizer is subjected to enough heat and is able to sustain a chain reaction. This is commonly called the fire tetrahedron. Fire cannot exist without all of these elements being in place.

Once ignited, a chain reaction must take place whereby fires can sustain their own heat by the further release of heat energy in the process of combustion and may propagate, provided there is a continuous supply of an oxidizer and fuel.

Life is virtually identical in that it must consume fuel and it will oxidize the fuel to maintain the chain reaction that sustains the effect that we call life. We usually refer to the mechanism here as metabolism. But cutoff the supply of fuel, or interfere with the process and the living object will die, just like a fire.

But we also have another perspective of life we call consciousness that many like to mystify. This again is no mystery. Your brain has some 200 billion neurons that each behave like small slow microprocessors but connected in a massive multi-processor parallel network. The processing power is close to some 20,000 modern day high end computers squeezed into a tiny space. We can’t quite build that paradigm yet either.

to me theological texts are opinions of history...
And such baseless opinions are of what value?

what i base reality on is nuts and bolts: mass energy time......... the only 'trinity' that matters
Well good, so you should be able to understand life fairly easily then.

and as far as i am concerned, the truth is more important to the future, than you, me or any person's feelings........... ever!
Why, what is so important about the future? And why would the future care anything about truth? Truth is only important when considered as a value issue by any given person, e.g. truth is likely to be an aid to survival. And feelings and emotions are the essential ingredients of humanity, that and our ability to survive. The religious, and it appears this applies to you as well, demean life and humanity as unimportant in favor of some fantasy super-being. The very essence of what leads religious cults to commit mass suicide or the very violence we see today in terms of religious based terrorism.

This is a very confused question. Immortality simply means something that cannot die. Life does not conform to that idea. Immortal life is merely a nonsense concept created by the idiocy of religion.
fair assessment but lets work together on this.

if you tap the surface of a pond, the imposition is now existing based on the energy you transferred to the mass........ and as the wave may seem to get smaller per your vision, the fact is that energy is still moving within existence and will forever.

that is what 'we the people' (conscious life) can do by choice: we can impose an action that does 'good' for 'life to continue' or bad (a loss to the common).

Good, lives by supporting life that continues to support life thereof again.................. (we live longer in becoming a brick to life's continued existence- making babies, teaching, planting trees...etc..etc, the good lives the bad..... welll..... fades to 'extinction')

There is nothing mystical about life; it is from the trinity you speak, matter, energy, etc. Although the combinations of processes are so far sufficiently complex that we cannot yet duplicate them in a lab.
yes we can and what science has been doing for thousands of years

(pinnacle had to be reached some day, right?) The evolution of knowledge has been 'evolving' ........ for a long time. The trinity is just returning to the base constituents (mass, energy and time) (in quran, they talk about a 'second creation'... meaning: defining from atoms and energy, versus adam and eve.......... and i am here to say; all with no magic)

A simpler example and analogy would be that of fire that has many similar processes to that of life.
and like life.... the fire will 'continue' until the environment changes......... pretty basic

But cutoff the supply of fuel, or interfere with the process and the living object will die, just like a fire.
exactly. but that 'life' once begun........... will continue (until the 'environment' changes........ all cases)

But we also have another perspective of life we call consciousness that many like to mystify. This again is no mystery. Your brain has some 200 billion neurons that each behave like small slow microprocessors but connected in a massive multi-processor parallel network. The processing power is close to some 20,000 modern day high end computers squeezed into a tiny space. We can’t quite build that paradigm yet either.
ooooops.... sorry.... it's done! (hence; the last 'word' is the math to prove it)

And such baseless opinions are of what value?
religions were born from history......... about people from, back in history........ nothing magical about words in a book except that words can transcend time, once the meanings are learned. (all words were created by mankind)

Why, what is so important about the future?
because you live beyond breathing by what you perform 'now' that is 'good' for the future.

otherwise, you wasting oxygen

And why would the future care anything about truth?
because then they will not grow up thinking the future is meaningless as well be able to contribute to existence, by choice, and know they will live in them contributions..................... in fact

no magic, no miracles, nothing omnipotent......... just reality and the truth to comprehend it without any bias (each individual can understand life without someone telling them how to think)

Truth is only important when considered as a value issue by any given person, e.g. truth is likely to be an aid to survival.

and you ask, why is truth and the furture sooooooo important? you just answered it! 'the survival of life' ( i have always said, since being a kid: just teach us the truth and let us live; screw the BS)

The very essence of what leads religious cults to commit mass suicide or the very violence we see today in terms of religious based terrorism.

and if the world of mankind had the truth, then religious 'opinions' would be like historical guidelines and mankind could become equal, in fact and know it

the religions will be over :shrug:
17And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'
He knew he wasn't God, nor perfect, nor the last to well notice how (his version) the commandments have no homage. You honour existence by not breaking rules. Asking God for forgiveness isn't fixing what you do/did.

No. Your wrong. Jesus knew that the man who called Him Good looked upon Jesus as a fellow man. Jesus was correcting a man who looked upon religious figures/rabbis as being Good, and that when he looked at Jesus did not see the Messiah He saw a teacher a rabbi. Jesus was not denying anything He was establishing that no man was good and no man should be called Good.

seems Jesus said don't fib as well that another would come (John 14) and if you want to get technical: i guess to deny that, and accept preachings over jesus teachings, would be true anti-christ.

Not sure what your getting at here, but i assume your talking about the following:

John 14
15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.

Yes that was the Holy Spirit that came on the Day of Pentecost. I do not deny The Holy Spirit came and has never left us.

as well common sense shares 'why would he be here, and leave, required to 'come back' to finish the job?'

lol common sense is a dangerous thing:

Psalm 94:11
The LORD knows the thoughts of man,That they are futile.

be honest and fair as he did say another is coming.

Of course. :)

Honor Jesus but it is not fair to use him in vain, that's just wrong.

My trust in Him is not vain.

Jesus taught us forgiveness in that to forgive (that meant 'we the people'; mankind) is to not allow anothers 'bad' continue to live in what you do. (turn the other cheek).

Very bad English. But true Christians turn their cheeks and love their enemies. All true followers of the God of Abraham have done so since the time of Jesus till today.

Be honest first, and you don't have to argue that because i am talking to your inner self; you will know, as well you need not prove anything to me. I am a nobody in this context; it is just you and your life; forget me.

You are a fellow human being. Never a nobody. Such a way of looking upon others is uncaring and evil.

life itself, is a holy spirit, don't waste it.

No the Holy Spirit came to them on the day of Pentecost, they had their lives before Pentecost so the Holy Spirit was separate from their spirit.

and 'life' is of the light between all mass: 'light of life'...... and everything is entangled to everything else (we are all of light and of the ONE)

New age philosophy garbage and a pompous pronouncement of a man who thinks he is a god. What vanity.

i keep the commands over the ideas of a belief. Not a one says: "it ok to lie, if you want to be a believer".............nope it don't say that anywhere.

You keep the Commandments do you??? Now you reveal yourself as a clear liar because all fall short of keeping the commandments, And nowhere does my faith tell me it is ok to lie. Sin is sin and should be resisted to our best ability. This lie you say against my faith has been said by many liars and it started early in history.

Romans 3
8 And why not say, “Let us do evil that good may come”?—as we are slanderously reported and as some affirm that we say. Their condemnation is just.

No we do not say sin is ok.

As for the rest of your pompous talk in your letter, i will not be lead by a blind man into a pit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No. Your wrong. Jesus knew that the man who called Him Good looked upon Jesus as a fellow man. Jesus was correcting a man who looked upon religious figures/rabbis as being Good, and that when he looked at Jesus did not see the Messiah He saw a teacher a rabbi. Jesus was not denying anything He was establishing that no man was good and no man should be called Good.
And if no man can be called Good, then definitely no man is or ever was God.

At least you could have finished the truth behind it. (Jesus was not God incarnate and HE knew this)
Not sure what your getting at here, but i assume your talking about the following:
John 14
15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.
Yes that was the Holy Spirit that came on the Day of Pentecost. I do not deny The Holy Spirit came and has never left us.
So instead of just observing what Jesus said, you bring up a religious prophecy fulfillment from Judaism as incorporated into christianity.

Acts 1: 16`Men, brethren, it behoved this Writing that it be fulfilled that beforehand the Holy Spirit spake through the mouth of David, concerning Judas, who became guide to those who took Jesus,

17because he was numbered among us, and did receive the share in this ministration,

Jesus was not of David’s Blood....... nor was he the 'numbered' man. (The 3x6 man)

IT seems you really do not know what Acts was about. Kind of sad
Psalm 94:11

The LORD knows the thoughts of man,That they are futile.
songs of david? These are from well before Jesus was around

Very bad English. But true Christians turn their cheeks and love their enemies. All true followers of the God of Abraham have done so since the time of Jesus till today.
Jesus taught mankind how to Forgive..... not that you can lie and God will forgive you. Nothing un-does a fib.............. look at what your beliefs are doing to you

nothing any teacher ever shared, suggests it is ok to lie......
No the Holy Spirit came to them on the day of Pentecost, they had their lives before Pentecost so the Holy Spirit was separate from their spirit.
First, you really do not comprehend what the pentecost meant

as well..........

Sorry.... all have the light..... within ...... equally.

But liars choose only their game is the right game.... selfish isolation. (normal religious ignorance)

New age philosophy garbage and a pompous pronouncement of a man who thinks he is a god. What vanity.
The ‘light of life’ is older than Rah of Egypt… there is nothing new about it except in today's world we have enough material knowledge to vidicate the old teachers, including Jesus......... but the ignorant are so prideful of lies and beliefs, that they must continue to fib just to exist anymore

Did you know that Moses learned circumcision from the Egyptians?
You keep the Commandments do you???
at least I am not lying about what I believe… as well care more to learn the truth than lie to maintain my own selfish beliefs. It is all your fault I have been reading the last hour for this post; as I am committed to truth, learning and true conveyances.
No we do not say sin is ok.
then don’t lie……….. especially about matters of life and death!

this post was an attack against me, when nothing i EVER suggest takes anything from GOD or Jesus........... it adds to understanding by true commitment to true, God and Jesus, moses, muhammed, confucius... etc etc etc.............

truth NEVER takes away.............. it adds to the LOVE

it is the selfish isolation of corrupt literature that is murdering people....

and you show yourself an example!
And if no man can be called Good, then definitely no man is or ever was God.

At least you could have finished the truth behind it. (Jesus was not God incarnate and HE knew this)

Jesus was not born of man, joseph was not his father. Jesus was a product of the Holy Spirit, therefore He came in a flesh body but was not like men and did not sin.

So instead of just observing what Jesus said, you bring up a religious prophecy fulfillment from Judaism as incorporated into christianity.

Acts 1: 16`Men, brethren, it behoved this Writing that it be fulfilled that beforehand the Holy Spirit spake through the mouth of David, concerning Judas, who became guide to those who took Jesus,

17because he was numbered among us, and did receive the share in this ministration,

Jesus was not of David’s Blood....... nor was he the 'numbered' man. (The 3x6 man)

The Torah is a part of the Bible. It is part of Christianity.

IT seems you really do not know what Acts was about. Kind of sad
songs of david? These are from well before Jesus was around

Yes i know the Spirit in times before Jesus influenced men but only after Jesus did the Spirit Come to dwell in men.

Jesus taught mankind how to Forgive..... not that you can lie and God will forgive you. Nothing un-does a fib.............. look at what your beliefs are doing to you

Ha ha ha All MEN HAVE LIED.. There is None that have gone through life without saying a lie at some time. In your measure of Gods forgiveness you condemn yourself because if you have just lied once then it will not be forgiven you because you have preached that Gods forgiveness does not extend to cover a persons lies.

nothing any teacher ever shared, suggests it is ok to lie......

Agreed. therefore you condemn yourself when you say God will not forgive a lie.

The ‘light of life’ is older than Rah of Egypt… there is nothing new about it except in today's world we have enough material knowledge to vidicate the old teachers, including Jesus......... but the ignorant are so prideful of lies and beliefs, that they must continue to fib just to exist anymore

And prideful and pompous men like yourself fill their own heads with there vain thoughts leading themselves and others to destruction.

Did you know that Moses learned circumcision from the Egyptians?

Moses was directed by God to start circumcision irrespective of what any other culture on earth may or may not have been doing at the time.

at least I am not lying about what I believe… as well care more to learn the truth than lie to maintain my own selfish beliefs. It is all your fault I have been reading the last hour for this post; as I am committed to truth, learning and true conveyances.

I don’t care if you are lieing or not about what you believe. Yeah so you believe in lies , So what? You are committed to your own thoughts of what truth is, you are committed to what sounds good to you. And in being so committed you are committed to your own destruction.

this post was an attack against me, when nothing i EVER suggest takes anything from GOD or Jesus........... it adds to understanding by true commitment to true, God and Jesus, moses, muhammed, confucius... etc etc etc.............

truth NEVER takes away.............. it adds to the LOVE

it is the selfish isolation of corrupt literature that is murdering people....

and you show yourself an example!

I have murdered no one and Jesus did not murder anyone. Buy the degenerate bloodthirsty killer muhammed who you claim to be a true did have a hand in many peoples deaths. It goes to show just how lacking you are in understanding forgiveness when you lift up muhammed and put him next to Jesus.

What a despicable accursed man is muhammed and how degenerate are those who lift him up as a prophet.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus was not born of man, joseph was not his father. Jesus was a product of the Holy Spirit, therefore He came in a flesh body but was not like men and did not sin.
so Jesus was not of davids blood line........

The Torah is a part of the Bible. It is part of Christianity.
the changes are huuuuuuuuuge but apparently you are unaware

ever notice how many different versions of the bible there are....

Yes i know the Spirit in times before Jesus influenced men but only after Jesus did the Spirit Come to dwell in men.

Ha ha ha All MEN HAVE LIED.. There is None that have gone through life without saying a lie at some time. In your measure of Gods forgiveness you condemn yourself because if you have just lied once then it will not be forgiven you because you have preached that Gods forgiveness does not extend to cover a persons lies.

Agreed. therefore you condemn yourself when you say God will not forgive a lie.

And prideful and pompous men like yourself fill their own heads with there vain thoughts leading themselves and others to destruction.

Moses was directed by God to start circumcision irrespective of what any other culture on earth may or may not have been doing at the time.

I don’t care if you are lieing or not about what you believe. Yeah so you believe in lies , So what? You are committed to your own thoughts of what truth is, you are committed to what sounds good to you. And in being so committed you are committed to your own destruction.

I have murdered no one and Jesus did not murder anyone. Buy the degenerate bloodthirsty killer muhammed who you claim to be a true did have a hand in many peoples deaths. It goes to show just how lacking you are in understanding forgiveness when you lift up muhammed and put him next to Jesus.
you must be a real young one

Jesus and muhammed never wrote a word. Both were dead before a word was written. Both have their names dragged thru the mud by people just like you and neither deserve it

and it is all because the people around you, lied 'to you'

not much more i wish to say because responsibility was not taught 'to you'

meaning you care not to observe or pursue facts without accepting anothers bias

when you realize just how foolish you have been, you will feel just like i did when i realized it, too................. it's gonna hurt so don't be mad at anyone but yourself.
when you realize just how foolish you have been, you will feel just like i did when i realized it, too................. it's gonna hurt so don't be mad at anyone but yourself.

What prattle you go on with. If i was wrong on God and was shown the right way i would be full of joy not mad with myself. Only a self centred and pround person would be hurt that their opinion of truth was proven wrong to them.

And as for the fool tag

Matthew 5:
22 But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. And whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days